TER General Board

Oh heavens, not the power shift!
Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 1458 reads

God forbid ladies make their own rules!

Posted By: RRO2610
before some third party booker powers up their endoscope, then instructs you to send in your deposit?  
   I find it passive aggressively rude to imply that I short change any of my "ATFs". Another indication of the "power shift" that has occurred on this forum over the past few years.  
Posted By: HookerWithAHeartOfTinFoil
AND if you are in some way being "stingy" with your ATFs: booking shorter sessions, never tipping, remaining grand-fathered in at really old rates, staying way over OTC... then karmically THAT IS ON YOU.  
  I fail to see how this lady or her screener did anything wrong. You expressed interest and gave out your handle, which implied tacit consent to a reference check.  
  tac·it /ˈtasit/  
  adjective- understood or implied without being stated.    
  'Your silence may be taken to mean tacit agreement."  
  synonyms: implicit, understood, implied, hinted

I spotted an ad on my regional board picturing a lady that made my jaw drop several inches. I clicked too her profile and EVERYTHING was there I WANTED to see EXCEPT for a donation schedule that would gag a maggot. But as fetching as she was and with a birthday coming up I decided to swallow my usual pragmatic penurious pride and reach out to her in an e-mail. A short time later I received an auto-response from her e-mail address. 3/4 way down her loquacious and information heavy auto-response I read that a 30% deposit is required. I don't play the "deposit" game so I simply wrote off any further notions of booking with the provider.  
Several hours later I get an e-mail from some "Apres Vous" saying "Your all set - we have heard back from your references. Molly requests that you go to her website to make your deposit for your date with her."  

  I don't remember, nor did I give authority for some third party bookers to start looking up my mongering ass and contacting previous providers I've enjoyed. All I did is express my interest to see the provider who would be visiting in October in her 'private e-mail' and included my TER username so to give credo to my polite solicitation.  

 If I need explain my quickly dissuaded intent to see a High Dollar Hottie to ANY of my reviewed favorites on a future session I'm going to be hotter than a fuck'n hornet at this unexpected and unauthorized third party invasion of my TER history's privacy. Come to think of it I'm already "Hotter than a fuck'n hornet" at this presumptuous business practice.

I wasn't very active for several years and upon my getting back into the pool I find an unexpected power shift from TER's initial years.

Posted By: Tobi Telford
You're gaining quite the reputation for being a crybaby. Just chill, man.

GaGambler1567 reads

problems with hookers, bookers, screeners, all sorts of problems with all sorts of people. I am sorry, but I see AT LEAST a couple of different women every single week and I have been doing so for several years now and I haven't had a tenth of the problems that you seem to be having.  Have you ever considered looking inward for the source of your problems?

TT gave you great advice, "just chill, man" lol

...using her handle, giving the impression that she wrote it and she would be receiving the responses.

The "Welcome" section of her personal website does say that she uses Après Vous as her personal assistant and lists their phone no. and email addy.  However, her TER profile does not list a phone no. and the email addy is part of Molly's personal website.

RRO's confusion is understandable.  I would also be surprised if I received a reply from a third party after I was responding to an ad written by a provider whose profile said "Independent."

They've been around a long time.  I've had one of my best sessions from apres boys.

...Her profile says she's "independent" even though she's listed on the agency's website as one of their girls.  She has no phone contact no. in her profile and has a personal email address.  However, on Twitter she says her personal emails are automatically being forwarded to the agency's email address.

She also complains on Twitter that she wants to be listed as "independent" in her TER profile and TER had her listed as "agency."  Why is she trying so hard to look like she's independent?  That's why the OP was surprised that he got a response from an agency.

I'd be weirded out too, even if it's a familiar agency.  

There needs to be informed consent that anything spoken about in our emails will be sent to a 3rd party agency.  I personally wouldn't see any indy girl claiming to be an indy pulling this type of hat trick on me

AND if you are in some way being "stingy" with your ATFs: booking shorter sessions, never tipping, remaining grand-fathered in at really old rates, staying way over OTC... then karmically THAT IS ON YOU.

I fail to see how this lady or her screener did anything wrong. You expressed interest and gave out your handle, which implied tacit consent to a reference check.

tac·it /ˈtasit/

adjective- understood or implied without being stated.  

'Your silence may be taken to mean tacit agreement."
synonyms: implicit, understood, implied, hinted

before some third party booker powers up their endoscope, then instructs you to send in your deposit?  

  I find it passive aggressively rude to imply that I short change any of my "ATFs". Another indication of the "power shift" that has occurred on this forum over the past few years.  

Posted By: HookerWithAHeartOfTinFoil
AND if you are in some way being "stingy" with your ATFs: booking shorter sessions, never tipping, remaining grand-fathered in at really old rates, staying way over OTC... then karmically THAT IS ON YOU.  
 I fail to see how this lady or her screener did anything wrong. You expressed interest and gave out your handle, which implied tacit consent to a reference check.  
 tac·it /ˈtasit/  
 adjective- understood or implied without being stated.  
 'Your silence may be taken to mean tacit agreement."  
 synonyms: implicit, understood, implied, hinted

God forbid ladies make their own rules!

Posted By: RRO2610
before some third party booker powers up their endoscope, then instructs you to send in your deposit?  
   I find it passive aggressively rude to imply that I short change any of my "ATFs". Another indication of the "power shift" that has occurred on this forum over the past few years.  
Posted By: HookerWithAHeartOfTinFoil
AND if you are in some way being "stingy" with your ATFs: booking shorter sessions, never tipping, remaining grand-fathered in at really old rates, staying way over OTC... then karmically THAT IS ON YOU.  
  I fail to see how this lady or her screener did anything wrong. You expressed interest and gave out your handle, which implied tacit consent to a reference check.  
  tac·it /ˈtasit/  
  adjective- understood or implied without being stated.    
  'Your silence may be taken to mean tacit agreement."  
  synonyms: implicit, understood, implied, hinted

... and I can only speculate on his "power shift" issue.

 I'd say he probably doesn't  want women telling other women how to think.

it's not her rules... it's their(other women's) rules. Which may not be good advice for anybody.

Posted By: Tobi Telford
God forbid ladies make their own rules!  
  On August 9th I posted my amazed dissatisfaction with an incompetent booker who took an unseemly and unjustified attitude with me. NOW I’m supposed to cheerfully allow any old voyeuristic booking cartel to look up my ass, contact former associates, and then expect a $400 deposit for a provider who doesn’t have the common courtesy to personally answer an e-mail. And when I question these incompetents and impersonal tactics I’m impugned and called a “cry baby”.

  Maybe you prima donnas and resident harridans have buffaloed the new generation of hobbyists; but this homey don’t play

With the old "power shift" pablum. Seriously, for the guys who cry about this so called power shift, do this en mass, email TER and ask them to remove all the ladies from the discussion boards who don't "play nice" (kiss hobbyist ass). Then all the  wiener wankers can compare dick size, come loads and how aggressive, domineering real men are because it is in their DNA.

Maybe I have been inhaling the ether, but isn't that quote YOU saying that YOU were worried that your existing lady friends might be resentful that you were even, as you put it, "expressing interest" and "politely soliciting" a lady with "a donation schedule that would gag a maggot?"

I fail to see why this would worry you UNLESS there was already a possible burgeoning resentment on the part of the already "reviewed favorites." USUALLY ladies give gentlemen reference "OKs" without reservation. Having to "explain" ANYTHING "on a future session" is VERY atypical and odd, to say the least.

when they share a PO board with vindictive, impugning mercenaries like yourself.  

Posted By: HookerWithAHeartOfTinFoil
Maybe I have been inhaling the ether, but isn't that quote YOU saying that YOU were worried that your existing lady friends might be resentful that you were even, as you put it, "expressing interest" and "politely soliciting" a lady with "a donation schedule that would gag a maggot?"  
 I fail to see why this would worry you UNLESS there was already a possible burgeoning resentment on the part of the already "reviewed favorites." USUALLY ladies give gentlemen reference "OKs" without reservation. Having to "explain" ANYTHING "on a future session" is VERY atypical and odd, to say the least.

On August 9th I posted my amazed dissatisfaction with an incompetent booker who took an unseemly and unjustified attitude with me. NOW I’m supposed to cheerfully allow any old voyeuristic booking cartel to look up my ass, contact former associates, and then expect a $400 deposit for a provider who doesn’t have the common courtesy to personally answer an e-mail. And when I question these incompetents and impersonal tactics I’m impugned and called a “cry baby”.

  Maybe you prima donnas and resident harridans have buffaloed the new generation of hobbyists; but this homey don’t play

Don't you get paid for your job? You are possibly one of those tricks who thinks paying for pussy is beneath you but still has to, so then your only recourse to the terrible ladies who dare charge to fuck is that you call them mercenary. No you fool, it's commerce.

Shit. He may have an assistant. But hookers - nah, they're not allowed to have assistants. Hmmm...

client_number_91344 reads

If you're going to ask for and look at my verification site profiles for OKs, that's one thing. If you're going to individually contact references, that's another. If the latter, then you should clearly state it in your screening requirements, because otherwise I didn't tacitly give you permission to do anything other than look at my OKs.

Reason being, when I ask a provider for a personal reference I'm asking for a favor i.e. I'm asking her to do something for free. Ergo I get in touch with them individually and ask for the reference before I put it into a screening form, because the least you can do before asking a favor is send a "hey, what's up and would you mind referencing me" note, no? The OP has a valid bitch IMO.

It is the same as a client reading only a lady's BEST review, while ignoring the ones filled with complaints.

A "Head's up" was required when provider reference requests  were still novel to some ladies. As such requests became a de facto part of being an established GFE escort with an online presence, advanced "warning" was rendered unnecessary, in most cases. Sadly, preemptive contact is now used to strong-arm or groom the lady into not mentioning a client's less than favorable qualities.

client_number_91399 reads

Posted By: HookerWithAHeartOfTinFoil
It is the same as a client reading only a lady's BEST review, while ignoring the ones filled with complaints.  
 A "Head's up" was required when provider reference requests  were still novel to some ladies. As such requests became a de facto part of being an established GFE escort with an online presence, advanced "warning" was rendered unnecessary, in most cases. Sadly, preemptive contact is now used to strong-arm or groom the lady into not mentioning a client's less than favorable qualities.
Yes, I can. Are you saying that all clients put the arm on providers to influence references? If so that's an awfully broad brush you're painting with and if your clients are engaging in asshollery like that you might want to consider cutting them loose.

In each and every industry sector on earth, it is simply best practice to contact those whom you intend to ask for a personal or business reference and ask them a.) if they mind being contacted by a third party and b.) would they be willing to serve as a reference. I'm sorry, but I don't believe that we are absolved of common and basic business courtesy just because we're talking about the business of "time and companionship."

Because P411 doesn't let you QUALIFY an "ok," some ladies  will request a more personal, specific, nuanced reference.

"Are you saying that all clients put the arm on providers to influence references?"

No, but I would say that about as many clients "put the are on providers to influence references" as PROVIDERS PUT THE ARM ON CLIENTS TO INFLUENCE REVIEWS. That is to say, both probably happen more than they should.

client_number_91220 reads

Agree on P411 (and that's exactly how they got infiltrated in Denver), but Date-Check *does* let you qualify a reference, which is one of the reasons I use them over P411.

We'll have to agree to disagree on the reference thing. I want to know who's getting contacted individually so I can let them know, and send along a small Amazon or iTunes token by way of saying thanks for looking out. If you've got 50+ refs on your profile, blasting them all is not feasible.

It appears that Apres Vous jumped the gun on screening you but then that's what agencies do. The faster they screen you, the faster they bring in the bucks. Rather than get all hot and bothered, you should simply notify Apres Vous that you're not interested in seeing this provider because of her deposit requirement and no harm is done. They're a reputable agency, they were trying to grease the skids even though you didn't give them explicit permission to do so. Chalk it up to experience and read the provider's web site before contacting her next time. I'm sure the 30% deposit is clearly listed on her page and had you seen it, you would never have bothered contacting her in the first place.

Had homeboy bothered to do the proper research, he would have known all of that from the jump.

Damn what's up your ass today?

Posted By: Tobi Telford
Had homeboy bothered to do the proper research, he would have known all of that from the jump.

Nothing at all...just the way I prefer it! :D

Posted By: USGrantlover
Damn what's up your ass today?  
Posted By: Tobi Telford
Had homeboy bothered to do the proper research, he would have known all of that from the jump.

Homeboy should have taken note of her spam postings on the boards. That in of itself would have been enough to steer clear of this one.

Posted By: Tobi Telford
Had homeboy bothered to do the proper research, he would have known all of that from the jump.

should read like a contract with a cable TV company.

 New rule for o'l RRO; Pass on all providers with more than 500 words in their ad and contact protocols. They're not worth the trouble!

Posted By: Polish_Pirate
It appears that Apres Vous jumped the gun on screening you but then that's what agencies do. The faster they screen you, the faster they bring in the bucks. Rather than get all hot and bothered, you should simply notify Apres Vous that you're not interested in seeing this provider because of her deposit requirement and no harm is done. They're a reputable agency, they were trying to grease the skids even though you didn't give them explicit permission to do so. Chalk it up to experience and read the provider's web site before contacting her next time. I'm sure the 30% deposit is clearly listed on her page and had you seen it, you would never have bothered contacting her in the first place.

Reading the whole contact information is part of that. You fucked up. Now start reading what your agreeing to. Honesty you created this mess by not doing your homework. Learn from this and move on.

I think this might of been what they called Manginas in the 1930's? Lol.


Pronunciation: \ˈpan-tē-ˌwāst\
Function: noun  
Date: circa 1936
1 : a child's garment consisting of short pants buttoned to a waist  
2 : SISSY  

— pantywaist adj

Posted By: HookerWithAHeartOfTinFoil
I think this might of been what they called Manginas in the 1930's? Lol.  
 Pronunciation: \ˈpan-tē-ˌwāst\  
 Function: noun  
 Date: circa 1936  
 1 : a child's garment consisting of short pants buttoned to a waist  
 2 : SISSY  
 — pantywaist adj

She knows scoed wears the mangina badge proudly. She knows that scoed is not easily insulted.
She was simply pointing out that RR was likely to try to come back with a silly insult, rather than a logical argument. :

GaGambler1196 reads

I was just poking a bit of fun at my friend Scoed, and it is true that I have called him much, much worse than a Pantywaist.

and the thought of a man of Scoed girth being called a pantywaist in the first place opens up the possibilities of a thousand other jokes on the subject, but although I rarely pass up low hanging fruit , I think i'll skip this one.

and yes, RRO does tend to get rather worked up about these things, but in this case he really only has himself to blame.

Besides, isn't making rules for yourself as imposing as just living by everybody else's rules

Why you P4P...  
I dont see how any woman in her right mind would spend time with you for free..  

You do get that all providers on this board read this and that we make determinations on YAY/NAY based on how a client conducts himself on the board right ?  

" a donation schedule that would gag a maggot "  
"vindictive, impugning mercenaries like yourself"

There is a PO board just like there is a Client Only Board..  
And what is this "power shift" you speak of ?  

you talk like we are the worlds super power vying for a big piece of land and its an us against them scenario..  
Seriously,, you could have easily said.. Sorry im not interested versus coming onto the board and bitching about it ..  

I get the frustration of wanting a more "personal touch"  
And though Apres Vous may be reputable they are an "Agency"  
So that whole Independent being booked through an agency and still being independent confuses me a little ..

But ladies run their business how they chose to, and quite a few ladies now have personal Assitants because they want to make sure a client is responded to in a timely manner and not left hanging till the provider can get back to them.  

And as someone who works as an Assistant, when a client sends an email claiming TER status I review that immediately and send out reference checks to the top 2-3 ladies on his list .. within minutes of receiving the email.. I start the screening process.  
You may have lots of reviews and whitelistings but your status as a reviewer on TER is not a screening protocol,, contacting your references is.  
And here is the kicker,, just because you contacted a provider and are offering to pay them doesnt mean they are going to say yes, just like any other service industry we have the right to refuse service.

And here you are on a board that thousands of providers belong to bitching about the business practice of a well known and reviewed provider for the entire audience.  
You may want to rethink that one.  

And this type of screening and asking for deposits is  a common practice because the world has gotten crazier and a providers safety and security is her number one priority.. and I would question providers who would get pissed because you spent more money on another provider,,  
it is what it is,, providers are like snowflakes, no two are alike and we should be smart enough to understand that clients see other ladies, some cost more, some cost less,  and not get bent out of shape about it .

You're making it sound like the world is going to end and that we are out to get you.  
And that is such an archaic way of thinking..  
Dare I say you might be being a bit too emotional about it and this is an instance where you might want to use logic instead.  


Just last week you posted about your bad experience with assistants and swore off contacting any providers who use assistants. Yet Molly's ad (yes the one you drooled over, and posted a reply under) clearly states that she uses bookers and requires a deposit! Try reading the ad before you contact someone!  

This is copied right out of her ad. I won't post the whole ad because I am definitely not interested in shilling the TER threAD queen.

Once you email [email protected] you will get an Automatic Response letting you know my utmost current information on my location and if I am available. I have 4 bookers at the moment who will help you get verified and book your date. A deposit is REQUIRED if you are booking more than 12 hours in advance, Outcalls or Exclusive Travel. More information is on my website.  

GaGambler1499 reads

and yes our reigning threAD doesn't need any help from us.

but back to the OP, just what did he expect from this woman after reading her ad? Of course that is making the HUGE assumption that he actually read her ad. Sorry RRO, but this one is all on you. I think I figured out WHY you seem to have so many problems with hookers/bookers et al. If you would just read their ad/s before contacting them, you could save yourself a lot of grief by simply culling out the ones like Molly.

Changing your attitude seems impossible, because then you wouldn't be you, right? Try just doing enough research before bothering a provider. Who knows? Her conditions might be too much of a strain on you. BTW, the lady in question...too bad you couldn't come up with the deposit. Lol

Girls screen in lots of different ways at many different levels of skill.  My reviews are an open book and if someone wants to screen by contacting one of them I could care less.  For example, what if she knows one of my prior dates personally?  I don't require she get permission from me to contact her.
Hell, for all I know she's savvy enough to figure out my real name.  Do I encourage that?  No.  But there isn't much I can do about it.
As for bookers, some women use them and some don't.  Same with screeners. Again,  I could care less.  If she has a good review history or guys I know vouch for her, I'm OK with that.
Remember, too, that thorough screening doesn't just protect the woman, it protect the monger as well.

Marquis_de_la_Paiva1428 reads

Probably that your second sentence should read "I couldn't care less"    :D

Posted By: inicky46
Girls screen in lots of different ways at many different levels of skill.  My reviews are an open book and if someone wants to screen by contacting one of them I could care less.  For example, what if she knows one of my prior dates personally?  I don't require she get permission from me to contact her.  
 Hell, for all I know she's savvy enough to figure out my real name.  Do I encourage that?  No.  But there isn't much I can do about it.  
 As for bookers, some women use them and some don't.  Same with screeners. Again,  I could care less.  If she has a good review history or guys I know vouch for her, I'm OK with that.  
 Remember, too, that thorough screening doesn't just protect the woman, it protect the monger as well.

"I could care less" and "I couldn't care less" are synonymous.  It's called slang and has nothing to do with grammar.  Get with the program.
By the way, it's "Marques de Paiva," not "Marquis."
Do get back to us when you can spell your own name right.

-- Modified on 8/24/2014 10:05:04 AM

Marquis_de_la_Paiva1428 reads

You may certainly defend your use of  "I could care less" as slang, but it is grammatically incorrect unless you actually meant you really could care less, but I presume you meant  "you couldn't care less".  

As for spelling of my name, it is correct, and I'm truly disappointed in your lack of research before calling me out.  The Marquis de la Paiva was married to the infamous Marquise de le Paiva, a legendary french whore. The Marquis built her a famous estate (whorehouse) which has recently been restored.  So, yes, the name is correct.  Btw, who is the sensitive one this morning?  I was just having a little fun with you and I think you get that.

-- Modified on 8/24/2014 10:12:16 AM

Sorry you mistook my gentle teasing for being "sensitive."  I can assure you I am as intensive as ever.  I just googled the name and the coffee company came up and, being lazy, didn't go any further.  So I hope I haven't insulted your antecedents.  Oh, well, honestly I don't care that much, LOL!
As for the slang, I'd say you're the one who needs to find his sense of humor.  I believe virtually the entire world uses those phrases interchangeably.
But Conan asked me to thank you for your vigilance.

Marquis_de_la_Paiva1501 reads

And, after all this french, I need to fuck a hot chick today.  Oh yeah, I'm going to and I hope you do too!!!   :D

...or--meaning the same thing--DEBONING a chicken. If you spent more time in the barn and less in the library, you'd know that. Deboning a librarian is not at all a nice thing for a Marquis to do. Whereas BONING a librarian is so socially acceptable that it's boring. If she's a screamer, though, you'll get kicked out of the library. I always suggest the barn.

Are you just now learning that not all hookers share the same business practices? Is this really worth losing your shit over? Say no thanks and move on already.  

Although, it's clear that your big fear is that you're regularly seeing some BSC hookers who are gonna be mad about you spending your money elsewhere. Now that's a whole other issue!

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