TER General Board

Re: Internet Porn has nearly become a spiritual experience
MissLolaLuxe See my TER Reviews 2105 reads

I wasn't correcting you, I was asking if providers you see possess the same traits as the porn stars you watch...?

Hello Darlings!

This article I found is a year old and has probably been posted(so I won't post the article it's on geek.com/not enough link space). But I, Lola Luxe didn't exist at the time so, we're doing it again, bear with me! (:  

Any who, there's this cool website called PornMD(link included below) for those who don't know, and it shows you the top porn searches in your state and around the world. I find it very fascinating by what the top ten searches are (especially in certain areas of the country, but I won't spoil it for you)!  

It got me very curious since I *assume* many hobbyists watch porn. Now hobbyists does the type of porn you watch correlate with the type of provider you see? Whether it's something from Brazzers/Kink (leaning towards PSE and even fetish) or something more sensual (Massage porn, some POV, etc).

I'm interested in your proclivities...

Miss Lola Luxe

GaGambler1706 reads

Some "sports" are spectator sports for me, like football and baseball. Others are more participatory in nature, like golf and "sport fucking" lol

I of course am speaking strictly for myself, and I concede that most hobbyists do watch a lot of porn, I suppose I am the outlier here, but you did ask, so that is my answer.

Agreed more fun doing it than watching it.

Never watch anymore. Boring.

Posted By: Drunken Asian
Agreed more fun doing it than watching it.


owing to the inevitable infection of my computer by various viruses.

This depresses me. :( I enjoy porn a lot, and there's so much free porn everywhere. Did you get a virus from downloading it?

His computer was not covered and he got a site transmitted disease.

Within an hour I'd be getting pop-ups saying that I have to send $500 by Green Dot to the FBI or go to jail, and the computer would freeze up, etc.

It just isn't worth the hassle anymore.

I used to view porn all the time up to a couple of years ago, and if I had a problem I could run some anti-virus and anti-malware programs and get rid of it, but the viruses they use today are no match for what the anti-virus companies have, at least the last I looked at it.

And I know that if I got a Mac, the problems would not be so bad, but my business email and various software we use require a PC.

MrGencysExit1394 reads

Thanks to who ever created adblock, noscript, and https everywhere!

As to the main subject:
Used to be lots of regular porn then hardcore kink and now its mostly vanilla amateur if any at all.

Posted By: mrfisher
owing to the inevitable infection of my computer by various viruses.

since I began piping it into my 50" flat-screen TV instead of a tiny, 21" PC 'monitor.

 Fuck the "sensual" shit; I want GONZO, double/triple-spit roasting penetrations, gang-bangs, POV facials, oozing internal anal cream-pies and bukkaki style finishes.  

 Now please excuse me; I need get to my job as a Christian youth group leader.

So you see providers that inhabit these traits correct? And also LOL @ sensual shit, in my private life that's how I feel.

I don't see it as "correct" or INcorrect!

 I merely patronize providers that serve it up 'My Way'. What you or ANYBODY does or enjoys in their "private life" is entirely THEIR business.  

Posted By: MissLolaLuxe
So you see providers that inhabit these traits correct? And also LOL @ sensual shit, in my private life that's how I feel.

I wasn't correcting you, I was asking if providers you see possess the same traits as the porn stars you watch...?

Ya' Damn right they do!

 And I repeat or make regulars of the ones who 'got it' and 'Get It'!  
If the provider initially misrepresents herself I'll review her appropriately, and never again return.  

Posted By: MissLolaLuxe
I wasn't correcting you, I was asking if providers you see possess the same traits as the porn stars you watch...?

Now please excuse me; I need get to my job as a Christian youth group leader.  

That's fucking beautiful!

Hell yeah! Fuck the sensual shit. GhostWriteroftheDamned, could you PM me suggestions of providers who you see that give you the best porn star experience.  I see Ads that say PSE but they're not close.

When I started doing this it was partly to live out some porn fantasies. That lasted about 6 months. Like others, my consumption of porn has gradually decreased, and there is pretty much no correspondence between what I enjoy in porn, and my hobbying.

After all, porn is just a visual experience and seeing a provider is a helluva lot more than that. Very subtle stuff provides the most intense experience with a person, while the bolder visual stuff often delivers no real pleasure at all. No regrets about trying it, happy memories, good to know, but uninhibited GFE beats PSE any day of the week.


Thinks for the reply. It is true porn is strictly visual stimulation. I find it interesting that there is no correspondence for you. You don't see a similar type of woman(looks wise) in porn and provider? I guess none of you really need to watch porn anymore hah

the same look I prefer in porn. But gradually I found I enjoy a different look in person, and that hobbying is a lot more fun than porn. In fact, porn tends to detract from enjoying real life sex as we all know. So for most guys who hobby a lot, porn is going to be less of a factor, IMO.

There is also a real difference in the attitudes of LTR hobbyists, versus one and done guys. I mix it up a little, but for the most part I have a regular and one or two alternates who I see regularly for months or years. Looks are a big part of the initial attraction, but there has to be a lot more to the connection for me to keep seeing someone.


I watch porn, and often lean towards the wild, gonzo shit mainly because most porn is so repetitive that the wild stuff breaks up the monotony. But it's totally different in person. Sometimes I'll request a PSE only to find myself perfectly happy slow-grinding in mish! No script for me, I like to improvise.

Epsilon_Eridani1502 reads

because I rarely watch porn at all.  

when I was younger, yea, I did watch porn, but nowadays, rarely.  

all porn is the same... suck, fuck, suck, fuck, suck, fuck and suck, fuck some more. geez, can we be a bit more original?

Posted By: MissLolaLuxe
Hello Darlings!  
 This article I found is a year old and has probably been posted(so I won't post the article it's on geek.com/not enough link space). But I, Lola Luxe didn't exist at the time so, we're doing it again, bear with me! (:  
 Any who, there's this cool website called PornMD(link included below) for those who don't know, and it shows you the top porn searches in your state and around the world. I find it very fascinating by what the top ten searches are (especially in certain areas of the country, but I won't spoil it for you)!  
 It got me very curious since I *assume* many hobbyists watch porn. Now hobbyists does the type of porn you watch correlate with the type of provider you see? Whether it's something from Brazzers/Kink (leaning towards PSE and even fetish) or something more sensual (Massage porn, some POV, etc).  
 I'm interested in your proclivities...  
 Miss Lola Luxe

Thanks for the reply and yes this is true, zero creativity at all.

If it "sold" in porno I'm sure it would be utilized more often.  

  There have been a couple of really good attempts at first rate production value porno; but just like natural breasts its sales numbers are eclipsed by the other.  

Posted By: MissLolaLuxe
Thanks for the reply and yes this is true, zero creativity at all.

Yes. I think people (particularly Americans) prefer something shiny and commercial vs something art haus/oscar. Especially in sex, I think we prefer and feel more comfortable with something more frank and just well, aesthetically pleasing. Art haus/Oscar style porn can be aesthetically pleasing but very threatening to the viewer, I think that's why people are turned off by it. No one wants to feel like they don't get or can't see themselves in it. Especially men.

Hell yes I watch porn, daily, sometimes more than once a day. My monkey is really bad, he needs to be spanked at least once per day, sometimes more. I can almost tell you exactly how many days I don't spank him, 4 days prior to a session so if I have 10 sessions in a year 40 days.

See most of the hobbyists here live somewhere that they can hobby on any given day, I don't, so I have to travel to hobby. And as I've stated this monkey is really bad and needs to be spanked daily.

Yes porn is pretty much the same thing over and over again, but so are mainstream movies. Think about it chick flicks, guy fucks up, guy comes to his senses and guy and girl make up. Action movies, bad guy commits an injustice, good guy chases him/her lots of stuff gets blown up, cars chase other cars and do things that are not physically possible, and good guy wins in the end.

Porn, blow job, pussy eating, fucking, sometimes Greek, and cumshot.

This is true, there's really nothing original nowadays, in all avenues really. All you can do is try to reinvent from a different perspective.

GaGambler1379 reads

But considering I rarely go more than a day or two without having a session, I almost never jerk off.

When I was younger, and my sex drive was higher, I could get laid ten times a week and STILL jerk off, but now at my "advanced age" as long as I am getting laid at least once every few days I almost never take matters into my own hands.

With small breasts, smooth bodies, long hair, few tattoos or piercings. Sensual stuff, not kink or fetish.
Yes I look for the same thing in providers and civvy gals.

Thanks for your response! And responding to the actual question hahah

about as far as I stretch toward being a voyeur is when sharing one lady with a third (lady).....

Not to mention your SO and Administrative Assistant. Some of us don't have that luxury. If I was fucking a real woman daily I probably wouldn't watch porn, but I don't have that luxury, so porn and jacking off fill in the gaps. :

89Springer1754 reads

Even if I were a gazillionaire, I couldn't handle doing providers every day. MK is older than me. I don't know how he does it.

GaGambler1458 reads

five or six days a week is just fine with me, but I do try to see more than one in a day at least a few times a month to make up for those occasional days of rest. lol

and I think I am older than you as well, aren't I?

I am hardly a gazillionaire, but considering that I have no children and have been happily divorced for over twenty years now, I do have a bit more disposable income than most. For the price of putting even one kid through college, I can fuck a different woman every day for years, but of course none of these women are going to take care of me in my old age like (hopefully) one's child will do, but I can live with the trade off. lol

89Springer1242 reads

I'd be curious to see what your pace is when you're in your early 60's. Maybe just three or four days a week? ;)

GaGambler1512 reads

It seems like only yesterday that I was fifty and could still occasionally see four or five women in a single day, much less a week. I never thought I would EVER think of fifty as young. lol

GaGambler1476 reads

and if I am even close to being a gazillionaire by your standards, you really should raise your standards. lol

GaGambler1471 reads

as TER's leading statistician, you know that is not the case.

as for raising your standards. How about if I raise mine, putting me closer to actual gazillionaire status? lol

For some reason I was thinking when you turned 55 1/2, you were closer to 60 than 50, but of course the truth is that as soon as you turned 55 and one second, you were closer to 60. I think sadly my math error has to do with the fact that I am almost exactly a year behind you, and wishful thinking had me hoping I had about a year before I'm closer to 60 than 50, but I only have a few months. :

89Springer1247 reads

GaG is closer to 60 than to 50, and I'm closer to 60 than to 70, so it's not nearly a decade.

Don't rush it. 70 will be here sooner than I want.

Now don't ask me why I know both your ages, but CPA does call me the TER archivist. :

89Springer1152 reads

He's only slightly closer to 60 than 50. Either way, he's still old. ;)

There's no way I could have kept his pace even in my 20's or 30's, though. He must have a dick made of carbon fiber, as mine would have just worn off trying to keep pace.

CubaGooding_Sr1284 reads

Sure he does... yea, that's the ticket!

I can only really enjoy ideally 4 times a week...  any more than that and it starts to become work....   I prefer quality over quantity....

prob is I like variety....

I took a week away by myself not long ago and it was heavenly - a great recharge time....

thing is,  I can do without sex for a long time and still not get the urge to masturbate either....   and no matter how horned I might get I just find porn varying from boring to distasteful....

I don't mind saving it up at all for a good time with someone interesting.....

with Porn star Cheyenne Silver. She is a goddess, and I am always on a lookout to see her old videos. I have a notepad document sitting on my macbook with links to her porn...

Porn is only good as the porn star..  

I  have been on lookout for someone like Cheyenne, but unable to find one.. I guess I will just have to fuck her in my fantasy. I heard she provided for sometime, and worked with CO based agency, but that intel is dated.  

I don't watch much porn other than that.

earthshined2103 reads

the "amateur' porn is usually better than professional IMO

Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
with Porn star Cheyenne Silver. She is a goddess, and I am always on a lookout to see her old videos. I have a notepad document sitting on my macbook with links to her porn...  
 Porn is only good as the porn star..  
 I  have been on lookout for someone like Cheyenne, but unable to find one.. I guess I will just have to fuck her in my fantasy. I heard she provided for sometime, and worked with CO based agency, but that intel is dated.  
 I don't watch much porn other than that.

Can't let go can ya?

Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
with Porn star Cheyenne Silver. She is a goddess, and I am always on a lookout to see her old videos. I have a notepad document sitting on my macbook with links to her porn...  
 Porn is only good as the porn star..  
 I  have been on lookout for someone like Cheyenne, but unable to find one.. I guess I will just have to fuck her in my fantasy. I heard she provided for sometime, and worked with CO based agency, but that intel is dated.  
 I don't watch much porn other than that.

earthshined1393 reads

along with non pros.

Usually the pros a la Jenna Jamison feature movies are boring to me.

Same thing, women sucks dick, he pounds her for while and comes on her face. You seen, you have seen them all.

Its crazy to admit this but the kind of porn that I am drawn too (on the rare occasion that I ever watch it) is pretty hard core, one girl, multiple guy gang bangs...so sorry mom:( The only caveat is that the girl has to really be digging it, no acting, just real, raw, hard core fucking. No dialog other than a few expletives, some guttural groans, and the slapping of skin on skin.

After all that's why they are called porn actors. I know the guys get theirs, you pretty much see that but the lady, well not so much, I mean unless she is squirting/peeing all over hells half acre, but the other "orgasms", well I guess you'll never really know. That is what turns me off porn, I am never sure she is enjoying it at all.  

Especially those fake as fuck shrieky moans that start before she has got a cock within 3 feet of her. And it keeps going all through.  

I watch good gay male and gay female porn. Still not 100% sure with the REAL les porn but it seems much more real than the gay 4 pay broads who jab away with inch long fake nails. Made me think of a Youtube vid where it is showing real lesbians "lesbian pron" and their reaction...hilarious

hotplants1297 reads

The lesbian porn scenes with these women rocking' the 1 inch nails? Yeah...'cause THAT's real........

What lesbian doesn't truly love a 1 inch acrylic press-on nail rooting around in her vagina?  

Oh...that would be none. As in zero. Ever. She's hollering' and moaning' 'cause that shit hurts

You know, I had a roomie who had dragon nails, and she would simply put a cotton ball in the finger tips of nitrile gloves.  Apparently that made her hands safe for play with women.

Bad enough the 1" nail thought... you had to make them press-on?!
I'm imagining that ER visit... Uh doc, I think we lost three of them...

Posted By: hotplants
The lesbian porn scenes with these women rocking' the 1 inch nails? Yeah...'cause THAT's real........  
 What lesbian doesn't truly love a 1 inch acrylic press-on nail rooting around in her vagina?  
 Oh...that would be none. As in zero. Ever. She's hollering' and moaning' 'cause that shit hurts.  

hotplants1139 reads

Cotton balls would be a definite improvement on some of the those scary looking daggers I've seen in ..er...'lesbian' porn.

I laughed so hard at the reactions of these gay chicks.

-- Modified on 8/19/2014 10:25:38 AM

hotplants1316 reads

My experience is usually somewhere between WTF is she doing? and OH_NO_SHE_DIDN'T.

No one can ever say FOR SURE that it isn't just an award winning performance, BUT, there is something different about the sound of a woman's voice when she is really in to it. When a girl is getting fucked the way she really likes to be her groans become deeper and more primal. When I hear THAT in a porno I know that she is enjoying herself and THAT is what makes it hot to watch.
The minute some 'actress' starts with an ARIA of shrieking I cringe and lose whatever 'horny' I was trying to expound upon. Thumbs down to shrieking;(

I wanted to see if there was someone out there that had some idea of what real might be. And you're right it is not non stop at the same ear splitting pitch. Someone needs to tell those girls how bad that sounds. How could anyone watching that crap think it was real?

That shsssssst sound on almost every breath intake  is faker than fake.

I see my regular lady once a week and she kicks my ass if I've spanked the monkey or anything else within the past 4 days.  She calls it her 96 hour rule.  I don't mind because she works all that 4 days worth of backup out of me during our time together, which is usually about 4 hours of time together.  My days of MSOG in one hour are pretty much gone, but in four hours I can empty the sperm bank pretty well.  I afterglow for a couple days and by the time I recover and start to get really horny again, I'm inside the 96 hour rule.

It's a bit off regular practice, but it works and it sure makes me look forward to Tuesdays!


beats enjoying the one-on-one companionship a true GFE can provide (no pun intended).

Love watching it with a client... I would love a session w/porn theme... A girl can dream...

Tristero491373 reads

Despite all our differences as a nation, it's good to see we are largely consistent about our porn viewing habits: in that we pretty much all like teens.  Except for the south... which is totally into "ebony" porn.  Nothing surprising there...

Thanks for the response!

I'm glad you actually checked the link out, it's pretty cool. Pervs checking on pervs (:

Miss Lola Luxe

softcore porn, with atleast some sort of a story. I need there to be some sort of dialog and a reason for these two or three people to be going at it.

Since I much prefer a great GFE session, with good conversation and conection, I would say that my porn viewing and hobbying do reflext each other.

Thank you for your reply! I'm now only replying to people that actually read and answered the question lol  

And this is how I thought most men would feel that there would be a connection between the porn they watch and the provider they see. (I couldn't really sample this and see because no one knows how to read, it's cool though they seem to be having fun).

But does this extend to the aesthetics of the porn star and the provider as well? Do you see the same (I assume) traditional girl next door type: Blonde/Brunette cheerleader/coed type of girl?

When I do I tend to watch anal and creampie videos. I've been into AA and Asian ladies lately too.  

I tend to look for ladies that do Greek. I look for all ethnicities but I do tend to end up searching for AA, Asian, & Latina providers. I'd say that it mostly correlates between what I watch and what types of ladies or activities I look for.  

Posted By: MissLolaLuxe
Hello Darlings!  
 This article I found is a year old and has probably been posted(so I won't post the article it's on geek.com/not enough link space). But I, Lola Luxe didn't exist at the time so, we're doing it again, bear with me! (:  
 Any who, there's this cool website called PornMD(link included below) for those who don't know, and it shows you the top porn searches in your state and around the world. I find it very fascinating by what the top ten searches are (especially in certain areas of the country, but I won't spoil it for you)!  
 It got me very curious since I *assume* many hobbyists watch porn. Now hobbyists does the type of porn you watch correlate with the type of provider you see? Whether it's something from Brazzers/Kink (leaning towards PSE and even fetish) or something more sensual (Massage porn, some POV, etc).  
 I'm interested in your proclivities...  
 Miss Lola Luxe

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