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Really? My gay buddies told me that no one can give a BBBJ like another dude (eom)
Vagazzle 373 reads


I feel like having fun... so... knowing we all will get some laughs for the stupid things a few will post... sexual or not. Anything counts.

What do men do better?  

What do women do better?

Let your imagination, sense of humor, and pure BSC craziness begin :D

Vagazzle559 reads

at stuff that pertains to spacial cognition.  Some of my clients have let me drive their cars but they always get scared and tell me to pull over and switch drivers after 5 minutes.  Women are far better at caring for others, we are more intuitive, and able to express our emotions freely, which avoids us getting angry and starting fights and wars like men do.

Your right none of the hookers here get angry and start fights. Your logic may be sound but only for 21 days out of the month. You make it so difficult. All you have to do in life is have 3 holes no waiting. Some fool will take care of you. Instead you muck it up by opening your mouth and talking

I'm loaded, and I can clearly tell that you have women issues.

These ladies are absolutely awesome, you get to have the good times without the bad.

Check your attitude at the door, have fun, and go home. This really is a simple arrangement, you don't have to have much going on at this sport to have fun, so do so.

Another Bourbon please.... Crap I have to get my own when I'm home. It's a good thing I like my Bourbon neat, it's really easy to make.

At pulverizing our oversized male egos. Takes them about 10 seconds if they put some effort into it.

We are better at using our tongues non-verbally :-)

denying their emotions. Women are better at understanding theirs.

Of course, men are better at peeing while standing up, and women are better at breast-feeding, too

Women are usually better at threading needles because men are prone to try and push the tip of the thread through the eye of the needle while women usually try to move the needle and slip the eye over the tip of the thread.

When it comes to weaving, I feel, men and women view the task quite differently, but neither has a clear advantage in accomplishing it.

I've used this line on my SO, but she pointed out that women can pee standing up pefectly fine.  It just works better while taking a shower.

-- Modified on 3/8/2015 5:39:52 AM

Just said men are better at it. Can a eoman pee into a toilet while standing without getting it everywhere? Can they write their name in the snow? :D

Senator.Blutarsky529 reads

...came to the following conclusion.  

Women can fake an orgasm...but men can fake a whole relationship.

would know WHAT  and when we are faking. ..

Or may be not faking:)

And we never will admit it. it drives you crazy.. but we tell your true feel one day as we fake it other day as it is real.
Starting as fake  ending up as real  
 and we built emotionally and logically different.
Keep guess:) what we do the best and what are  our motivations.

[W]omen are meant to be loved, not to be understood. ~Oscar Wilde, "The Sphinx without a Secret," 1891

-- Modified on 3/7/2015 11:18:20 PM

fartsonhigher1392 reads

Women look and sound like they are desperate, wanton, desirous sexual beings overcome with ecstasy.

Men just look and sound like someone is pinching their balls while they are taking a big painful dump.

I've never received a BJ from a man, but if I ever did I'd make sure he was dressed as a woman.

Are BJs fair?  What if BJ's don't sell? Is being the only straight man in a planet full of gay men fair?

Remember, BJ existed before JB and JB existed before BJ.  

They coexisted before they existed. Is that fair

JoelGoodsen413 reads

being female impersonators.  Women are better at most everything else; except for peeing while standing up.

I think women can almost any job as well as a guy, where pure physical strength is not a factor. Where women excel is where they have the biological advantage. Nurturing, dealing with complicated relationships, etc. Having said that, women are so much better at giving me bbbjs.

and I were some old time Jewish comic, I'd probably say something like:

Men are better at earning money, and women better at spending it.


But it isn't, I'm not, and I would never even think of saying something so pathetically misogynist, even if it were true, which of course it is not.

So, let's just say that women are better at the things that women do, and men are better at doing the things that men do, and call it a day.

And, it should also go without saying, especially on here:  women are better at convincing men to give them money for sex than vice versa.

fartsonhigher1493 reads

Women are better and more success at being groupies and getting their idols to fuck them.

Exhibit A....and fuck yeah I would

fartsonhigher1429 reads

so that's a fail. :(

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