TER General Board

As I said, peons bring their cash to the bank
GaGambler 575 reads

while rich people use bank wires.

I thought anyone with enough spare change to own a Bentley in the first place would already know this. Do you REALLY own a Bentley?

So I've only been independent for about a month now, and truth be told, I'm still adjusting to the sheer amount of hobbyist foolishness that I have to deal with every day lol.  From potential clients asking me for information that's clearly listed on every one of my my ads, to screening forms submitted only 1/3 complete, to guys who call three days in a row to book an appointment without ever actually booking an appointment... not a day goes by that I don't find myself shaking my head at some fresh silliness in my inbox.

But what's really thrown me for a loop is the completely random emails that I get about once a week.  For example, Subject: "God, you're sexy when you get mad" Body: "Too bad you're a flatliner". Or another that included the brilliantly ridiculous line, "There is a great match between your breath and a buffalo fart".  

I'm a fairly low volume provider, so the chances that these are from actual clients that I've seen are slim to none. I can easily remember most of my clients, and I have never gotten anywhere near "mad" at any of them (either in person or over the phone). And if anyone has ever found my breath less than appealing, they certainly didn't show it.  So I'm assuming these are just some bored, lonely bastard's attempt at trolling, or some dumb kid's idea of of a prank. In either case, I'm always struck by how completely pointless they are and can't help but wonder what kind of reaction the senders are looking for.  

Providers:  Does this happen to you?  What's the most ridiculous trolling/pranking email or text you've received?  Do you ever bother to respond? Do you have an idea of who might be behind them?

Hobbyists:  What's your take on this?  Have you ever sent a completely off the wall email to a provider just for laughs?  For those of you noted trolls here on the message boards, what do you get out of insulting/irritating providers?  

**ETA:  I'm not looking for advice here-- just sharing stories.  There really is no better method of dealing with a troll than ignoring them :)  **

-- Modified on 7/7/2015 10:39:37 AM

expertiamator607 reads

Posted By: THEAvaStClaire
So I've only been independent for about a month now, and truth be told, I'm still adjusting to the sheer amount of hobbyist foolishness that I have to deal with every day lol.  From potential clients asking me for information that's clearly listed on every one of my my ads, to screening forms submitted only 1/3 complete, to guys who call three days in a row to book an appointment without ever actually booking an appointment... not a day goes by that I don't find myself shaking my head at some fresh silliness in my inbox.  
 But what's really thrown me for a loop is the completely random emails that I get about once a week.  For example, Subject: "God, you're sexy when you get mad" Body: "Too bad you're a flatliner". Or another that included the brilliantly ridiculous line, "There is a great match between your breath and a buffalo fart".    
 I'm a fairly low volume provider, so the chances that these are from actual clients that I've seen are slim to none. I can easily remember most of my clients, and I have never gotten anywhere near "mad" at any of them (either in person or over the phone). And if anyone has ever found my breath less than appealing, they certainly didn't show it.  So I'm assuming these are just some bored, lonely bastard's attempt at trolling, or some dumb kid's idea of of a prank. In either case, I'm always struck by how completely pointless they are and can't help but wonder what kind of reaction the senders are looking for.  
 Providers:  Does this happen to you?  What's the most ridiculous trolling/pranking email or text you've received?  Do you ever bother to respond? Do you have an idea of who might be behind them?  
 Hobbyists:  What's your take on this?  Have you ever sent a completely off the wall email to a provider just for laughs?  For those of you noted trolls here on the message boards, what do you get out of insulting/irritating providers?  


My income isn't tax free.  Lot of provider's income isn't tax free. Like most responsible business owners we either find good accountants that are familiar with what we do (Yes, there are accountants, doctors, and other service providers that specialize in adult) or we figure it out on our own.  I know a few providers that became accountants and service other providers.  Much like a pizza business or any other mostly or all cash business, we will be downright stupid to not pay taxes and claim income.  

Like anyone else who is working for a living, we like to have good credit, buy houses and cars or just have a financial emergency plan.  Being a provider does NOT automatically make your income tax free.  We live normal lives.  Life requires us to also prove our income at times.  I will never understand why some individuals think we are living this tax-free, careless lifestyle with no thought given to our own quality of life and the quality of life of the humans that depend on us and our other responsibilities.  

To say our income is tax free only proves how little you know about the provider end of the hobby.  It's ridiculous to think all of us are just that ignorant.  I would hope you learn a little about what your making a comment about.  I find your comment insulting and ignorant

Imo, he isn't saying "escorts" are not bound by the tax code but he is stating many girls choose to not report the income. The latter is certainly true.

And you have no idea what "most" providers do. You MAY have a small glimpse into what SOME providers do, but that relies on them telling you the truth, which they may or may not do.

Many women in this line of work have horrendous credit, make poor choices with their money and are desperate. In fact, its why many of them came to this occupation to begin with

Bob.Sugar641 reads

Report income...why?

Posted By: JackDunphy
Imo, he isn't saying "escorts" are not bound by the tax code but he is stating many girls choose to not report the income. The latter is certainly true.  
 And you have no idea what "most" providers do. You MAY have a small glimpse into what SOME providers do, but that relies on them telling you the truth, which they may or may not do.  
 Many women in this line of work have horrendous credit, make poor choices with their money and are desperate. In fact, its why many of them came to this occupation to begin with.  

Anther reason is to stay out of the federal prison system for tax fraud.

How are you going to tell a woman, who is not only living her life but most certainly talking to others in a more in depth, business minded capacity than you, that she can't say what most or many providers do, and in the same breath do the exact same thing? Go on about how abysmal you just KNOW many ladies financial situations and taking care of business is, and spout off as if people should listen to you?  

You are even more ignorant than you accuse her of being and not half as pretty. Leave the desperate hooker tropes to the movies, please.

-- Modified on 7/7/2015 3:49:41 PM

I sympathize with your concern about trolls and rude, annoying, time wasting, insulting emails you have been getting. I doubt any troll will respond unless they are using an alias. You may probably get a response from other providers and they might  be interesting. Just ignore them would be my advice.

I wasn't looking for advice ("Don't feed the trolls" is about as effective as it gets lol) so much as opening up the floor for stories. I love hearing about other providers' experiences and I'm always interested in what hobbyists have to say.  As far as anybody actually owning up to being a troll, I doubt it'll happen... But I live in hope.  If I'm lucky, maybe RidgeTucky will come through lol ;)

1. Don't post on the boards, because it's a given they are all over the place..

2. Set up an auto response that takes care of all the stupid shit people ask, and don't bother responding to any email that does not contain screening info. a date and time of appt.  

3.Get an assistant that has a charming personality like mine, and you're all set to ward of fktards who can't afford you and just want to annoy you because they don't like what you post on TER.

Posted By: THEAvaStClaire
So I've only been independent for about a month now, and truth be told, I'm still adjusting to the sheer amount of hobbyist foolishness that I have to deal with every day lol.  From potential clients asking me for information that's clearly listed on every one of my my ads, to screening forms submitted only 1/3 complete, to guys who call three days in a row to book an appointment without ever actually booking an appointment... not a day goes by that I don't find myself shaking my head at some fresh silliness in my inbox.  
 But what's really thrown me for a loop is the completely random emails that I get about once a week.  For example, Subject: "God, you're sexy when you get mad" Body: "Too bad you're a flatliner". Or another that included the brilliantly ridiculous line, "There is a great match between your breath and a buffalo fart".    
 I'm a fairly low volume provider, so the chances that these are from actual clients that I've seen are slim to none. I can easily remember most of my clients, and I have never gotten anywhere near "mad" at any of them (either in person or over the phone). And if anyone has ever found my breath less than appealing, they certainly didn't show it.  So I'm assuming these are just some bored, lonely bastard's attempt at trolling, or some dumb kid's idea of of a prank. In either case, I'm always struck by how completely pointless they are and can't help but wonder what kind of reaction the senders are looking for.  
 Providers:  Does this happen to you?  What's the most ridiculous trolling/pranking email or text you've received?  Do you ever bother to respond? Do you have an idea of who might be behind them?  
 Hobbyists:  What's your take on this?  Have you ever sent a completely off the wall email to a provider just for laughs?  For those of you noted trolls here on the message boards, what do you get out of insulting/irritating providers?  

And the most helpful post on this thread, IMO!

Steph xox

Knowing that my time is as important as yours, I don't contact a lady unless I'm interested in meeting her.  Hopefully she's already provided all the needed information so I don't have to ask.  

As for the trolls, I just ignore them.  I've gotten a few PMs from a couple and the delete function works wonderfully.  Responding to them just gives them fuel to continue insulting/irritating.  The ignore button works as intended

I've gotten PMs from "reputable" ladies asking for information on things I've posted. I'm not a gossip so I just ignore those messages.

I've gotten a few from several ladies. Since none have been gossip related I'll answer them.  Depending on the who and what the PM is about will determine if I do or don't respond/delete.

Not anything I would go for, but at least they have a goal. Some sort of hopes and dreams for whatever they're doing.

The guy who asks if I'm ready to hop on the Viagra Train and have my performance judged, in poetry form, I'm not so sure.

Bob.Sugar723 reads

Doesn't really work...but it's like the ginseng crap.  If you think it helps...it probably won't hurt either.

cuppajoe696 reads

o I'm having a wide ranging conversation with my auto mechanic, who seems kinda antsy in his marriage.  Somehow, the topic touches on mongering, in particular the fact that attractive women are actually very available for the right incentive.  So the mechanic shares with me that , yeah he has a friend that e mails or calls "those women", but has "never pulled the trigger".  

He could very well have been talking about himself, we have not gone there yet.  I can imagine though, for a guy contemplating the hobby life, getting many jolts of adrenaline just reaching out or trolling.  That may be enough excitement to tide him over for many years until he does "pull the trigger" or ultimately chickens out.  

I am sure that there are many species of trolls, but I have not made a study of them.

This is exactly why I asked.  I hadn't considered the rush of just being in contact with a provider as a motivation for those kinds of pointless calls and emails.  Makes sense.  

That's exactly the kind of insight I was looking for!  I appreciate you taking the time to respond with something that actually answers my questions lol.

I'm not trying to be rude, but this is a copy and paste of what you asked:

"Providers:  Does this happen to you?  What's the most ridiculous trolling/pranking email or text you've received?  Do you ever bother to respond? Do you have an idea of who might be behind them? "

Sorry that some of us only answered the third question. I actually answered 1 and 3. I wasn't aware that you needed an answer to all four. ;)

The problem is, many of us have been doing this for long enough that what may seem intriguing and new to you is now a waste of time to many of us.. No one is trying to be rude. I promise you, after two months you won't care about this any more either. :)

-- Modified on 7/7/2015 10:38:11 AM

Lol you know what, good point.  I should have been clearer when I asked the question.  I know that most (myself included) just ignore that kind of garbage, and rightfully so. What I was trying (and failing, obviously) to get at was, I'm curious to know what providers who DO respond say in a situation like that.  I know for a fact that there are women out there who will go toe-to-toe with trolls, refusing to back down and calling them out on their ridiculousness.  That's what I was really trying ask about.  My mistake for being too vague.  

You can blame it on naivety of sorts, but I'm legitimately interested in the people of this industry. In an world so shrouded in mystery,  I love the idea that we can all discuss these things so openly here.  I was under the impression that people used message boards to engage in conversations like that, but I'm quickly realizing that that's not really the case lol. So many of these posts start out with an interesting point or question... and then quickly devolve into pettiness, nastiness, and pointless back and forth nitpicking.  Anyway, I really appreciate you pointing out my error without engaging in any of that :

Here and there someone will try to change how this general discussion board flows.. It would be nice if it would flow nicely, unfortunately internet trolls, jerks, the nice guys, the Indy working lady, the agency working lady and the pimp controlled lady all have the right to post here and Ter mods can only mod so much without being an over zealous police force.

I have just learned to put the guys who troll on ignore and when they use their aliases, I just don't click on them. :)

Conversation is great. It's just rare that it goes the way you want it to go. :)

Why would that be "unfortunate?" The beauty of a board like this is that there are SO many different personality types and differences of opinions.

Is it really THAT hard not to look at posters comments you don't agree with/like/condone?

I read most of the posts when I am involved in a thread but not all. I skip a few people I know wont add humor, a reasoned thought or just something witty.

There isn't a single person here I would kick off this island and many, many posters disagree with my posts on a daily basis.

You may want a homogenous posting style or group of posters, but those board would be dull as shit.

Diversity is always best, sweetie.

Viva la difference!

You might be crass, you might say some things that some may find mildly to off the chart abrasive BUT Jacko, what you are not is pathetic and petty and mind numbingly boring and predicable.  

You can accept the shit thrown your way like a grown human being and not whine and cry and bite back like a little bitch. You deserve respect.

My hate mail should go down by about 50% for a while, but that's only because they will be sending some to you. LOL

(And really ladies, in the future can you leave my mom out of it? lol)

Now stop ruining my rep here HT and get back to ripping me. :D

What are you even talking about? As I said in the original post and in response to another commenter, I'm not looking for advice.  I'm perfectly capable of ignoring the idiots and dismissing the trolls.  I wrote the post because I like hearing other people's viewpoints and I enjoy sharing stories.  Either your reading comprehension is seriously lacking, or you're being willfully obtuse

Yet you interact with the trolls in this thread anyway.

Maybe you should be open to the advice now?

You sure don't seem to be following your own. LOL

Of course I'm interacting with them now. I literally wrote an entire post about them and their motivations lol.   I'm hoping that by drawing them out and talking to them, I might better understand where they're coming from. So far, I'm thinking an almost compulsive need to have the last word, general boredom, and an underlying contempt for opinionated women

I have my troll indicator on full power for you so if you have any trouble figuring out who they may be, I am at your service.  

And good luck demanding how people respond to your post, and doing it three times to boot!

That always goes over well here. LOL

" I'm not looking for advice here-- just sharing stories."

"I wasn't looking for advice ("Don't feed the trolls" is about as effective as it gets lol) so much as opening up the floor for stories."

"As I said in the original post and in response to another commenter, I'm not looking for advice.  I'm perfectly capable of ignoring the idiots and dismissing the trolls.  I wrote the post because I like hearing other people's viewpoints and I enjoy sharing stories."

A woman clarifying her original intentions and politely attempting to keep the conversation on track-- Yeah, Jack, SO demanding.

Bob.Sugar727 reads

Fewer trolls there...and the older guys really do seem to like being told how to reply.


Posted By: THEAvaStClaire
" I'm not looking for advice here-- just sharing stories."  
 "I wasn't looking for advice ("Don't feed the trolls" is about as effective as it gets lol) so much as opening up the floor for stories."  
 "As I said in the original post and in response to another commenter, I'm not looking for advice.  I'm perfectly capable of ignoring the idiots and dismissing the trolls.  I wrote the post because I like hearing other people's viewpoints and I enjoy sharing stories."  
 A woman clarifying her original intentions and politely attempting to keep the conversation on track-- Yeah, Jack, SO demanding.

GaGambler687 reads

Here? not so much.

The surest way to get flamed on this board is to start a thread with the admonishment "Don't flame me for this, but" Or "Serious replies only, trolls please don't comment"  

Yeah, that works all the time, doesn't it?

Bob.Sugar614 reads

I'm sure it'll include how angry I must be.  Or that I have to pay for this.  

Maybe she'll have some new retorts?

Posted By: GaGambler
Here? not so much.  
 The surest way to get flamed on this board is to start a thread with the admonishment "Don't flame me for this, but" Or "Serious replies only, trolls please don't comment"  
 Yeah, that works all the time, doesn't it?

Maybe GaG will set the over/under here. If you get to ten, you will get those coveted TER steak knives you've been eyeing up.

Yep! "Demanding" now even more apparent, was the perfect adjective! :

GaGambler480 reads

but I don't think she'll like where she'll get them. lol

Bob.Sugar569 reads

You start a troll thread...about trolls.

You make demands from board posters...typical delusional troll behavior.

All hail the Queen of the trolls.  LOL

Thanks for playing.  

Posted By: THEAvaStClaire
Of course I'm interacting with them now. I literally wrote an entire post about them and their motivations lol.   I'm hoping that by drawing them out and talking to them, I might better understand where they're coming from. So far, I'm thinking an almost compulsive need to have the last word, general boredom, and an underlying contempt for opinionated women.  

Didn't another beautiful young lady, start a troll thread in the past?

I don't know about anyone else, but I don't spam the provider's in box.

I only try to arange dates, if I get a yes we meet, if I get a no they never hear from me again. It's that simple.

I wasn't giving you advice, this is how I am when having a conversation. I give my opinion, if it sounds like advice to you maybe my opinion is a fact?  

Nothing wrong with sharing stories, but I think you may be encouraging the trolls to contact you. Which was the issue, right?

I guess it's entertaining at times, you either like the attention or you don't.

What you speak of is no different in any business endeavor. Good thing for you and me is that we get the big bucks so we can laugh all the way to the bank.

Bob.Sugar491 reads

I don't tend to laugh on my way there.  I hum to songs that I have on SAT radio.  Maybe have a chat with someone on the phone.  

Also...with the internet I don't find myself going nearly as often as I did.  Everything I tend to do banking wise is online.

I kind of miss the days when going to make deposits/withdrawals meant chatting it up with the young girls at my banks.  

Posted By: JackDunphy
What you speak of is no different in any business endeavor. Good thing for you and me is that we get the big bucks so we can laugh all the way to the bank.

Look Pal, if you aren't bathing in money like me and Ava St. Money, that's your problem. Don't blame the two of us for your life's misfortunes.

But to be honest...I don't ALWAYS laugh all the way to the bank.

I mean sometimes I just giggle.

GaGambler575 reads

and whoever thinks "cash is king" is still living in the 1970's. REAL money is whisked from bank to bank with a couple of simple strokes on a keyboard, a thousand times more then even wheel barrows full of cash.

People used to think the guy with a ten thousand dollar wad of cash was "rich" today it's the guy with the one single Centurion card in his pocket that is rich.

With me personally, it gets there in the back of my Bentley! LOL

Bob.Sugar652 reads

I just get my bazillions wired to my account.

Thank god I replied to that troll email a while back!

Posted By: JackDunphy
With me personally, it gets there in the back of my Bentley! LOL

GaGambler576 reads

while rich people use bank wires.

I thought anyone with enough spare change to own a Bentley in the first place would already know this. Do you REALLY own a Bentley?

Would you like to park it sometime? I have a few openings. LOL

IfIdknown534 reads

Bentley is his name for his dick

Posted By: GaGambler
while rich people use bank wires.  
 I thought anyone with enough spare change to own a Bentley in the first place would already know this. Do you REALLY own a Bentley?

Bob.Sugar417 reads

He won one of my old Bentley's at a lawn party I had last year.

Don't you remember?

Posted By: GaGambler
while rich people use bank wires.  
 I thought anyone with enough spare change to own a Bentley in the first place would already know this. Do you REALLY own a Bentley?

GaGambler590 reads

I bet you he even has to drive it himself, doesn't he?

Bob.Sugar635 reads

I even get emails from them.  It's very scary.

Can you help me?

There is no such thing as Mafia.  It's a fictional name/label.

There are always trolls out there...there's not much we can do to get rid of them.  If someone makes the choice to spend their time to message me a negative comment they have bigger problems than me.  There's enough negativity in the world and no normal human sends nasty messages to strangers...no matter what those strangers do for a living.  Guys like this like to act like their somehow smarter or better than providers.  These are the ones who lower themselves to calling us names, putting us and our chosen occupation down and just say nasty things.  They feel they can abuse us and get away with it.  So far, Karma has taken care of this for me.

The ones I simply will never be able to figure out are the ones who choose to lower themselves to nasty behavior, get verbally abusive, put on my "NO" list then contact me a month later, acting all nice like they didn't make the choice to act like a 2 year old with a bad vocabulary.  

Who we decide to see us becomes the regular clientele.  Don't wast your time with these guys.  Ignore the hell out of them and put them on your "NO" list.

I do see a coloration between guys like this and which site my ads are on.  Where you advertise DOES matter!!  You're going to get a TON of undesirable guys on BP and similar sites...I stopped advertising on there a long time ago...the clientele is just a pain in the ass, don't like to be screened, don't take the time to learn about the hobby, want to see me for a fraction of my rate and treat the ladies like crap.  I'm not saying everyone on BP and similar sites are all bad.  The chances of undesirables contacting you is much, much higher.  I have seen a few good guys off BP however, 90% of those who contacted me from there were nothing more than time wasters.  The majority of the girls on there don't screen, charge ridiculously low rates and it seems that putting up with these guy's nonsense is just a part of the job.  Staying on high quality sites and off the lower end ones like BP has cut the BS and harassment by 90%.  Now it's once in a while.  If I went back on BP,  my day will be filled dealing with their BS and I don't have the time or desire for that.

Posted By: THEAvaStClaire
So I've only been independent for about a month now, and truth be told, I'm still adjusting to the sheer amount of hobbyist foolishness that I have to deal with every day lol.  From potential clients asking me for information that's clearly listed on every one of my my ads, to screening forms submitted only 1/3 complete, to guys who call three days in a row to book an appointment without ever actually booking an appointment... not a day goes by that I don't find myself shaking my head at some fresh silliness in my inbox.  
 But what's really thrown me for a loop is the completely random emails that I get about once a week.  For example, Subject: "God, you're sexy when you get mad" Body: "Too bad you're a flatliner". Or another that included the brilliantly ridiculous line, "There is a great match between your breath and a buffalo fart".    
 I'm a fairly low volume provider, so the chances that these are from actual clients that I've seen are slim to none. I can easily remember most of my clients, and I have never gotten anywhere near "mad" at any of them (either in person or over the phone). And if anyone has ever found my breath less than appealing, they certainly didn't show it.  So I'm assuming these are just some bored, lonely bastard's attempt at trolling, or some dumb kid's idea of of a prank. In either case, I'm always struck by how completely pointless they are and can't help but wonder what kind of reaction the senders are looking for.  
 Providers:  Does this happen to you?  What's the most ridiculous trolling/pranking email or text you've received?  Do you ever bother to respond? Do you have an idea of who might be behind them?  
 Hobbyists:  What's your take on this?  Have you ever sent a completely off the wall email to a provider just for laughs?  For those of you noted trolls here on the message boards, what do you get out of insulting/irritating providers?  
 **ETA:  I'm not looking for advice here-- just sharing stories.  There really is no better method of dealing with a troll than ignoring them :)  **  

-- Modified on 7/7/2015 10:39:37 AM

Someone above implied that the OP does not pay taxes on her earnings. Quite a few apparently intelligent providers in the past have posted that they pay taxes, and I believe them because it is the smart thing to do. I assume that the people I know pay taxes.  Don't want anything to do with even an implication that they don't.

AZCalvin69377 reads

I'd never do this to a provider. It shows a lack of respect for their time and I don't have time to waste either. I'm sorry anyone has to go through such foolishness.

Many who go independent confront this problem. Not very unusual considering the fact that we have more idiots on the planet hiding their true selves behind smart devices.  

Being that it may, most new indies get a scheduler quickly and my indie provider friends tells me, it is worth the expense.

-- Modified on 7/7/2015 6:51:59 AM

GaGambler432 reads

Not on you "Not trying to be rude" as we all know Senor Grumpy doesn't have to TRY to be rude, and not on your advice to get a scheduler as that is actually good advice.

I call bullshit about you having a provider friend, Everybody knows you have NO friends. lol

To completely ignore them is the very best defense. They crave attention, even if it makes fools out them mindlessly following the object of their trolling. They know they are found utterly repulsive, they know they are being ignored but they just can't help themselves. Sad really...

Bob.Sugar638 reads

You left out how angry they must be as well  ;)

How do you know that a troll knows they are being "found utterly repulsive"?  Is there some documentation on this?  Please provide a link.  Or is that comment simply YOUR opinion that you'd like to present as everyone's reality?

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
To completely ignore them is the very best defense. They crave attention, even if it makes fools out them mindlessly following the object of their trolling. They know they are found utterly repulsive, they know they are being ignored but they just can't help themselves. Sad really...

She WASNT looking for advice HT! How did you miss that in THIS thread? LOL

Bob.Sugar683 reads

It's just too easy at times.

Posted By: JackDunphy
She WASNT looking for advice HT! How did you miss that in THIS thread? LOL

Since when has that ever stopped you from adding your 2 cents worth? I see Admin has been busy shutting down the useless sections of this thread...kudos to them.  

The Op just needs to lower her standards if she wants to play in the cesspool. Give her time, she will either get dirty or choose to leave

I didn't know it was an absolute. In case you haven't noticed, many mangina's post here. They feel like they are being true to themselves. Many women too I am sure.

No need to lower any standards to play here.

Look around...many haven't and still had the courage to stay

I really would like to be much nicer but tried that route and it did not pay off. Anyway that is old news...like London has said before, I am not being paid to kiss ass on a fuck board, I reserve that for paying johns. Money always helps me lie really well....lol

Then you just reverted back to form.

Zebras cant change stripes HT. I mean some can paint them so they look all white or all black, but that only lasts so long. :D

GaGambler546 reads

Since when are trolls ignored here. Have you bothered counting the number of reads and responses guys like RTucky get on every retread troll post they make?

As for knowing they are found repulsive, THAT'S THEIR GOAL!!! Sheesh, sometimes I just can't wrap my arms around how easy your chains are to jerk. Not you as in H+T, but the generic you, as in the entire fucking board. You all claim you don't want' trolls, but you all fall all over yourselves to respond to a "call out" each and every troll that comes on here.

Let me ask you something H+T, when was the last time you saw a troll post here that went either ignored or unanswered?  I bet you can't find a single one, so what does that say about the board's ability to ignore a troll?

Except to say something that is IMO funny.

The really gross trolls I ignore. Not significant or important enough to waste time replying to. So personally I uphold that.  

Some truly repulsive ones need a response. Drives them BSC when they don;t get one. They follow you around like a bad smell hoping they will get some small act of recognition. That is when you know you have the stalker troll, a lower life form that has no self respect.

Every time GaG is the answer to your last question.

GaGambler856 reads

"You can't say that you have truly "made it" on the internet until you have at least a few stalkers"

I'll put my list of stalkers up against anyone else's here. I guess I've truly "made it" haven't I? lol

and yes there are a few trolls here that are so lame I won't feed them Mtdoodooqueen is one that comes to mind. The trolls I ignore are not based on "grossness" or being "repulsive" I ignore them if they are simply boorish and boring at the same time.

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