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You don't have to ask wife for sex.Pay hookers.
Fancy8888 See my TER Reviews 759 reads

Posted By: statson1234
Ladies and gentlemen ,  
 I noticed lately that i really like fucking hookers more than my wife .  
 I think i still love my wife but i hate asking for sex .  
 What do you guys think about this subject ?  
 Is my marriage over ? Honestly i cant even get hard with my wife anymore  
 Wtf ?  Has any body else experienced  this too ?  
 And please no stupid comments . Thanks

Ladies and gentlemen ,

I noticed lately that i really like fucking hookers more than my wife .  
I think i still love my wife but i hate asking for sex .  
What do you guys think about this subject ?
Is my marriage over ? Honestly i cant even get hard with my wife anymore
Wtf ?  Has any body else experienced  this too ?

And please no stupid comments . Thanks

a year. There's an Italian proverb that goes like this ...

Put a coffee bean in a jar by  the headboard every  
time you fuck your wife during the first year of your  
marriage. Take one out every time you fuck her for  
the rest of your marriage.  


I was only married once and she was Italian. Care to
come over for a cup of coffee and talk about it ?

Hookers are PROOF that there is a God and he's a very  
good God ... make that She's a very good God .. lol

Statson, this is totally normal and probably more common than we realize.  Your monthly contribution to our lovely providers is not keeping the industry afloat.  Providers are preferred to an affair, where either party may be looking for something besides the physical.
I love my wife dearly.  I love our life together.  I do not want it to end.  But I need providers.  I need that excitement, pleasure and attraction.  Just don't get caught.

but marry her for life...

What you experienced is very common. Have you considered that she probably feels the same?

Discover all the other things that you like about her and, when you get the occasional need, go visit your friendly hooker.

Haven't touched my wife for over 15 years.. don't worry about it.. The thought to me of even touching her.. gives me the willies..

If you don't you will loose her.     Some one will show her some attention.    Happens every day.

Posted By: statson1234
Ladies and gentlemen ,  
 I noticed lately that i really like fucking hookers more than my wife .  
 I think i still love my wife but i hate asking for sex .  
 What do you guys think about this subject ?  
 Is my marriage over ? Honestly i cant even get hard with my wife anymore  
 Wtf ?  Has any body else experienced  this too ?  
 And please no stupid comments . Thanks

and btw , the caution against stupid comments is a great touch. It will absolutely guarantee that all comments are well thought out and written with intelligence.

very begrudgingly.  After a while, it was no fun and my interest with her waned.

I did learn a way to encourage her:  I'd come home just after having had sex with an escort.

Then, she'd want to have sex.  I think the pheromones I exuded where the reason why, but it sure took some doing to step up to the plate

When you are in bed, imagine that you are with a hot hooker. That will give you instant erection. Then you can fuck her real hard to completion, do a cum in pussy.  

My wife knows I am a player, got caught last year. She makes sure she touches my balls everyday.  

Every once in a while I sneak around to get pussy on the side now, lol.

-- Modified on 10/23/2016 10:29:50 AM

Wow...another "this one time at band camp" story from Dave.

When you bang your wife where do you leave the $50 that you give the back page girl you are dreaming about?

Posted By: DaveMogal
When you are in bed, imagine that you are with a hot hooker. That will give you instant erection. Then you can fuck her real hard to completion, do a cum in pussy.  
 My wife knows I am a player, got caught last year. She makes sure she touches my balls everyday.  
 Every once in a while I sneak around to get pussy on the side now, lol.

-- Modified on 10/23/2016 10:29:50 AM

...and it's not unusual for either partner to explore outside fun. With a lack of interest from one partner it's not unusual for that sexual spark to die. I still love my wife and still find her very sexually attractive, but I still need my goomahs :D

LasVegan597 reads

of this hobby?  We can have variety and connect with many amazing women.  Most who would never choose to be with us under normal circumstances.  No hunt, no presumption, no roller coaster ride.  We have already done all those things to find our perfect mate.  Now it is time to have fun.

Many of these women could never fill our domestic needs nor would they want to.  While our SO takes care of everything else, providers are very specialized and take care of one very specific area.

We meet them, sometimes become friends, pay them, get on with the objective at hand, shower and we are on our way to our "other" lives.  How much better could it get?

While I fully understand this dynamic, I also appreciate the role my very special friends play in my life.  And I make sure to respect them, appreciate them, and make sure they get fair compensation.

PRS2005657 reads

I was married for decades before getting a divorce. I was never unfaithful to her. For the first twenty to thirty years, we had a fantastic sex life, although she couldn't have sex sober (I wasn't sober, either).  

For the last decade or so of the marriage, sex was almost non-existent. I had to jump through all sorts of hoops to get anything at all, and the quality of the sex was gone. We were divorced in 2013. The last time we'd had sex was a blow job on Sunday August 8th, 2009 at 9 am at a hotel in Jonesboro, AR. Can't remember the room number, though.  

Divorce. Start seeing providers and things were great. They were as hot or even more so than my ex was when she was young. They've been great performers and haven't needed to be drunk. Sex is so much better.

I actually did start trying to find escorts back in the 1990's, but I don't think I could have gone through with it. Marriage vows and all that.

It's not possible to want to fuck only ONE PERSON

The Wife used that Sex stuff to get what she truly wanted---Security.
She is not realizing the importance of her own orgasm so she buries her head in the sand  
and slings harsh judgements at the girls who do have sex.

If there were no Marriage Institution, she would continue with the evolution of her sexuality

The Wife used that Sex stuff to get what she truly wanted---Security. That's prostitution, but it's legal.

Marriage has been abolished in my life. I could give my word to be faithful to a woman, and live up to that word, I just will never again have that piece of paper which entitles her to half my stuff if things don't work out between us.

And I don't want to hear the prenuptial bullshit, a friend of mine had one, his wife's lawyer knew there was money in it to find loopholes and somehow convinced the court that she was somehow coerced/misled when she signed. Fuck that! I don't want her stuff, and she ain't getting mine.

Marriage for profit is prostitution, dishonest as it is. The ladies in our sandbox are honest and upfront about their motivations.

stucaboy616 reads

it should be mandatory for the parents to split their "stuff"  50/50 and be on their merry way.

The two who decide to have children will  
take care of them
have to pay into a Fund for the children's Education

any stupid comments, you are missing out on a great line.  Its okay, I don't play well with people  that take themselves too seriously.

GaGambler466 reads

Actually I did say it before, but the post above mine was deleted, so my post disappeared along with it.

You do know that asking for "no dumb" remarks is like pouring blood into shark infested waters.

to abide by his request, and I don't know him well enough to know if he can take a little ball-busting without turning it into a flame war.

Wonky_Portals595 reads

So I went to a doctor. He asked me to bring my wife to the appointment.
After talking together he asked me to step outside.

He then asked my wife to remove her clothes, explaining that it might help him work out my ED problems.
She removed her clothes as he walked around her, checked her out.

He then told her to put her clothes back on and came out to talk to me.

He said, " You don't have ED, she doesn't get me hard either."

Stupid? Sometimes there is more truth in jokes than in other answers.

Mutame632 reads

You don't give your age, but after you are married for several decades as some of us have been, sex is no longer an important part of the marriage. Love, loyalty and companionship are the motivations. The hobby actually helps me (and I sure many others) stay in a sexless marriage. Simply a fact of life.  

BTW, according to your reviews, you have been in this life only a couple of years. You have been seeing between 4-6 women a month which is not unusual. When you have the time and the money, discovering the hobby is like a child on Christmas morning. So much pussy, so little time. No wife or partner can possibly compete with that much pussy from so many different women. If the wife is not sweating you for sex don't worry about it. If she is...... I don't know what to tell you

I think marriage just isn't realistic for most people. You get tired of each other, too familiar, the grass is always greener theories, etc.  

I had a beautiful wife for several years. Great girl, great sex, I just lost interest after a few years and wanted different girls here and there, just for a time or two. Just my DNA.  

Having steak when you want it is great, sometimes I want pbj, or lobster, or ground turkey...

If sex was out of the equation I could be with one woman forever. Buddies, pals, bffs. That's how it is with my friends that stayed married. They and their partners are into raising their kids and are content to lead their lives together without much of a physical relationship..marriage.

MidnightKitty671 reads

Seeing providers can be somewhat insidious because it starts to skew your perception of reality and relationships. I'm not surprised you like having sex with providers more than your wife. Why? Well it's simple, providers have a job to make you happy. When you look at the two interactions juxtaposed, it would be easy to decide which one you enjoy more.  

Interaction 1- a hot, young provider who probably works out at least an hour every day, has fake nails, extensions, facial fillers, plastic surgery, and designer clothes/lingerie. She's always made up and dressed sexy. She welcomes you in, you can tell her all about your problems because you are anonymous (so to speak). She's always happy and there's nothing else besides her pleasing you for the allotted time.

Interaction 2- your wife just worked a long day, she picked up the kids and made dinner, she helped them with their homework. Now it's 10:30 pm and she's tired. She's wearing a t-shirt and yoga pants, no makeup, hair up. She tells you be quick about it and don't forget about Timmy's t-ball game tomorrow, he'll be devastated if you aren't there.  

A marriage is hard work, it's not all fun and fantasy. You need to make time for each other, go on dates. Women often have to shoulder a lot of burden in the household, working fulltime, taking care of the kids, doing the majority of the housework. Studies have shown that men who help with housework get much more frequent sex so maybe give that a try. At the very least, talk about sex with her. So many couples become resentful about lack of sex but never actually talk about it.

The OP might even try to romance his wife and spice things up for her. Little things go so far in marriage.  It is hard work.  Talk about your feelings to her (of course leave out the other women you've been fucking) if all else fails,  I'll take care of her lol ;)
If you have a family,  it's totally worth it to work it out if you love her.  
You really sound like you are upset that you don't desire her more than others. Make it work,  even if you have to get some on the side but try to make it work.  Love is love. Sex is sex. You can have both in your marriage.  
Best to you and your family :)

If she is,  I'd love to fuck her for you :) then, you can fuck all the ladies you want,  guilt free :)
Not trying to be a smartass.  I really will, if she's hot and bi!  

BillyBaloney540 reads

I suppose I should rethink it, no?  

I mean, sure, I'm a typical guy who loves great sexy with beautiful women. The variety of this hobby is precisely what drew me in the first place. Aside from that though, I'm a bit of a hopeless romantic. My girlfriend is truly the love of my life, and I can't imagine being without her for the rest of my life. I very much want to be her husband. But based on the experiences discussed here and in other threads, I'm guessing it won't always be this way. If I hobbied even just once in a while, I'm sure my girlfriend would be devastated if she were to catch me.  

Confused. What to do?

You are Expecting / Hoping
this woman will be a certain way / act a certain way, for the rest of her life,
to make You happy.

One thing is for sure-
Change will keep a 'comin, whether it's hormones or a life situation.

Be Ready.  You have been notified.


Posted By: BillyBaloney
I suppose I should rethink it, no?  
 I mean, sure, I'm a typical guy who loves great sexy with beautiful women. The variety of this hobby is precisely what drew me in the first place. Aside from that though, I'm a bit of a hopeless romantic. My girlfriend is truly the love of my life, and I can't imagine being without her for the rest of my life. I very much want to be her husband. But based on the experiences discussed here and in other threads, I'm guessing it won't always be this way. If I hobbied even just once in a while, I'm sure my girlfriend would be devastated if she were to catch me.  
 Confused. What to do?

We live relatively long lives, and dramatic changes often occur during our lives.  When my wife and I got married, I was a christian.  A few years later, some rather dramatic things happened, and I became an atheist.  She couldn't handle it, and started having affairs.

My point is, would you stay committed to this woman if her beliefs/personality/sex drive did a 180 degree flip?  Would you still want to be with her if she got in a car accident and got paralyzed?  If she started emptying out your bank account every day, or wound up hooked on meth, could you still love her and deal with that drama?  If the answer is no, don't marry her.

Gybo's idea of abolishing marriage is a little extreme, but I have abolished it in my personal life, because I know the damage that it can do.  Including the alimony bullshit.

Here's the thing, why do you need to marry her? Is it societal pressure? Do you think that you need to because you want to have children?  

You can give her your word, and live up to that word.  

But let me assure you of this, the moment you have that piece of paper with her, she has access to half of everything which is yours. If you two don't get married and you do have kids and things don't work out between you, you will be paying child support, the same as if you were married and get divorced. The difference is, if you don't get married you won't pay alimony/spousal support.  

Once you are on the hook, she'll know it and likely stop taking care of herself like she has, she'll blame it on you and/or the kids and you'll likely end up back in P4P world and if you get caught you'll pay a heavy price.

Think about this decision long and hard, and not with your little head. If you do decide to go ahead, I sincerely wish the best for you, but remember more than half of marriages end in divorce. The odds are against you.

I made the mistake of getting married, I got out of it rather unscathed, but I don't have kids and my ex works.

Marriage is simply a lose/lose scenario for a man, I have yet to be reasonably explained the benefits of marriage for a man.

Probably more than my $.02

GaGambler633 reads

Personally I am glad I got married, but MUCH happier I got divorced at a young enough age to not have an iota of bitterness about what my ex wife "did to me"

I honestly can not think of any reason to ever get married again, unless it's perhaps when I am on my deathbed and I want to leave the few pennies I won't have blown by then to some twenty something without giving it all to the state. lol

Posted By: BillyBaloney
I suppose I should rethink it, no?  
 I mean, sure, I'm a typical guy who loves great sexy with beautiful women. The variety of this hobby is precisely what drew me in the first place. Aside from that though, I'm a bit of a hopeless romantic. My girlfriend is truly the love of my life, and I can't imagine being without her for the rest of my life. I very much want to be her husband. But based on the experiences discussed here and in other threads, I'm guessing it won't always be this way. If I hobbied even just once in a while, I'm sure my girlfriend would be devastated if she were to catch me.  
 Confused. What to do?
 Marry her if you want too. Don't let any comments on here sway you.

Zzbottom2485 reads

Posted By: BillyBaloney
I suppose I should rethink it, no?  
 I mean, sure, I'm a typical guy who loves great sexy with beautiful women. The variety of this hobby is precisely what drew me in the first place. Aside from that though, I'm a bit of a hopeless romantic. My girlfriend is truly the love of my life, and I can't imagine being without her for the rest of my life. I very much want to be her husband. But based on the experiences discussed here and in other threads, I'm guessing it won't always be this way. If I hobbied even just once in a while, I'm sure my girlfriend would be devastated if she were to catch me.  
 Confused. What to do?
Look at it like this. Most of us have found "the one", the "love of my life". Then life happens and you break up. You miss her until you find the "real one" for you and realize the first time around "wasn't meant to be"..then you break up with this one and find someone else...then you realize "the one" is cute stuff they put in Disney movies for lil girls. the beat goes on, it's a merry go round. Eventually you grow up, stop believing in the Easter Bunny and realize there are countless women you are compatible with. After you realize relationships are basically replaceable it becomes a different story.  

Being "in love" with new sex is the fun part. I've had different relationships of 7 yrs, 4 yrs, 3 yrs and a 2 year. All before I was 40. I've been around the block enough to know that the juice isn't worth the squeeze for me anymore and I have no interest in a "traditional relationships".  

If you're still young and a hopeless romantic like you say, go for it but when you're no longer young and naive(I mean that in a good, Disney sort of way) being with the same person day in and day out isn't fun and romantic, it's monotonous and a grind. Many "make it work" even though both of them would be happier being free. Good luck, think long and hard about how it will be after the "idea" of marriage wears off and the grind of life sets in.

getting hard with your wife.  (Sorry, could not resist.)

Actually I think what you are describing is likely fairly normal. You've been with your wife hundreds of times, but a hooker is new, exciting, and likely better in the sack.

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