TER General Board

I'll PM you when they come out the oven!!! LOL!!!teeth_smile
SexyJaye7 See my TER Reviews 320 reads


Christmas ideas...
A mini santa hat for his mini me, (in various sizes to choose from)
Eggnog served at every appointment
Play Christmas music
For Jewish, make the candle light using a Menora

Any holiday ideas for anyone?

openly say "Merry Christmas" to people who celebrate it, but I, myself, never really celebrated Christmas, as I was not raised in a Christian family. So, I really don't expect anyone to do anything special for me. If they do something special, I do appreciate it as a kind gesture..

-- Modified on 11/19/2014 12:31:13 PM

I always have cookie ingredients on hand and will whip up a batch of chocolate chip or snickerdoodles and have a little baggies to give my guys as a treat. Around the holidays I bake a lot of sweet potato pies too, I will always offer a slice of pie. If know what he likes, I'll make his favorite, but always just enough for a snack and something edible so there won't be any evidence left or wrapping paper. For most busy guys having something homemade is a great gift.

Lol! I am whipping up some chili right now, this cold weather sucks!!! Sorry I missed you when you were in DC last week, I ran away to the west coast for the weekend. Would have luved to have met you for lunch or drinks. Let me know when you're back in my area

Dear Jaye:
Why don't you offer a holiday special called Nookie and cookies?  It would be quite the inducement and would whet your customers appetites in more ways than one.

You have been more helpful with my marketing than I probably have been, I feel like I need to cut you in on the profits! LOL!

I did, early on, offer a 3 hour session with snacks; they were homemade cookies and I made a few different kinds, but always asking if there were nut allergies- my fave are nutella hazelnut. Now I have a birthday special, which is kinda the same thing, I combine a discount with homemade cupcakes. I have that ho/ housewife thing going on, so I can't help but be domestic and feed my man while I rock his world...

giving the ultimate gift of happiness? I mean what guy won't like a tiny santa hat for his downstairs head? That's just adorable! But you lovely ladies are already giving us all the gifts we could ever ask for every time we see you. and that's the truth!

Just like we get you a new bra for the gals.  8o)

But in truth, anything you do to make the holiday experience more festive is highly appreciated by me, and I'm sure others.

It shows thought and caring and that's what really counts.  (But chocolate chip cookies are really great too 8o)

can never go wrong with that ...

I ask a drink preference, and usually wine is the answer - then I ask "What do you really want? I can't drink wine." "Scotch. Straight on the rocks."


Jack Daniels Honey on the rocks

Add some Guinness and Bailey's and I'm a happy girl!

GaGambler438 reads

and truth be told, I love them together. Take equal amounts of Jamesons and Baileys, pour them over the rocks and you have Baileys with a punch. One word of caution when ordering this at a bar, since Baileys, unlike it's cheaper imitations, uses real cream, if they don't use it up quickly or at least keep it refrigerated, it will curdle upon contact with the whisky if the cream goes bad. NOT GOOD. lol

It was a joy watching his eyes light up like the Times Square Christmas tree in NYC. I also arrived at a friend's place wearing nothing but a trench coat and heels. Good times :)

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