60 and Over

+1, (eom)
hiddenhills 143 Reviews 674 reads

Posted By: Senator.Blutarsky

TitBull2604 reads

First of all, I am using my alias for this post because I am absolutely embarrassed by my situation and feel like a disgrace to the" hobby" community.  

Anyway, here is my situation.  I am in my low to mid 60s and have been playing this game for a little over 3 years.  Previously, during my hour sessions I was able to get off a couple of times, quite often with no problem.  Now I can get off one time and definitely have trouble getting 2 pops in the hour session.  I also have a problem in that I usually get off very easily, within 5-10 minutes.  To try and help with this issue I usually wack off the night before or the morning of the session to see if it helps me hold off a little bit longer.  Usually this works to make me last a little longer.  When I do this I definitely have trouble getting off or sometimes even getting it up for a second time.

So I finally went with an alternate plan.  I did not do any solo sessions for one week before my last provider experience.  I thought that this would help me to be able to get off a couple of times in the session.  Even this did not work. Also the lady I was with was absolutely beautiful and get a combined rating of close to nine.  She was one of the most beautiful and friendly ladies I have ever spent time with in my life.  She did her best to get me up and going but could not get me all the way there.  The problem is not with the ladies that I am with, they are all really hot and very friendly with good ratings, it is all my problem.  

I know that a lot of guys cannot get off twice in an hour session but It kills me to spend $300-400 for an hour session and have less than 15 minutes of sex.  Don't get me wrong, I like the conversation and the making out and the stimulation on the part of the provider.  I am thinking that I just have to find providers with good ratings who do half hour sessions.  I know they are out there because I have been with them before but I would prefer the hour sessions with with 2 pops if at all possible.  

Does anyone have any advice for me to help me with my issue?  Also, I would prefer not to go the Viagra rout since I am on other medications and I have heard of the side effects of this drug.  

Thank you in advance for any help you may be able to give me.

I always go with a minimum of two hours and even then it is a fifty-fifty proposition, and I am in very good health.  I'm about your age.

Here are some suggestions:

First, stick with foreplay for the first 30-40 minutes before going to intercourse. You can massage each other, fondle, hug, kiss, take a shower or bubble bath together, etc.

Another tact is to try and avoid coming too quickly.  Towards that end, experiment at home with masturbating until just before you get to the point on no return, then stop, let your erection subside, then start over again. Repeat this for as many cycles as you can.  This is a way to learn the signs your body gives you so that you can back off in time in the field, so to speak, and learn how to last.

Finally, be sure that your health and nutrition is up to snuff.  Drink lots of water and try things like goji berries and plenty of fruits and vegetables in your diet.  They really help.

One problem with 1/2 session is that you will find that many high quality providers will not go for them, so you'll be cutting down your selection significantly.

I hope this helps.

WTF is this, seems to me you're so fucking worried about the financial side of hobbying instead of the goodtimes, experiences, adventures and pleasures with the ladies, your excuse is. You want to pop as much as you can with your dough like you are in a fucking buffet, eat all you can eat. Got no advised for you my man, just admiration...

-Well, first of all you claim you are 60+ and want to have a multiples, every fucking time, that's fucking awesome, aren't we all, but for me and majority of my friends over 65+++ when we reached that aged, most are one trick pony and once in a blue moon with the help of an amazing patient experience hot lady can get us an MSOG and we"ll be high stepping for a fucking long while.

-Maybe, you don't know the meaning of foreplay, it has not gone out style yet, still the most important things that someone has to do with each other to prime the moments, in order to achieved the most blessed O, and some of us might take over an hour, unless you've forgotten how to do it. fuck love that shit, lol

-Here is an input: Go to street corner where the SW's hangout, get you a BJ,HJ and for extra 20 let her bend over and pop your multiples, ask her friend to joint another 40, after go to strip club, get in VIP room throw in extra 50-100 gets you another BJ. then stop by MP relax throw 100+house money gets you another happy ending, that will get you, your monies worth. and still plenty extra for a porn peep show to watch bunch of porn and maybe can get the guy next to you extra 20 and jack you off....


Posted By: TitBull
First of all, I am using my alias for this post because I am absolutely embarrassed by my situation and feel like a disgrace to the" hobby" community.  
 Anyway, here is my situation.  I am in my low to mid 60s and have been playing this game for a little over 3 years.  Previously, during my hour sessions I was able to get off a couple of times, quite often with no problem.  Now I can get off one time and definitely have trouble getting 2 pops in the hour session.  I also have a problem in that I usually get off very easily, within 5-10 minutes.  To try and help with this issue I usually wack off the night before or the morning of the session to see if it helps me hold off a little bit longer.  Usually this works to make me last a little longer.  When I do this I definitely have trouble getting off or sometimes even getting it up for a second time.  
 So I finally went with an alternate plan.  I did not do any solo sessions for one week before my last provider experience.  I thought that this would help me to be able to get off a couple of times in the session.  Even this did not work. Also the lady I was with was absolutely beautiful and get a combined rating of close to nine.  She was one of the most beautiful and friendly ladies I have ever spent time with in my life.  She did her best to get me up and going but could not get me all the way there.  The problem is not with the ladies that I am with, they are all really hot and very friendly with good ratings, it is all my problem.  
 I know that a lot of guys cannot get off twice in an hour session but It kills me to spend $300-400 for an hour session and have less than 15 minutes of sex.  Don't get me wrong, I like the conversation and the making out and the stimulation on the part of the provider.  I am thinking that I just have to find providers with good ratings who do half hour sessions.  I know they are out there because I have been with them before but I would prefer the hour sessions with with 2 pops if at all possible.  
 Does anyone have any advice for me to help me with my issue?  Also, I would prefer not to go the Viagra rout since I am on other medications and I have heard of the side effects of this drug.  
 Thank you in advance for any help you may be able to give me.  

Oh for the days when I could come thrice in an hour. Now I'm almost always stuck with one per session but I still thoroughly enjoy 1 1/2 and two hour dates. As MistahFisha notes there are lots of ways to enjoy one's fellow rocketeer before the actual blastoff. Word of caution:  I once bent my johnson in a bad way when I got greedy in a long session and my energizer bunny date was intent on granting my wish. Watch out for those wish fairies!

Hey titbull, just be glad you can still get it up at all. I started this hobby when I was 69, I could still get off a couple pops in a hour (sometimes.) Now I'm 74 and would be really happy if I could consistently get off once in an hour. More times than not I don't get to pop at all. I still enjoy the BJ's and the foreplay as much as always. I will continue to see the ladies as long as they will see me.  I think they like us old guy's, a real easy hour for them. Plus we treat them nice.

TitBull1004 reads

First of all thank you to everyone for their replies, I really appreciate it!

Something else that I thought of is that now that I have been doing this for over 3 years, maybe the big thrill of doing this is kind of wearing off.  I am doing this every couple of weeks and sometimes once a week depending on my out of town business travel schedule where I do most of my play.  It may also help if I were to cut back on frequency and do this in conjunction with the longer, extended time dates. However, I do have some  serious financial restrictions since I am one of those guys who has everything in joint accounts and cannot just make any type of large withdrawals without creating big time suspicion.  Not a matter of having the money, just can't get to it easily.  I sincerely feel fortunate to be able to even do this at all.  I am in absolute awe of the beautiful, friendly ladies that I am able to spend time with. Sometimes I have no idea how they can even bring themselves to be able to be with us old guys. But then I think, oh yea, the money is really good for them and as was mentioned a relatively easy time for them.

I just don't understand why you are so focused on multiple shots.  It's been a long time since i could do that.  Sometimes these days, especially after fucking for nearly an hour, even one shot is impossible.  But don't worry about it dude!  I sure don't.  I just enjoy the company of the lovely angels I meet.

exit9708 reads

Agree.. I had to accept that I had gone from a multiple shot guy to a one shot guy.. I was thrilled to get 2 pops in a 90 minute session unexpectedly a few weeks ago.. but then the next time it was back to normal.. That still doesn't lessen the fun .. although I have a 3 hour session scheduled in July.. and I do have my hopes up.. so the anticipation is also part of the fun..

The problem is getting a sexy gal to do a slow build up so the pop is twards the end of the hour...

This is what I counsel MY guys when they are so worried about round two.  Or even round one.  Take a deep breath and think about how GOOD it all feels.  Or how good SHE feels.  Maybe, just maybe if you thought a little bit more about pleasing your partner that would help too.  This isn't just about the money for me and I know that's true for most of us. Believe it or not!

That's the problem with that word HOBBY.  How about we remember it's not just fucking to have an orgasm......but concentrate on experiencing all the excitement of the present moment.

Once you stop worrying about getting to the end,  you'll have a lot more fun along the way.

Just my two cents!


WICardinalfan874 reads

I agree completely.......it is like Thanksgiving Day.  It takes maybe 15 min or so to consume the turkey.....longer if you eat slow, but that is not what Thanksgiving day is all about.  

Thanksgiving day is about football, the smell in the kitchen, having some libations, kicking back, and finally enjoying the meal.

A hobby date can be viewed the same way, a cornucopia of sensations.  

The visual sensation of seeing her for the first time....as she disrobes.....her look as you pleasure her body......

The smell.....of her perfume......of her skin.......

The taste.....of her lips (both places lol).

The touch....her hands and lips on your body....yours on hers......and satisfying that primal urge just below hunger on the survival scale......

It is the journey.....

Just curious. Are you a healthy weight? Do you eat healthy food? Exercise regularly? Obviously all those things help. I've recently started exercising daily and losing weight in an attempt to help my issue. Still too soon to tell.  I've lost 14 pounds so far and walk 30 minutes a night. Good luck.

your weight loss. Something to do with affecting how and where your system diverts the fuel you just consumed.

Wish I could but I'm at work all day M-F.  If I went for a 30 minute walk after breakfast and lunch there I'd be soaked in sweat when I got back to my desk!

The journey becomes the focus instead of climax

The past six months I've gone for a 90 minute walk at some point during every day.  Eating much healthier, drinking plenty of water and doing some light weight lifting, push-ups and lots of stretching.  Granted I'm retired and I have time to do this, but it has paid off with fantastic results.  I've lost 30+ pounds and not only am I in a much randier state but my erections are much better.  Until I underwent this excercises regimine I hadn't been able to pop twice in an hour for about three years.  Now I can accomplish this again if I'm with a good provider, a little dirty talk on the second pop really helps.  First pop is no problem, second pop is now at least in the realm of possibility.  I'm completely convinced that losing weight and getting healthier has resulted in a major increase in my sexual desire and ability to perform.

I have to admit my sex life has been a prime motivator for me to get into better physical shape.  So far so good.....

I've got a July trip to Las Vegas and I'm REALLy looking forward to it.  I have a great redhead and brunette already booked, now I just need to find a busty mature blond and I'll be in seventh heaven.

For me, at least, the sacrifice and discipline have really paid off.  Hope this post helps out others that have had experiences....

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