TER General Board

Re:Now I know where the song came from... "I'm too sexy for my shirt"
bank2 1730 reads

Either you or his daddy is teaching him well. At least he didn't say you looked small.
My daughter always wants to squeeze my wife's is she going to be a lesbo.  hmmmmmm.

Attended a summer planning meeting.  Wore a conservative shirt from Nordstroms with nice black slacks.  No cleavage of couse.  

After the meeting I get from my son "Mom, are you wearing a bra"?  "Mom, your breasts look kinda big in that shirt".  What's a girl to do :P

They do come up with the funniest lines. A comedian's treasure.

Yes, I had to explain to him that women wear flesh colored bra's under white LOL  

thebadboy3595 reads

Misty it's tough being a good looking woman! lol  I believe I remember a certain white blouse that you make look outstanding myself!hehe  Sounds like your son is becoming an observant young man.

bank21731 reads

Either you or his daddy is teaching him well. At least he didn't say you looked small.
My daughter always wants to squeeze my wife's is she going to be a lesbo.  hmmmmmm.

I'd rather have a boy than a girl anyday.  LOL  

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