Legal Corner

Re: Question being asked on another board-
TER Admin 5278 reads

We are not US based and have no obligation to turn over any information to US based authorities. In circumstances where we would like to help, we could not do so because your personal information is not stored here.  Your financial transactions occur on ccbill’s site, not ours. The only name we have on record for you is the one you input when creating your username.  You can edit that by going to:

In the seven years the site has been up, we have been contacted twice.  

Once by a local sheriff’s department to see if we could help on a provider murder.  We did not have any information to give them.

Once by the IRS asking how much money had we paid to a provider.  She had won one of our contests worth $500.00. That is what we told them.

I hope this answers your question.  

Thank you for your support.

CarolinaLayla9716 reads

I was chatting with a provider who is a friend the other day. We were speaking about TER, and she stated that TER is now run by law enforcement. She also stated it was on CNN. I am new to escorting, so I didn't catch any of that info at the time. Does anyone know anything about this?

The replies to this ladies questions were rather interesting to say the least .
I personally have been posting and reviewed on TER for many many years and know from "history" in this biz that  LE is everywhere. Period !!
And I enjoy this board to  the fullest .

Just thought I would share what I read with my TER friends.


TER Admin5279 reads

We are not US based and have no obligation to turn over any information to US based authorities. In circumstances where we would like to help, we could not do so because your personal information is not stored here.  Your financial transactions occur on ccbill’s site, not ours. The only name we have on record for you is the one you input when creating your username.  You can edit that by going to:

In the seven years the site has been up, we have been contacted twice.  

Once by a local sheriff’s department to see if we could help on a provider murder.  We did not have any information to give them.

Once by the IRS asking how much money had we paid to a provider.  She had won one of our contests worth $500.00. That is what we told them.

I hope this answers your question.  

Thank you for your support.

I thought you stored IP addresses, and these were linked to the reviews.

Say a provider disappears (not too farfetched -- there is an ongoing investigation into a woman who worked for an escort agency in Colorado).  If she had been reviewed on TER, could LE ask you for all the IP addresses of the people who wrote a review of her to try to figure out who her customers were?  In some cases (e.g., static IP address) they could use the IP addresses to figure out who wrote the review.

There was just a ruling made the other day to allow the US government access to IP addresses without need for a warrant or supeona.  Another civil right to privacy lost.  This was originally designed for the "war on terrorism" but undoubtably other agencies will abuse it now.

BUT as Admin explained above if the site isn't physically located within the US they can't do anything.  While I guess pressure could be brought on a foreign govt, to force disclosure it's highly unlikely.

What is much more likely is the eventual blocking of content on the web like China does, or halting credit card transactions like they did with offshore gambling.

Besides this is a FANTASY site and everything on here is nothing but a figment of your imagination.

TS Jamie

and we have soooo many budding writers. All of them have great imagination and creativity, even though some throw grammer out of the window.

  Treehouse Park, S.A.
  c/o Network Solutions
  P.O. Box 447
  Herndon, VA 20172-0447

Yeah, outside of the US my left nut....

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