60 and Over

60 & over
11870 4 Reviews 946 reads

Truthfully me it depends on the relationship you want.  If a service provider, who cares.  If more serious, general rule is half your age plus ten is considered the youngest and not being too many generations apart.

Good luck.


is 65 (male) too old for a 40 year old female( not a provider)?
 Long time ago I was her boss, but haven't been for many years. She is just getting divorced ( 2nd time) I knew both husbands and they were real jerks.  She and I have always maintained a very good friends relationship.  
Opinions from the men and ladies both welcome.

Truthfully me it depends on the relationship you want.  If a service provider, who cares.  If more serious, general rule is half your age plus ten is considered the youngest and not being too many generations apart.

Good luck.


Look at Hugh Hefner, dating 20 year olds, and on the young side of 20.  Thats a bit weird, but who cares what other people think.

I personally don't think 45 is too young for a 65 year old at all.  Men also get away with being much older and being with younger women.  Trophy wives are not uncommon.

ATLDAWG631 reads

I would say hook up with her ......get some free pussy if offered ......but don't get too involved....she is a two time loser (2 divorces-you don't need to become #3) and while at 65/40 that isn't too bad...consider what 75/50   or 80/55 might be like..........!!!  

Posted By: voyager-43
is 65 (male) too old for a 40 year old female( not a provider)?  
  Long time ago I was her boss, but haven't been for many years. She is just getting divorced ( 2nd time) I knew both husbands and they were real jerks.  She and I have always maintained a very good friends relationship.  
 Opinions from the men and ladies both welcome.

I am 75 and happily married to someone 15 years younger, but for years --during a really rough time in my marriage-- I was deeply involved with a lady 25 years younger and would gladly have married her and she me except that in the end I decided to try and work on my marriage.  To this day, if I were single we would get together and get married.  
I work with a lady in her mid 30s and we are friends, we go out to s dinner together and if I were single  and not her boss, who knows?.  
The only worry is the future: I'm 75 and my former girl friend is 50 and we would be fine, but how about if I live to be 95 and she would be a mere 70?
I can't live my life on this kinds of calculation. I have money for retirement otherwise I would be nuts, but to worry about being to old for a 70 year old 20 years from now and thus deny us happiness for the next 10 or 15 years is just silly.
(Incidentally, the formula is actually 1/2 your age plus 7. The only problem is you would have to change mates every few years to keep up.)

2good493 reads

half your age plus 7 years is the ideal spread between men and women.  However I think it is on a case by case basis.

why is this the ideal spread?   I like the math. It makes us ideal for each other.  I happen to think we are ideal for each other in many ways.  
Although, as some have mentioned I worry about 5 years, 10 years, maybe 15 years down the road.  I would not want her to to be a very vibrant 50 or 55 with a not so vibrant 75 or 80 year old

I really like your attitude.  I especially appreciate your comment about not worrying ... and denying us happiness for the next 10 or 15 years.  
I would love to make her happy for 1 year, 5 years, 10 years, whatever.  I don't know what my expiration date is, haven't found it yet.  I'm not happy currently in the place I am and I know for a fact she wants to find a man that is going to make her happy

Let's see, 1/10 my age plus 16 is 22.9.  My current two SBs are both 19.  Oops, looks like they are too young for me.  Guess if I'm gonna stop playing with them.  Actually I think the greater the age difference the more exciting it is.

It protects little girls from overzealous teenage boys. Suppose he's just 14 – it puts her at no younger than him.  

It keeps college men from dipping down too many grades at the local high school. If he's 20, she had better be a high-school senior (age 17).

I think it works well for most young-adult and even middle-age arrangements. These couplings travel well into old age. Do the math and convince yourself.  

Now consider folks who meet when older. Any woman at, say, age 47 who considers marrying a guy of 80 would know what she's getting into. She can and probably would say 'no'.

An interesting sidebar:
When I was 26, I served as godfather to my Best Man's first-born baby girl. Recently, I turned 66 when that girl turned a very sexy woman of 40. Yes, she was then half my age plus 7 years. We met up at a family New Year's Eve party where, to my complete surprise, wearing the outfit of my fetishistic dreams, she informed me that she had just been divorced. I did the arithmetic while watching her in that outfit dance with young guys. Most of you mongers on here can imagine the thoughts that ran through this dirty-old-man's head on that night.

But nothing happened. Nor will it. The point is that a 'hands off' young lady does eventually pop into the availability range of an older guy

the perfect combination..

Thanks everyone that replied.  I am very encouraged by the things that have been said here. I didn't know what to expect except that I thought I would find the most open minded people here

2horses2many491 reads

Reality dictates that she's 40 YO and plenty of energy and she's in her prime and divorce twice, that gives you a pause.. Why would she fucks an old man like you if she's been thru 2 jerks.. She most likely find someone younger to play with and has a bit control herself, unlike another old guy like you probably can't provide her desires and needs.. just saying.. your too old for her....

She seems to pick the "wrong" guys. You say her ex's were jerks, ok. Maybe she has some self esteem or "daddy"  issues that she picks losers. Can you be the third? I dunno..Are you trying to save her, playing the White knight ? Again I dunno...But is she hot?...If she is then just enjoy her company and fuck her like a pro...lol

-- Modified on 8/24/2016 9:36:24 PM

Not trying to save her. I don't think.  
She is hotter than Hell.

It's up to her to decide what's too old for her. Your decision is whether she's too young for you. Keep in mind you may get some negative feedback from friends and family. It might be worth it though.

The question comes down to long range finances.  Set her up with a large non-revocable trust and protect all your other assets from her and make someone else (family, lawyer) trustee and eventual conservator.  Then you can happily live together for as long as it last.  But both pools of money had better be substantial.

many guys in their 60's who are physically fit and relatively (for the age) in shape. But, there are also guys I know that are in their 40's and 50's who are way overweight.

If you are physically fit, then go for it. If things get serious, get a prenup based on her divorce history.

Somedudesjunk397 reads

After trying to crash their planes into a ship. So there is a chance. Unlikely, but a chance. It seems your thought process is that after two jerks is she is so emotionally down that turning to a much older "friend" would be seen as a rational alternative. Well good luck with that unless your wallet is fat.

Let's turn the question around. Would you want to bang a 90 year old woman? Same equation.

The reality is unless you are wealthy or in near perfect physical shape you are too old. Your competition will be from age 35-55. Ready to suit up and play in that game?

The odds are you will make a fool of yourself, lose a friend and any former co workers will quickly hear how creepy John, my old boss, hit on her.

Don't believe the hookers here. They all love their bald, fat and old clients. It's good business otherwise they would starve. Other sites where they let their true feelings out are quite enlightening.

Posted By: voyager-43
is 65 (male) too old for a 40 year old female( not a provider)?  
  Long time ago I was her boss, but haven't been for many years. She is just getting divorced ( 2nd time) I knew both husbands and they were real jerks.  She and I have always maintained a very good friends relationship.  
 Opinions from the men and ladies both welcome.

Age is just a number!!  Someone close to me lost his wife when he was around 70...(she was 66).  He spent the last several years of her life playing nurse to her.  He subsequently married a woman 7 years older than him.  She is now in her mid 90's and he in his late 80's.  They frequently go on cruises, have traveled extensively all over the world, and are very happy and active.

What is important here is that they truly love and care for each other and it shows.  I have never seen him so happy!  He was older and more tired looking when married to a younger woman.  If you 2 care for each other...go for it!

Maybe not today but in 8 years you're going to be 73 and she'll be 48.
Think you can depend on a woman who picked two "jerks" to be considerate in your waning years?
Just date her if you want to but whatever you do don't get into a commitment.

It depends on the lady and her preferences, as well as the male. I prefer older men, much older, and of course that is just me. Some women prefer it. Some do not care. And others prefer men their age. Then there are the cougars of course:-)

Posted By: voyager-43
is 65 (male) too old for a 40 year old female( not a provider)?  
  Long time ago I was her boss, but haven't been for many years. She is just getting divorced ( 2nd time) I knew both husbands and they were real jerks.  She and I have always maintained a very good friends relationship.  
 Opinions from the men and ladies both welcome.

... if there is genuine chemistry don't let the age gap stop you.

-- Modified on 9/4/2016 9:39:02 PM

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