Porn Stars

Does anybody actaully find this erotic???
fasteddie51 3915 reads

I believe in free speech, but I do think porn crossed the line sometime from erotic to just downright disgusting!

The girl was paid $2000 and believe it or not, shot another scene for them!!!

-- Modified on 4/21/2008 4:59:45 PM

-- Modified on 4/22/2008 9:10:44 AM

DataGuru2833 reads

Be warned it is rather disturbing.

-- Modified on 4/21/2008 5:47:12 PM

That is just sick, I could not even watch the entire scene. I personally think the lady in this film was taken advantage of by the director. I am guessing this girl is financially desperate and that 2000 is very enticing for her, no matter how much humiliation and degradation she has to deal with.
As mentioned there is a market for this stuff, otherwise scenes/sites/videos like these would not be made.

-- Modified on 4/21/2008 8:15:01 PM

we crossed the line a few years ago from sensual sexy videos to sexual assault videos. I wrote an article on this a few months ago.

aside from that i saw the grossest site the other day

why in the hell would a girl sign on to drink her own shit?

it never ceases to amaze me the boundaries that are pushed

-- Modified on 4/22/2008 7:47:04 AM

-- Modified on 4/22/2008 7:52:54 AM

As I alluded to last week in one of my posts.

The Porn Industry sinks lower, and lower and lower, into the ABYSS !!

Enough said.

dreamweaver73762 reads

Two thoughts rapidly shot through my mind:

1.  If it was a bullshit vid setup, i.e. she is 100% on board and faking her pain, fear and disgust; it still remains a sick vid as it clearly is being shot because there is a demograpghic out there who digs these scenarios. Fucked up IMO...

2.  If there is any part of it that is real (and I doubt it) then of course it is criminal on top of it being very sick...

So either way...I have zippo understanding on how and why anyone would get turned on by this crap. I will always defend the anything goes 'between consenting adults' aspect of sexual activity whereby there is legtimate consent, the parties are in fact adults and they are in fact humans (i.e not animals).  However even if I will defend the right for these people to do this and their fans to watch it, I also still have my own right to render my own opinion on it...

Kathy is dead-on's disgusting and not in the least bit erotic at all to me...

Worked or legit, it's sickening.

And for those who this is a 'market', those are some pathetic creatures (hard to say humans).

I think this might be the worst thing I have seen since "Two Girls & a Cup". Just plain wrong in my opinion.

just reading everybody's post above, i was afraid to even go there, just skipped the link....sum things i don't need to see....

vb241989 reads

Gatorjimmy, I did the same thing! I didn't even go! People who make stuff like that are disgusting!!!!!!!!!!

But there is room for everyone and we arent the thought police or maybe we are, Iam sure many find TER offensive

to each their own...I find it hard to judge others since I do not want to be judged for what I'm doing here.  Please do not misunderstand me though...anything with children is outright wrong.

Very sick....I cannot even convey how sick it is and how empty...Fast has to be consensual and private and intimate...

What have we come to in this world...Sometimes I wonder...

You are has crossed the line...I think it started post Buttman Videos and just kept on going.....TS, TV, GS, now this stuff...that does not get my crank going...

NOW give me a Gorgeous gal like Celeste, Candie Evans type and that gets me going!!!



ritchie3402 reads

Doesn't bother me at all, she was paid for the scene. To each his own I guess. Now if she was really forced to do the act without payment / agreement of what was to go on then its wrong.

So, IF she was "in' on it, you're saying it's OK to portray a girl being abused, not only sexually, but physically.

And why is this crap being filmed, for only one reason, to appeal to the people you can only get their rocks off by abusing a girl.  

This crap is covered by the 1st admend., but should it be allowed/filmed ?  For those who know me and the 1st. admend. this might be a shocker, but this crap doesn't deserve it's protection.

This crap is out there for every sexual deviant to latch onto, so he can justify his sick demented pleasures.  Or for that matter, every young impressionable boy, trying to figure out how he is suppose act/respond in a sexual encounter.

For anyone to think it's OK  to portray this, where do you draw the line, snuff films, child rape ?

This is just the mentality that these sick asshole producers want to see: "if we flood the market with this crap, eventually it will become mainstream".

Trust me, the ABYSS has plenty of room for all of them, and it's purchasers, remember, the ABYSS is like a Black Hole, nothing can escape from it.

well said kathy, you totally hit the bulls eye on this one, thanks for your opinions....

ritchie1524 reads

Like I said I personally don't find it erotic at all, but I am indifferent to it. As long as both parties have an agreement and know whats going to happen I could care less. Yes anything that hurts a child I draw the line at, adults on the other hand should be able too and can take care of themselves.

-- Modified on 4/23/2008 11:16:34 AM

Did you actually find it erotic and something you enjoyed watching?

I didn't, particularly. Even if she was paid for her trouble.

If you had taken the time to observe the entire thread, you would have noticed that I was one of the first to reply to the original question, and my answer was that the video was pathetic, i.e. it is nothing but crap.

If you can't surmise what my feelings are, based upon my original reply, or my second, and more thorough answer, I'll put it to you in a simpler way.

It's not erotic, and no I wouldn't want to watch a girl being abused.

Enough said.

-- Modified on 4/22/2008 8:02:39 PM

ritchie2354 reads

find it erotic at all. But like I said before to each his own. I am indifferent to it.

-- Modified on 4/23/2008 11:11:19 AM

I am a big fan of the Facial Abuse, Latina Abuse and Ghetto Gagger genre. As far as the picture of the amputee at the bottom of your link, that's a different story!

I should have known that some latent something or other would post on this thread, of course not until it was on the 3rd. Page !

The amputee is FAKE, like 99% of the crap out there.  I know that girl, and she's no amputee.

Hey, I've got a bridge I can sell you.

 But I guess if you could knock her around a few times, and abuse her, an amputee would be OK in your book.

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