60 and Over

+1 eom
Shaft1 129 Reviews 2330 reads
1 / 33

While technically, i'm not quite at the 60 and over age yet, still in the 50ish range, however, I do very much appreciate this forum more than any of the others.  It seems to be one of the few places where you can express your true feelings about what you like and make request without being raked over the coals.  Some of the other forums and boards have gotten so vicious, until no wonder people use aliases just to avoid being under attack.  While I don't necessarily agree with every topic nor do I have the same taste and desire as some others may have, I do agree with their freedom to express it without being ripped apart and belittled. Please keep up the good work and maturity in how accepting you are.  I love this forum.  


mrfisher 108 Reviews 513 reads
2 / 33

It can be amusing up to a point to see riots break out on the other boards, but after a while it becomes tedious.  

Here you can always find good spirits.

emorf4077 65 Reviews 427 reads
3 / 33
Lady_Rose See my TER Reviews 476 reads
4 / 33

It really amazes me how cruel some of the posters can be, hiding behind a keyboard....

Debra_Hollander See my TER Reviews 595 reads
5 / 33

So wonderful that you mentioned it!  While I freely admit that I've made my share of mocking & even biting remarks, the level of nastiness on other forums here can be off-putting, to say the least.  

I'm very pleased that many of the more abrasive folks feel this board isn't entertaining enough for them..... and I sincerely hope it stays that way.  ;-)  

Thank you to all the wonderful ladies and gentlemen who contribute to making this little corner of our community a good place to hang.  :-)


-- Modified on 12/20/2015 12:42:37 AM

dodge55 192 Reviews 424 reads
6 / 33

As I've entered my "golden years", I have found much good advice from this board. It's nice to be able to have open discussions without the meanness that seems to infect the other venues.  Thanks everyone!

-- Modified on 12/20/2015 5:04:05 AM

macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 418 reads
7 / 33

Civility rules here..

Autumn Breeze See my TER Reviews 392 reads
8 / 33


OnlyLiveTwice 25 Reviews 467 reads
9 / 33

it's fun going to the GD board once in a while and jump into the bar fight...

By the way, most of the local boards are not much more than short-range ISOs, with the notable exception of the Boston board (my favorite along with the Over 60).

1705218 10 Reviews 426 reads
10 / 33

Some time ago, prolific character who infests the General board spent a few days here trying to tell us what we were doing wrong. He was treated civily and left probably thinking we were beyond help.
Viva Over 60!!!

josulli 15 Reviews 440 reads
11 / 33

I have not posted from time to time on other Boards because it will be a certainty that some troll will feel it is OK to turn the point of the post around and to focus some sort of criticism on the OP ..
I have never understood that about on line forums.. Makes zero sense..

noagenosage 463 reads
12 / 33

Here's a great poem, in its entirety, by William Butler Yeats, "The Coming of Wisdom with Time"

THOUGH leaves are many, the root is one;  
Through all the lying days of my youth  
I swayed my leaves and flowers in the sun;  
Now I may wither into the truth.

Too bad we can't have both youth and wisdom at the same time, but it doesn't happen often.

HaleyOrlando See my TER Reviews 513 reads
13 / 33

Many took it as a joke and wondered why TER bothered. It became very apparent in a short time there was a need for this board and that there were many interested in joining in. There really isn't a required age to be here just the concept of being respectful with helpful a plus. I don't post here as often as I use to but each time I stop by there's always lots of interesting subjects that pertain to many of my friends.

Kisses Haley

keystonekid 114 Reviews 362 reads
14 / 33
sweetman 93 Reviews 409 reads
15 / 33

When I started posting on the boards here I went directly to the GD board.  It was dreadful.  I still cannot understand why people enjoy being mean to one another.  This board is supporter, informative, and fun.  And I think the general level of sexual knowledge and experience here is far greater than any other board I've seen.

Max101 8 Reviews 419 reads
16 / 33

Posted By: Shaft1
While technically, i'm not quite at the 60 and over age yet, still in the 50ish range, however, I do very much appreciate this forum more than any of the others.  It seems to be one of the few places where you can express your true feelings about what you like and make request without being raked over the coals.  Some of the other forums and boards have gotten so vicious, until no wonder people use aliases just to avoid being under attack.  While I don't necessarily agree with every topic nor do I have the same taste and desire as some others may have, I do agree with their freedom to express it without being ripped apart and belittled. Please keep up the good work and maturity in how accepting you are.  I love this forum.    
I don't visit TER as often as I should.  Over 60 us the first place I visit.  We're all there or are approaching sextugenarianism -- isn't it cool that the prefix for "60" is "sex"????

There's no need to BS each other.  We all have the same problems; we all have the same medical and biological clock issues.    When you think about it, this is the only board where everyone -- male or female -- has the same thing in common:  our ages.  

It's much more satisfying helping each other prolong the gift of sex between consenting adults for as long as all of us are physically able.

keystonekid 114 Reviews 396 reads
18 / 33

other times I'm more interested in exchanging barbs (general board).

JackDunphy 471 reads
19 / 33

Btw, when is nap time over here? LOL

Happy Holidays to all, both young and old!

USGrantlover 220 Reviews 465 reads
20 / 33

Fuck off will you?  That said, being 55 you won't catch me here in 2020. Fuck, this whole "world" especially the GD is boring as hell. TER must be pleased.

-- Modified on 12/22/2015 4:04:32 PM

USGrantlover 220 Reviews 435 reads
21 / 33

It's ok when you lob a few grenades but others not so much? How's THAT work??

JackDunphy 408 reads
22 / 33

It makes perfect sense for a gal like DebbieDownerGirl to make HER "mocking and biting" comments, but no one else can.

The "do as I say, not as I do" crowd.

You know the type.

Debra_Hollander See my TER Reviews 421 reads
23 / 33

I never said it wasn't ok.....free speech and all that. LOL

But when I read some of the outright viciousness between others, it is off-putting and that's all I was saying.

Why oh why are some determined to take my words in a way they weren't intended

TrulyMsMocha See my TER Reviews 378 reads
25 / 33

Posted By: ladyrose317537
It really amazes me how cruel some of the posters can be, hiding behind a keyboard....

mattradd 40 Reviews 372 reads
27 / 33

But, I agree with you. I can't remember when I've visited the general board.

USGrantlover 220 Reviews 395 reads
28 / 33

Stay away from me and Jack. We go waaaaay back. And don't worry. Maybe someday you can see a few of the ladies I'm lucky to see. Don't be jeaolous just because you're an old fart hanging out here on the 60+ board with all your "class." Have a great Christmas!
PS-did you REALLY give that one gal in Central Fla an 8/9? Seriously? THAT'S embarrassing. But she IS about your age so I guess it worked?  

-- Modified on 12/23/2015 7:00:16 PM

-- Modified on 12/23/2015 7:01:17 PM

GGxo See my TER Reviews 434 reads
29 / 33

some of my most memorable and wonderful encounters are with men in their late 50's, 60's and early 70's. Something about the way they treat women is undeniably pretty special and incomparable.

Graciously yours,  
Gia xo

Alyssa Marie See my TER Reviews 367 reads
30 / 33

the people who mocked this board are surely still stuck in that mentality and thinking their thoughts are truth.  

many boards dont exist without drama and back and forth banter, but i believe both of those things can happen in civil ways. ways that dont make us who prefer to have less of it cringe wondering what on earth we are reading.  

1705218 10 Reviews 350 reads
31 / 33

My problem is that all that Wisdom in my brain doesn't leave room for memory :(

Jillian Roberts See my TER Reviews 341 reads
32 / 33
12pointbuck75 18 Reviews 360 reads
33 / 33

You didn't say anything bad.   And if they do come after you i'll cover you up where they can't get you .   You pretty girl.   Lol.

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