TER General Board

Some expenses can be
hey mikey 8 Reviews 345 reads

For 20+ years I ONLY hobbied while out of town on business.  Therefore, ALL of my hotel rooms were tax-deductible and plenty of dinners were also.  And I also seem to remember a few Suzie Wong-inspired nights in Hong Kong, Guangzhou, and Shanghai that likely came with a receipt... and I'm afraid to say that some of them likely involved a reimbursement or per diem PLUS a tax deduction.  (When I was young and foolish I banked on the fact that we'd never hire a Chinese accountant. LOL)

Has anyone kep track of how much they spend on the hobby in a year?  What about hobby and strip clubs?  Just curious to see what some of the numbers are compared to mine.  I just strated keeping track this month and will knw by next yr if i couldve bought a M5 with the money.  Haha

But puting as food is not much I did do strip clubs if see 20 provider times 80 it 1600  

Posted By: so.addicted
Has anyone kep track of how much they spend on the hobby in a year?  What about hobby and strip clubs?  Just curious to see what some of the numbers are compared to mine.  I just strated keeping track this month and will knw by next yr if i couldve bought a M5 with the money.  Haha

Might not taste so good at 80 tho  
... no wonder you get full so easily

As cash is harder to keep track of. But I do a person income statement and ballance sheet.  Hobby dates are eight dates now that I single or food for daty. There are errors like if pick up pennies or I withdraw a 140 and only get 75 dollar service the rest will be spent on food any way.

Posted By: so.addicted
Has anyone kep track of how much they spend on the hobby in a year?  What about hobby and strip clubs?  Just curious to see what some of the numbers are compared to mine.  I just strated keeping track this month and will knw by next yr if i couldve bought a M5 with the money.  Haha
-- Modified on 8/22/2016 6:50:37 AM

... including details of the visit and of course my spending.  
It comes in handy to go back and review.

But this is not including travel hygiene items, condoms, snacks furnished, or any small gifts given. That is under petty cash and it is impossible to separate those hobby expenses from other small expenditures. Now this year to date I have spent to date $2,550 as most of the year I was semi-retired. Still can't give an exact accounting for the small expenditures.

Now this is not including my wife's recreational hobby budget. She pays for it with her job providing or out of her recreational allowance.  I can't give exact amounts for her spending here.

Posted By: BrooklynKallway
Responsible hobbying ..... Me likey ! 😉  
Hookers and clients should keep tested regularly responsible hobbying.

14,100 providers and another 4,000 on gifts and expenses.

I don't keep a paper trail. I know I spend between 1000 to 2000 monthly with most months falling right in the middle of those two amounts.

Posted By: so.addicted
Has anyone kep track of how much they spend on the hobby in a year?  What about hobby and strip clubs?  Just curious to see what some of the numbers are compared to mine.  I just strated keeping track this month and will knw by next yr if i couldve bought a M5 with the money.  Haha

I topped six figures for the first time.  I have tried to cut back since then, but new girls keep popping up that I want to see.  What can you do?  I think it may be better to NOT keep track.  It just makes you depressed when you have nothing to show for it but the perpetual shit-eating grin.

GaGambler385 reads

Like you, I believe if you can keep track of how much you spent, you probably didn't spend that much at all. It's like knowing your "number" if you can guess even within a few hundred, exactly how many women you have been with, it's pretty likely you haven't been with too many women.

Personally I think my perpetual shit eating grin is worth everything I paid for it.

Without that constant nagging how can YOU even equate how much fun it is?

I'm very disappointed in you!

I implore you to find a steady woman that will constantly remind you of how wrong you are.

Posted By: GaGambler
Like you, I believe if you can keep track of how much you spent, you probably didn't spend that much at all. It's like knowing your "number" if you can guess even within a few hundred, exactly how many women you have been with, it's pretty likely you haven't been with too many women.  
 Personally I think my perpetual shit eating grin is worth everything I paid for it.

a woman who will constantly remind you how wrong you are, just get married.

I just could not live without a strict budget and accountability.  To each their own. I could not live that way.

some of my income slipping through the cracks (no pun intended).

wrps07284 reads

Then I go from feast to famine. Trying to be better about it now. I actually went into debt a little bit this year because I overspend last year. Debt is paid off and credit score above 840. Now waiting on a penny stock pump for more hobby capital gains lol.

Seriously wrps07.....you make a living out of $40 back page girls. Even if you saw one every day of the week for an entire year you would spend less than $15,000.  

Posted By: wrps07
Then I go from feast to famine. Trying to be better about it now. I actually went into debt a little bit this year because I overspend last year. Debt is paid off and credit score above 840. Now waiting on a penny stock pump for more hobby capital gains lol.

wrps07208 reads

And your are embarrassing yourself with stuff you don't know about . I could put links to my spreadsheets on my hobby spending it would blow your mind . Some of the popular dc providers I have spent over $3000 each on. These are $300 hour providers.

Your reviews speak for themselves. Every single review that you have posted is outdated by 3 years or more and the link to any info about the girls are gone...long gone.

If you are stupid enough to put a "link" to your hobby spending you are a bigger idiot than people think you are. You are going to be forever known as a bold faced lying back page monger. Only in your mind are you any more important.  

Posted By: wrps07
And your are embarrassing yourself with stuff you don't know about . I could put links to my spreadsheets on my hobby spending it would blow your mind . Some of the popular dc providers I have spent over $3000 each on. These are $300 hour providers.

wrps07344 reads

You are looking at my reviews from my reviewer alias and not from my hobby handle which is a different name. If you saw the list of providers on the list you will see they are reputable providers along with white list. No I am not stupid enough to post my hobby spending for the public to see.

But we don't see this "alleged" hobby handle, so all we can go by is what you post.  

You don't post your hobby spending to the public simply because it is embarrassing. 9 reviews at $40-$50 per session. Good grief, you spent a whopping $360-$450 for 9 months.  

Congrats.....you probably broke the bank.  

Posted By: wrps07
You are looking at my reviews from my reviewer alias and not from my hobby handle which is a different name. If you saw the list of providers on the list you will see they are reputable providers along with white list. No I am not stupid enough to post my hobby spending for the public to see.

stucaboy312 reads

for the guys who are married and have wives controlling their wallets.

GaGambler379 reads

Marriage is a choice, guys who have their lives run by their wives CHOOSE to live that way. I will save my pity for the poor slob who had the bad fortune to pick bad parents and ended up as a poor man living in Cuba or Angola and never had a chance at a real life. Some guy too stupid and too pussy whipped to walk away from a bad marriage gets only my disdain.

For the record, I grin every day secure in the knowledge I had the brains and the balls to walk away long before I became one of "those guys"

I agree!  The total $ spent is the last thing I'd EVER want to know.

Mr.M.Johnson369 reads

I've spent roughly $50K per year for the past 10 years...

Can't this be tax-deductible?: "counseling."  I'm gonna call IRS and ask 'em!

TOFTT with the IRS inquiry.  Please post their answer before they arrest you.

Mr.M.Johnson387 reads

The next knock on your door will be a friendly IRS agent!  ROFLOL

LasVegan322 reads

About 2 sessions, at 500 per hour, on average, per week, for an entire year!  So many women, so little time!

-- Modified on 8/22/2016 3:25:00 PM

For 20+ years I ONLY hobbied while out of town on business.  Therefore, ALL of my hotel rooms were tax-deductible and plenty of dinners were also.  And I also seem to remember a few Suzie Wong-inspired nights in Hong Kong, Guangzhou, and Shanghai that likely came with a receipt... and I'm afraid to say that some of them likely involved a reimbursement or per diem PLUS a tax deduction.  (When I was young and foolish I banked on the fact that we'd never hire a Chinese accountant. LOL)

LasVegan407 reads

six figure number is $100,000, don't you?  On average, that would be 16.6 $500/hour sessions per week for an entire year.

-- Modified on 8/22/2016 1:38:52 PM

have six figures, then I'm smart enough to know what the minimum six figure number is.  What's not clear is how smart you are to come up with these numbers. At $500/hr, it would be slightly less than four hours per week, or more realistically, three hours plus tips and enough left over for a cup of coffee after each session.

You do know that the minimum number of weeks in any year is 52, don't you?  Next time, have your mom check your math so you don't embarrass yourself trying to be a wise ass.

LasVegan457 reads

Looks like you were correct!  Here is the math, my mommy helped me;

100,000 / 52 = 1,923 per week

1923 / 500 =  just under 4 per week

My mommy says you were right! But your irritation is quite telling.  Since most of the providers you choose, in your area charge about 250, then that would be about 8 per week.

No matter, am sure that third and fourth mortgage on your trailer was well worth it.

No need to get upset, unless of course, well I'll let you figure that out!  My limit is two a week and find scheduling a bit of a challenge.  So good for you!

By the way, did I tell you about the big one I caught in Lake Mead?  It was thiiiiisssssssssss big!

-- Modified on 8/22/2016 3:38:27 PM

you would know that I only do one-hour appointments with new girls I am seeing for the first time.  When I repeat, its always two or more hours per session.  I session an average of three times a week, but sometimes as many as five.  Depends on my work schedule and getting my FULL 24 hours of work in each week.  

I own multiple properties and no mortgages.  My retirement is fully funded whenever I decide to start dipping into it.  Widower, children grown.  How do you think I can afford to blow six figures in a year, and not piss anyone off?

Now if your mommy would only teach you some manners . . . . .

LasVegan374 reads

congratulate you!  Did I tell you about the big one I caught in Lake Mead?  It was HUGE!

Mr.M.Johnson311 reads

$50,000 per year = $1,000 per week

I generally book 2-3 hour sessions, so, $750 per session.  So, 5 sessions per month....

that his mommy has helped him get to the correct math.  Maybe she helps dress him in the morning, too.  Tries to play it off, but comedy isn't his thing either.

GaGambler302 reads

Math AND comedy.

BTW, do you think there is ANYTHING that he is good at? Whining doesn't count lol

FatVern315 reads

I'm cheap.  

BTW, the BMWs they build today are crap, trade them in before the maintenance warranty runs out.

... and what WTF is with the all the models they now have there's a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 series  
seven variants of what is pretty much the same vehicle. Are they building these things for the rental car market, or what?

Mr.M.Johnson383 reads

and I haven't spent a $dollar on maintenance

Well, that just made me realize I'm on the low end of the income ladder on this board....I need a new job.

Posted By: so.addicted
Has anyone kep track of how much they spend on the hobby in a year?  What about hobby and strip clubs?  Just curious to see what some of the numbers are compared to mine.  I just strated keeping track this month and will knw by next yr if i couldve bought a M5 with the money.  Haha

I can tell you exactly how much I've spent in my whole life. But there have been so many sessions, it would take a long time. Just for fun, I started keeping track before the advent of computer programming. Since I didn't want anyone accidentally coming across my statistics on a computer, I kept doing them the old fashioned way. I can tell you that my first ever session cost me $5. My first ever cathouse session was $20. Those days are gone! Now it's definitely a 'I could have bought an M5' hobby.

GaGambler229 reads

Ok, yeah that's exactly what I spent for my first "session" too, if you even want to call it a "session" It was about 2 minutes of letting a puta ride me on a chair upstairs from a Tijuana stripclub/brothel in the early seventies.

The way I live my life, I would be hard pressed to total in how many countries I have had P4P, much less how much total money I have spent. Considering how many tiny island countries I have visited in the Caribbean, coupled with everywhere else I have been, I can narrow that number down to between 25-30 different countries. What can I say? I drink a lot and I have woken up many times without a clue as to what country I was in until the clouds lifted. lol

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