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Are you doing...
wrps07 337 reads

Missions work by teaching doctors overseas in poor places ?

wrps071699 reads

Are you making adjustments now so you can retire comfortably ?

Are you doing risky investment strategies  to make up for loss investment opportunities ?  

For those of you have retired have you had to come back to work because you have a short fall

...and have a higher income than when I was working. Time to ramp up.

GaGambler366 reads

No plans on retiring any time soon for me, but I have been known to take some serious time off from work every few years. Sometimes as long as a couple of years without doing any real work to speak of. Life is short, a person should enjoy themselves as tomorrow is not guaranteed for any of us.

were trying not to imagine more posts from you, except for the rare good one .... lol .... jk!

I am in my mid 70s, I love my work (My career has moved me around ski have never spent ten years in one situation including this one.) I plah to retire when I can no longer be effective or no one wants my services.

wrps07338 reads

Missions work by teaching doctors overseas in poor places ?

I have spent the majority of my career in academic medicine which usually means a combination of teaching, research, patient care, and in my case administration also.
I did spend a decade or so overseas but in large European cities in universities
Right now I do patient care and administration.
I have always felt good about what I was doing.
Sorry about that

..work was never anything more than just ok for me. IF at any point in my life - 21, 31, 41 etc someone handed me enough money to leave I would have and never looked back. Ultimately I earned/saved it myself. Now I am free and loving it.

It will push up my retirement getting married push it back. I went to movies the orher day it was 20 for two for the tickets then 40 for food. I could see a provider for just a little more and maybe get some. If don't die of a STD or a pimp killing me. I has sex with wife 315 time the marriage cost me 50k plus another 200k in support and fighting est. Making her a 800 a pop hooker. The human body need sex so by getting I can work smarter and make more money for retirement but.  Plus if I fall short I will just go to subsidize old folks home.  


Posted By: wrps07
Are you making adjustments now so you can retire comfortably ?  
 Are you doing risky investment strategies  to make up for loss investment opportunities ?  
 For those of you have retired have you had to come back to work because you have a short fall ?  

And any extra income will help me to hobby more.

If I get a std like blue waffles where I cant work I could get SSID which will come early and pay me a lot more than if have to retired at 68.  I took 3 days off already for my blue waffle my I told my boss I had blue waffle he sent me home.

How does that figure into my retirement equation?

I figure i might as well work until I die in the arms (or mouth) of a hooker, whether that be 70, 80, 90 or whatever.

I'm spending my kid's inheritance on pussy.

Oh shit, that's right I don't have kids.

I made adjustments and sacrifices early in life, now I'm in spend mode. Fortunately for me while I was making those sacrifices I got really good at what I do and so I make pretty good money and  I have never yet spent more in a month on pussy than what I bring in. It's a recommended system, I assure you.

I have no earthly idea what I'll do when I retire, but I know much pussy will be involved.

Rock on.

The people I have known that retired were soon after either dead or fat.  I have no desire to be either.  The secret is to keep working, maybe one day a week.  I intend to also keep my finger in the hobby (no pun intended) as I get older.

But I don't think retirement from work is good for one's well being. Life is about balance. Rest, work and play all must be an active part of ones life. The hobby is great form of play but it doesn't remove the need for work in ones life. So no delay. I never planed on a real retirement until I can't work anymore. That said I am working far less then I used to, and playing in more then ever. I guess I am hobbying less too, but those two things aren't related.

...for my well-being.  I do whatever I want, when I want and I answer to no one.

People always ask me if I'm bored or how I occupy my time.  I tell them: "I'm busy doing nothing."

-- Modified on 7/30/2016 5:23:20 PM

Here's a book that, if you haven't already read it, I think would keep your hands our of mischief for a while

..people can't get their head around the fact that I am perfectly content to hang all day. Go ahead, be busy if must. Not me.

Also, I had a comparison and contrast with my grandpas.  On my mom's side, my grandpa worked all his life until he collapsed one day, went into the hospital, and never came out.  On my dad's side, my grandpa retired, went home, and drank himself to death.  I will keep working (and spending money on friends with benefits) until I am physically unable to.  Then I will spend a boatload of money on a few last girlfriends, and then go home and take a cocktail of lethal drugs.  IOW, I will exit this life on my own damn terms.

GaGambler450 reads

But I also expect to do it gradually over the next three decades or so.

and I do NOT expect to exit this life "on my own terms" I fully expect to go out kicking and screaming and begging for one last blow job before I leave. Some people believe in a "higher power", life after death and a bunch of other crazy bullshit more suited for a children's fairy tale than a belief system for adults. I don't believe in any of that crap so I intend on making the best use of whatever time I have.

Like me!

I plan to find a doctor who can preserve my brain till some day in the future, it can be harnessed to a computer that can run the entire universe, thus allowing me to fuck over same to my heart's delight.

And don't guffaw, I've seen a show on TV where they said this could be  done, and here it is

"Spock's Brain,"  one of the dumbest episodes of Star Trek ever.

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