Washington DC

A rant on Aluara Manningsad_smile
shingga 1 Reviews 3284 reads

Hi Guys. I just want to vent a little. Made an appointment with Miss Manning arrive at her incall. Call to let her know i was there and on time. She acted surprised and said she had to run out for condoms and asked if i could wait 20min i said sure i always have a book with me.lol She calls back a few minutes later and says to come on up she'll go to the store later.I go to the room knock no answer i hear someone behind the door i knock again still no answer then i hear the safety arm slowly being shut. I laugh to myself and leave. If you haven't guessed by now i'm a person of color. I honestly don't care that she doesn't want to see people of color she should place that in her ad.I'm disappointed because my time is valuable also.She could have said that she has preferences when we talked on the phone. I'm a clean cut guy not the thug type I'm kind of a dork. This is not to start a boycott or negative feedback but to let any other person of color or conscience not to waste your time or money. Her loss as i had a nice gift and extra $ in the card. I like to make new friends and if it's good become more of a regular thing. I deal with this everyday but didn't expect it from a provider. Is this 2007? Sorry to take up your time. Tanks for letting me blow off some steam.    

-- Modified on 9/20/2007 6:22:20 PM

The Antagonist2755 reads

And it is a shame they have such a hard time posting their choices. When they do, they are looked down on as many think a provider should see anyone with money. But those such as yourself, and there are many, all that's needed is simple, they can choose to see whoever they want, and if they don't want to see someone of color, they should post it on their ad or have it as part of a screening process or form.

You have saved others such as yourself from wasting their time as you did, and they thank you.

There was a wonderful article about 20 years back about the 'Basic Principles of Human Stupidity." It categorized people into 4 quadrants: On the X-axis, whether their action helped themselves or hurt themselves, and on the y-axis whther their actions helped others or hurt others. The stupid were in the hurt-hurt quadrant. This lady deprived you of your valuable time and herself of time she could have spent with guys she would see, all because she wouldn't be up front about her restrictions. She is stupid.

E-Floozy1770 reads

I hope you don't mind me chiming in with my opinion about what may be going on here. This may have Nothing to do with Only skin color, so Please read on: Very Beautiful & Very Young Girls can be Fickle & Ultra Selective. She may look thru the peep hole and also Reject: Fat, Bald White Men, Old Grizzled Men, Short Frail Measly Men, etc, selecting only those that "Appeal" to her. It may have nothing to do with "Color", but more to do with personal Preferances. My suggestion when attempting a date with someone like her is to "Dress for Success" and wear your best CEO executive looking suit & shoes, fresh haircut, and a bouquet of roses in hand. Project the image that will make her open the door, no matter what your skin color!

...the sad thing, though, is that the following could still happen:

In response to E-Floozy.. if shes going to act like that maybe she should go work at Safeway then.  Becuase she must make no money anyways if shes turning poeple away at the door for not liking their attire etc.  I hope shes not that way but who knows, I just cant imagine a lady turning guys away becuase she doesnt like their look..personality or bad hygiene yes I can see that.

  A guy should be able to see a lady dressed however.  If he wants to wear a suit, or track suit, or camo pants or shorts then so be it.  I mean if he has to go thru all of that, including buying her roses, a box of chocs to pass her test..its just ridiculous.  What I am trying to say..is that once the guy has passed the "screening" that should be it.  It just seems an awful much to get a fresh haircut..and wear your best suit for an appt..in hopes she wont turn away?

Most all my clients look fine, and are presentable for me.  As long as they dont show up strapped for war then they are ok in my book..and they are coming into my room! ;)  It simply is unaccetable for a guy to pass screening then go to the door to have the girl shut it on him...I know we hjave the right to choose..but maybe shes in the wrong business?

-- Modified on 9/25/2007 4:01:04 PM

moethebully2759 reads

Shingga you have the right attitude.  Providers who do not want to see people of certain race or ethnicity should publicly state that in their ad (or whatever medium) so as to not waste anyone's time.  Unfortunately when this happens, the provider will be flamed all over the place and be called racist, bigot, etc.  Just because a girl doesn't want to get intimate with everyone doesn't make her a bad person, but those who feel left out will whine and play the race card and cast themselves as victims.  Obviously from your post this is not your spin on it so I pat you on the back for not reacting ala Sharpton/Jackson.
BTW I do think this provider is an ass for wasting both your time and hers by not being up front about her limitations.  I'm sure the community thanks you for this info.

-- Modified on 9/20/2007 7:59:38 PM

As hobbyists, we should go out of our way to encourage the providers to be honest and upfront about their preferences.  They are naturally a bit fearful about being called discriminatory, but if we support them in forums like this, maybe they will be bolder about it.  

Honesty on this can only help everyone.

For example:  
(personal disclaimer) I have met many good and decent redheads - ladies whom I respect as persons, but I don't date them because I (personally) find red hair to be a turnoff.  This is not a problem since many others find red hair to be exciting..

Not always about race or race card.  many yrs ago I stated it was the same as if a lady said she would not see fat guys and those defending her said it was no big deal.  Funny thing was a while back a lady DID say something to that effect (a guys waist size) and got flamed by the some of the same people who said it was ok for a lady not to want to see someone of another race.  In that case THEY were now left out but it was ok for them to say she was wrong.  So it is a matter of perspective if you're the one left out, it is then wrong.  In my view it's the same thing.

....that yes, it's 2007, and this type of bull exists in this business too.

Sorry to hear you had to go through that, and for what it's worth, you've just saved a number of other gents from wasting their time and money.

Sadly, hindsight is 20/20, so what does one do moving forward?  Since there are (a rather shocking number of) ladies out there who won't see men of color.....including (an equally shocking number of) women of color.....and most of these ladies won't advertise it upfront, you may want to  be the one who volunteers your race/ethnicity during your initial communications.  This gives that one additional opportunity to know if she'll fuck you....or not!  

Yeah, sucks, but you know how it is:  we were given this world, we didn't make it...

I wasn't raised to be like this but I have a prejudice I just can't seem to shake no matter how hard I try.. I know its not right to be prejudiced but I just plain simply like chocolate better than vanilla and I have a preference my ladies are caramel or darker..

While I prefer the latina or ebony ladies, I won't discriminate. In the dark, they are all the same color!

I'm sure you've thought of this already, but perhaps mentioning your ethnicity explicitly beforehand and asking straight-out about her preferences would save time and grief.

You should not have to do this, and I understand the resentment that needing to ask must stir up in your gut.

Providers do have a responsibility to state their un-preferences, but are usually too shy.  They can do it politely:

"Sorry gentlemen, but for personal reasons, I must respectfully decline appointments from (African- American/White/under 35/over 50/etc..) gentlemen."

SenatorCock1851 reads

On behalf of White America, let me apologize. Ignorance is a wonderful thing except when it hurts others, which it clearly did in this case. She's an 18-year-old moron who probably has met fewer than 10 African-Americans in her entire life, and maybe is basing her exposure to minorities on past episodes of "Sanford and Son," for all we know. I loved the fact you had an extra c-note for her ready, if she had only opened the door. I have no solutions for you, my friend, except to hope and pray that this country's racial divides get narrowed over time.

We as hobbyist have the opportunity to see photos of providers and read reviews before making the appointment. I must agree that provider should have a short line on their web site under services of who they do or don't want to see. I,m over 50 and there are provider who don't like older gray guys. So I think there would be a great deal of support for providers to list their preferences.

Ana Lee3536 reads

..to the extent where she'll have to see African-American men (or whomever she doesn't want to see).

I've even heard that more men go to see the women (bold enough to advertise they don't see non-caucasian men).

The woman you unfortunately didn't meet should have been courteous enough to explain the situation to you (but she probably thought you'd get LOUD & OBNOXIOUS like ALL African-Americans, LOL!!).

You need to research the escort(s) you want to see. PM a couple of her reviewers(check to see if any are black).

Like the previous poster stated, tell them you are AA. Most people can not tell over the phone especially if you are educated and aren't prone to speak slang/ebonics.

Good luck with your search/hobbying - Ana

-- Modified on 9/21/2007 1:48:34 PM

When I first started, way back when, I learned it was best to mention this fact.  I too speak well on the phone and got tired of the deer in the headlights look when I arried. I then began to first email them to give them a chance to politely decline.  This way no one's time was wasted. It was not my goal to flame them so doing it bc avoided that mess.

Personally, I feel it is a ladies choice, like it or not.  I also don't want to be with a lady who doesn't want to be with me so it works out best. Over time I've actually ended up having some change their mind because ladies who did meet me enjoyed our time.  It was not my goal, it just happened.  Now I've been around long enough that I can sometimes see the warning signs.  Kinda like how ladies sometimes get a "feeling" about a bad appointment.  I haven't run into that issue in years but I know it still exists.

Was reading back to catch up and just happened upon this link. Same girl. I onder was he African American as well or if she is just full of shit??


My experience was I had set up an appointment the day before and when I got there, called for 20 minutes and she didn't answer. There is no way she would know if I was black, blue, green or any other color.

My bet says you are not blue. green or white. Maybe she didn't figure it out until the next day?? Is she a blond?

As soon as I read this I called a friend of mine to whom I had previously e-mailed a link to Alaura's Eros ad.  She is totally his type, including the fact that she does not provide all of the GFE frills, which he does not look for.

Sadly, he is clearly not her type.

driver92631 reads

Whenever someone or something screws me I ask myself a simple question: "What could I have done to prevent this?"

...you could have told her about yourself when you booked the appointment...

i'm fairly certain that by and large most caucasian hobbyists do not suffer insult and indignity from failing to racially identify when visiting or AfricanAnerican or Asian providers.

neither should he be required to do so.

I agree, he shouldn't have to be forthcoming with his race.  But, in the end whose time is he saving by doing so?

This thread reminds me of one of my favorite word definitions:  discriminate.

If you check out the definition below, you will see that Webster's lists four definitions for the word, and that the fourth is the one we have used most commonly for the last few decades.  But notice the first three.  They are all essentially positive and deal with the process of making fine distinctions.

Since people who "discriminate" against other people make broad distinctions, we could say that they in fact lack discrimination.  

Broad-minded people are in fact the only ones who do  discriminate.

To all that have replied.Thanks for the support. I've just chalked this one under TOFTT. So i move on i heard good things about kristen Dior so i go make a appointment on the application page wouldn't you know it there's a drop down column for race.lol I wrote maybe she'll respond. At least it's on her page good or bad. Thanks again for the input and opinions. But I'm sorry for being a educated well spoken man of color that earns a honest and decent living. Come on world catch up I'm waiting.  Later Homies

...hope the date with Ms. Dior pans out and goes as you imagine.

Don't know if you ever travel to GA, but it looks like your thread just got you an invite down there too (Hmm......maybe I should give this ranting thing a try myself :-D!).

Shingga, I am sorry this happened to you. She should state that she does not see someone of another race. Come on down to GA honey I'll treat you to some vanilla love :)

When I saw her ad I was interested. After reading your post I've lost my enthusiasm. I don't like small minded bigots who don't even have enough cosideration to let you know that they don't want to meet gentlmen of color. By the way I'm caucasion but I appreciate women of all races and ethnicities. Variety is the spice of life. Ignorance is unappealing.

.....I find myself liking vanilla EVEN MORE!!!

I really do..BUt why do you think that it was because of your skin color?  There are many reason a girl would do that. Shes: rude, drunk, decided to just not see you,.I mean who knows really.

 sorry that happened to you.

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