TER General Board

Re: Close, but no cigar
bocabuster 19 Reviews 329 reads

Better go back and do a little more research on Jackson, sport.
We'd be speaking with a different accent
I guess being president, a soldier during the revolutionary war and the war of 1812 wasn't enough?
Ohhhh, and genius, he was both Democrat and Republican.
Look him up.
Nice try attempting to look intelligent. Let me know when you want to try again

Johnny3Balls1854 reads

So Jackson is out and Tubman is the new face on the US $20. Hope they use a better picture than this, that's a disappointed and disapproving look she has and its going to sour the mood as I hand over or stuff 15-20 of her into an envelope. May have to switch to $50's.

-- Modified on 4/20/2016 2:51:34 PM

In keeping with the slanted lefty liberals they've replaced one of the founding fathers.
I don't like change for PC reasons, would rather have merit decide

Jackson was 8 years old when hostilities broke out. He acted as a courier & became a POW at the age of 13. Doesn't make him a founding father though. He was definitely a founding father of Tennessee. And he was a Democrat. So if the "libs" are up to something, it's removing members of their ranks from currency.

Nice try.

Posted By: bocabuster
In keeping with the slanted lefty liberals they've replaced one of the founding fathers.  
 I don't like change for PC reasons, would rather have merit decide

Better go back and do a little more research on Jackson, sport.
We'd be speaking with a different accent
I guess being president, a soldier during the revolutionary war and the war of 1812 wasn't enough?
Ohhhh, and genius, he was both Democrat and Republican.
Look him up.
Nice try attempting to look intelligent. Let me know when you want to try again

He was 9 years old in 1776. He was elected in 1828. It's a mystery to me why he was ever on US currency.  He abolished the Bank of the United States, the forerunner of the fed, leading to a constitutional crisis. He committed genocide against the Cherokee nation. And he killed a guy dueling.

Andrew Jackson also hated paper currency. So it's fitting that he should be replaced on the twenty dollar bill.  
I guess you just needed an excuse to vent against liberals.

You have no knowledge of history. Just the made up one in your head.
Jackson was not a founding father. He did have a good day in New Orleans and one of our more interesting presidents .  
Of course his established political policy of genocide of the Native Americans of North America as the final solution to the " Indian Problem " should probably make him more of a war criminal than an American Hero and disqualify him to be on a piece of currency in the first place .

Glad to see him off the $20.
I would have preferred one of Washington's spies during the revolution that happened to be a hooker to have been chosen as a replacement ......but it is what it is.

bigguy30336 reads

Posted By: STPhomer
You have no knowledge of history. Just the made up one in your head.  
 Jackson was not a founding father. He did have a good day in New Orleans and one of our more interesting presidents .  
 Of course his established political policy of genocide of the Native Americans of North America as the final solution to the " Indian Problem " should probably make him more of a war criminal than an American Hero and disqualify him to be on a piece of currency in the first place .  
 Glad to see him off the $20.  
 I would have preferred one of Washington's spies during the revolution that happened to be a hooker to have been chosen as a replacement ......but it is what it is.

I have no knowledge?
Spoken like a true clueless liberal.
Not only was Jackson president but he also fought in both the revolutionary war and the war of 1812
Without his participation you'd still be drinking tea and paying homage to the queen.
There was no shortage of colorful characters in those days, read some history. He was more colorful than most  
As for the "Indian problem" it was the common thought of the day: kill Indians, steal their land and gold.
So don't pin it on one guy.
You sound like one of these clowns trying to judge people long dead by your present day standards.

finding their way to freedom. I think she only judged slave owners!

Steph xoxo

-- Modified on 4/20/2016 11:14:06 AM

bigguy30345 reads

Posted By: MatureGFE
finding their way to freedom. I think she only judged slave owners!  
 Steph xoxo

GaGambler261 reads

If not, I don't see why she would be judging you.

Unlike a lot of today's PC crowd she had REAL issues to fight, I think her memory deserves a LOT of respect. It won't bother me a bit to see her on the twenty dollar bil

bigguy30299 reads

Posted By: GaGambler
If not, I don't see why she would be judging you.  
 Unlike a lot of today's PC crowd she had REAL issues to fight, I think her memory deserves a LOT of respect. It won't bother me a bit to see her on the twenty dollar bill  

Lol it has nothing to do with racism, she has a very stern and judgmental expression on her face, can't they get a better picture?

bigguy30207 reads

Posted By: austinclark84
Lol it has nothing to do with racism, she has a very stern and judgmental expression on her face, can't they get a better picture?

GaGambler251 reads

Well none of this is going to happen for several years and just like many of our TER hookers, in four years she'll probably be ten years younger and better looking than today, thanks to a little Aldo magic. lol

bigguy30200 reads

It's a well deserved honor, for the things she had to endure and help others get freedom.

Posted By: GaGambler
Well none of this is going to happen for several years and just like many of our TER hookers, in four years she'll probably be ten years younger and better looking than today, thanks to a little Aldo magic. lol

Johnny3Balls289 reads

Hahaha, let's get congress to pass a bill that Aldo has to beautify all currency photos. I bet she'll come out looking like Halley Berry.

I don't think many black folks slaves or former slaves had pictures taken of them smiling!  


Remember this was before photo shopping.  If one of today's boudoir photographers had done the sitting she might have looked more like this.

is on the $20 bill in Canada, talk about getting the stink eye when using your money for illicit activities.

Johnny3Balls207 reads

This wasn't a debate on her creds or if she should be on the $20. This is the pic they have been circulating in the news so it's was about the disappointing and judge look she has in it

they are changing the twenty.  Did Andrew Jackson own her or something, and this is a balancing of the scales of justice, or what?

GaGambler243 reads

There was a huge backlash at the idea of removing Hamilton. I guess in the pecking order of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Hamilton, Grant and Franklin, Jackson had the least support as "someone" had to make way for a woman to be on the face of one of the seven current US currency bills.  

I guess they could have created a new denomination just for her, but I think we all know that Bill Clinton has dibs on the Three Dollar Bill

bonordonor280 reads

-- Modified on 4/20/2016 9:19:44 PM

were commemorated on US currency and coin.

Not taking anything from Harriet Tubman, who most can agree was a formidable woman and force for what was right.  

It just makes me wonder whether there was an act of congress first to change the tradition of presidents on money, and second what the nomination and selection process in congress was. Who did Harriet "run against"?

Cynical perhaps, and not about Harriet, but are we supportive of and ready for a process that will serve the next celebrity up on the $1 bill over George Washington? Highest bidder (in terms of advocacy dollars) wins

GaGambler274 reads

and to refresh my memory, which number POTUS was he? lol

I suppose in another decade or two there will be a movement to place a Latino/a on the face of a bill too. How about those of us with slanted eyes though, where the fuck is our movement? and I don't mean a fucking bowel movement either.  

Come to think of it, we don't get any affirmative action either, if a white guy has to score a 100, a Latino only has to score a 90, a black guy can get by with an 80, but any of us with any Asian blood have to score 110, Where the fuck is our Affirmative Action, where are our reparations and I want a fucking picture of a Chinese man on my fucking money too!!! and I want it right fucking NOW!!!

Ok, rant over. lol

Johnny3Balls305 reads

Start by boycotting the Oscars and demand that Lucy Liu or that guy playing Sulu in Star Trek (old or new) get an Oscar. Then we can talk about getting General Tso on currency because you know at some point corporate sponsorship will take over

Let's open it up to bidding, and put whoever pays most on the money. Would we be paying for Franklins with Tubmans?

Hey, whoever is on it, the same decreasing value applies....

I concur.
In these changing times I'd like to feel we are changing for a reason and not for change's sake.
I once stood on the banks of the Delaware River at the site of the Black Bass inn.  
Washington crossed there several times..
The water is very fast moving, it's cold year round.  
Couldn't help but think that the people who settled this country were damn tough. No good cold weather gear, simple rafts instead of boats, no real medical care.
My past includes two deployments as a Special Forces sergeant...18bravo for those who know what it means...Green Beret for those who don't.  
And my thoughts were: my training makes me a tough guy but these settlers and revolutionary soldiers were a helluva lot tougher and more determined than me.  
It's a miracle that they ever survived

GaGambler312 reads

but I had ZERO desire to re up and I will 100% concede they were MUCH tougher than me as well.

Yup, I made Ssgt e-6 in 3 years 8 months.  
When it came reup time they were sure I'd rejoin for the $2500 bonus.  
Buy a new car, they said.  
I'm thinking why? Bury me in it?

So what is wrong with this female face?  
Very expressive and portrays true feelings:)  
Nice change to see face with emotion. What ever this emotion is

I really mean that.
For that reason I'm not going to ridicule you any more about your limited grasp of American history.
Ben Franklin was a founding father ( unlike Jackson).

But alas , he was never president.
Neither was Hamilton. But he was an advocate for big centralized banks. The original 1 percenter you might say

Maybe Teddy Roosevelt? We could call them Teddies ....
Or JFK, he had an eye for the ladies AND hookers ... Call em Johns?  
And before JD chimes in on this, one could call them Jacks ... as I pull my fist from my throat ... God help me ... lmao

I'll place the first one I receive on the wall.

Does anyone think that there could be a non-controversial replacement? No way! Based on her biography and accomplishments, my contemporary analysis would say that she is 20-worthy. But then I'd be slighting someone else's favorite choice.  

About her photo ... first give the SAME analysis of the wrinkly ugly old men on our currency and coins. They're not movie stars, they're old men, made presentable by skillful engravers. Do you think they're going to put an engraving of Tubman as a 19-year old teenage hottie on the 20? The engravers will come up with several renderings and instead of looking like any other ugly old lady she'll appear like a ... like a ... like a nice currency portrait of an old lady (I hope).  

If not Tubman what could POSSIBLY be non-controversial? No one and no thing!

ANY politician? Never! red/blue conservative/liberal ...  
ANY religious figure? Hah!  
A celebrity? Jimmy Stewart, Bette Davis, Paris Hilton, a Kardashian Family Portrait ... ha, ha, ha, ha ...
Carl Sagan? No way! He believes in ETs and that violates somebody's religious beliefs!
Einstein? He helped to make the A-bomb! Murderer!
A famous performing or creative artist? (Lionel Barrymore. Cole Porter. Mapplethorpe.) Ha, ha, ha, ...

How about getting rid of portraits and use non-human entities (already on the back)?  
A giant redwood, an eagle, a scene of the Mississippi, Half Dome, a Florida alligator ... everybody will complain that their favorite was rejected.

Posted By: Johnny3Balls
So Jackson is out and Tubman is the new face on the US $20. Hope they use a better picture than this, that's a disappointed and disapproving look she has and its going to sour the mood as I hand over or stuff 15-20 of her into an envelope. May have to switch to $50's.
May have to switch to bitcoin - no pictures at all

I'll admit I'm clueless on this whole story as to why they're changing, who and why they picked etc...... But my first thought is why didn't they put MLK on it. He seems to be the most respected african American around? Anyone know?  

I have nothing against Harriet Tubman. As a matter of fact, she's kinda hot! I love old black woman ;)  


GaGambler337 reads

I guess by picking a black woman they killed two birds with one stone.

I have to confess, symbolism doesn't mean jack to me. Treat me fair, give me the same shot at life as anyone else and I don't give two fucks if we never have a POTUS or someone on our currency that "looks like me"  

I think it's going to be funny and only a matter of time before "brown people" want to rewrite history once they become the majority in this country and PC people suffering from white guilt will be cheering them on to do so. White people are so fucking dumb sometimes. Sorry white people, but it's true. lol

BTW, this is no dig at Harriet Tubman, she deserves any and all praise that she receives. This is more about empty symbolism that the PC crowd thinks is going to fix everything when in fact it fixes nothing. I suppose someone is going to accuse me of committing a "micro aggression" Well Fuck You!!! I only commit macro aggressions, so take that you PC Pussies. lol

Plagiarized portions of his PhD thesis Some have argued it should be revoked.  
May have cheated on his wife (extra-marital affairs).  

And other minor imperfections that opponents would use to keep him off the  currency.

Headline:  Gun-toting Republican to replace founder of Democrat party on $20 bill.

Except for the old bills, they have zero collector value.  Just spend 'em, and move forward.

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