TER General Board

LOLOLOL! Great reply girlie! ;-) eomregular_smile
MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 264 reads


I don't have a routine so to speak, but sometimes I like to play pandora on my tv while on a date. Sometimes I feel extra excited, and play porn with music on the background as well I have had mixed reactions from both newbies and regulars.  

What's your preference on the matter?

What are people's thoughts on this?  

I have never tried it, how do your clients like it?

I play pandora, but haven't tried porn yet.

GaGambler312 reads

and if I really need porn to get my motor running with a real live girl in the same room with me, either she is heinous or it's time to start taking vitamin V intravenously.

I know there are some guys that due to age, medication or other reasons who need a bit of coaxing to be able to perform, I am not one of those guys. If the woman is hot, I spring to attention the moment I walk in the door. Actually most of the time I am already at half mast just walking up to the door in anticipation of the fun that awaits me.

I know a lot of guys, (and girls) like porn, I just have never been a huge fan of "watching" I don't consider sex a "spectator sport" I like to participate. I don't need to watch a taped PGA event before heading out to play 18 myself, and I don't need or want porn playing in the backroom while I am busy with the lady right there in front of me, or on top of me, or underneath me, or wherever she happens to be. lol

I prefer the volume very low or off and music playing in the background

YairMarx367 reads

Would you watch your porn movies, or have you??

Damnit! She told me she deleted that  

Posted By: YairMarx
Would you watch your porn movies, or have you??

Yes I have!
even MORE of a turn on for the hobbyists apparently  
some have requested it

Sometimes this was on purpose.. and sometimes it just happened to be what came onscreen!

It gives them something interesting to watch while I have sex with them.

qui feel same wayote]

Posted By: donbecker54
It gives them something interesting to watch while I have sex with them.
i feel same way it gets them in the mood

FatVern369 reads

Based on the scientific definition of the word "trans" (adjective)

Trans-boy/man would seem to be more of a correct term when describing someone who was born with male reproductive organs that "transitions" (verb) into being a female.

Thus a tgirl/woman would be born female and transition into a male.

GaGambler309 reads

I guess he came back to fill the void left by fatgirl.

I can only wait to see who wins the final stretch drive for SPOTY when the two of them go head to head in a week or so after your BoyFriend gets back from his little vacation. Or have you been secretly hiding him in your basement?

Closet GAG not basement  

Posted By: GaGambler
I guess he came back to fill the void left by fatgirl.  
 I can only wait to see who wins the final stretch drive for SPOTY when the two of them go head to head in a week or so after your BoyFriend gets back from his little vacation. Or have you been secretly hiding him in your basement?

FatVern285 reads

Based upon the definition of the term, and the transition from one gender to the other.

Perhaps girltrans would be a better descriptor.

Posted By: TS Sasha

FatVern282 reads

I think it disturbing when adults are discussing sexual topics, and use the put down/s that another adult is a juvenile or a child, in an attempt to dominate that adult's opinion.  

Not to mention that certain behavior follows a certain group of frequent posters

Porn Compilation videos with some different music would be hot. Some porn can be boring so a video full of 100's of non stop cum shots would be more interesting IMO. I don't think I'd want to see midget or clown porn ... No matter how good the music was.

-- Modified on 11/19/2015 11:04:46 PM

Canadians always keep the TV on during sex.

That way they can watch the ice hockey game while going at it doggy style.

Alan_Nimm342 reads

I've only been with one provider who had a tv on during our dates, and it was a big hdtv playing FF porn. I glanced at it once in awhile in between activities, and it was pretty hot. But so was my date, and she was up close and in the flesh.  She wasn't looking at it much either, bless her heart.

FatVern381 reads

Many of the ladies say they aren't interested in reenacting a porn seen with their clients

Maybe it's just you ...

Posted By: FatVern
Many of the ladies say they aren't interested in reenacting a porn seen with their clients.  

FatVern337 reads

That is what I have read on this very board. The latest example of a lady saying this, was in reference to why most ladies prefer older clients. The lady said most younger clients wanted to act out their favorite porn seens. The lady said she had no interesr in doing that. There were other ladies whom agreed with her...

I've also read other threads where ladies have said they aren't interested in reenacting porn seens. Since porn seens and real life aren't even close in comparison.

Also the so called PSE, isn't remotely the same as porn seen.



Maybe it's just you ...  
Posted By: FatVern
Many of the ladies say they aren't interested in reenacting a porn seen with their clients.    

...so just soft music for me, please...

Which, I guess, a lot of people do anyways.

But it's not for me.

Some nice background music is all that I need.

And hells bells, if you do have the TV on for whatever reason, (Some gals tell me they feel safer because the TV drowns out the groans, etc.) please don't have it set to a news channel.  What a buzz kill that is

Play whatever you want, my attention is going to be focused on you anyway.

to me personally porn in the background or music is distracting.... maybe it is because i am adhd

it happened a few times that as soon as client walks in , he asks if i have any "good" porn...good porn means different things to different people...lets face it...

i find it very off-putting if guys asks to turn on porn, it is almost like provider is not hot enough and additional stimulation is needed ...

Based on ur reviews girl. Sounds like ure the one making the porn. Ure awesome 😊️

EmmaCorey319 reads

I like it, nothing like extra excitement in the room!

-- Modified on 11/20/2015 1:07:37 PM

It defeats the purpose to me.  Why would one pick out a specific girl only to arrive and focus your attention on a tv screen with some random porn scene on it?

However, I had one experience where the provider did have porn on through the visit.  I just wasn't into her looks, so the porn helped mildly in salvaging the visit and avoided humiliating her by just leaving after 15 minutes of a 2hr appointment.

FatVern258 reads

If you paid her for an hour and forty five minutes of peace and quite, while on the clock?

Posted By: ftbendlvr
It defeats the purpose to me.  Why would one pick out a specific girl only to arrive and focus your attention on a tv screen with some random porn scene on it?  
 However, I had one experience where the provider did have porn on through the visit.  I just wasn't into her looks, so the porn helped mildly in salvaging the visit and avoided humiliating her by just leaving after 15 minutes of a 2hr appointment.  

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