TER General Board

GOOD LUCK!!!confused_smile
Gemma Coreana See my TER Reviews 1175 reads

Hope u impregnate whomever ur doing BBFS & have to pay child support for the rest of your life!!!  Also make an appt for a std testing before so you can get in & get tested ASAP!!!  

Good luck!!!  

I think my first experience will be next week....that's the expected delivery date.

ROGM said to buy some gifts for my friends.  Now you too can enjoy BBFS.  

This is how ROGM says it's done.

-- Modified on 7/8/2014 3:51:05 PM

It was compelling.

I'll bet you didn't know that RodT is the new spokesman either.  Can't have guys objectifying these now...can we?

Posted By: RodTidweLL professional Fleshlight spokesman

C'mon sharp (sp)...why you be hatin' on me as the newly appointed Fleshlight spokesperson?

You must be a follower of the four whoresmen.  And Steph has also been disappointed in me now.  But Court still reads my posts...as does Robbin (I think they do...I hope they do...don't they?).

But I'm the only one that uses the "like" button on my posts.  I hope TER will allow multiple "likes" by a member...then you'll see...I'll have lots of likes.

And don't be disrespecting my assistant WickedBrut.  He's sensitive too.


Official spokesperson for Fleshlight

"Show me the money"  (that's my new sign off...thanks to TTT for the idea)

Hope u impregnate whomever ur doing BBFS & have to pay child support for the rest of your life!!!  Also make an appt for a std testing before so you can get in & get tested ASAP!!!  

Good luck!!!  

What the hell would the babies look like anyway? Maglights with the head of Danny from "Full House"? :D
I think the STD part is pretty safe too. Carry on CPA!


...is Gema looking to BB with Dirty Daddy?  

Posted By: perfectstorm
What the hell would the babies look like anyway? Maglights with the head of Danny from "Full House"? :D  
 I think the STD part is pretty safe too. Carry on CPA![/quote

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
 ...is Gema looking to BB with Dirty Daddy?  
Posted By: perfectstorm
What the hell would the babies look like anyway? Maglights with the head of Danny from "Full House"? :D  
  I think the STD part is pretty safe too. Carry on CPA!

Most white guys in america NEVER ever drove in any part of asia.  Have you driven anywhere other than USA?  Seeing how you're glued to this board 24/7, I am guessing you haven't been anywhere in asia your whole life.  

Have you ever driven downtown NYC during rush hour? Or parts of California during rush hour?  
That would be only a glimpse of what it's like driving in many parts of Asia.  I can guarantee most white people aren't used to such level of close-range driving and will be prone to causing accidents in foreign countries.  Remember, most north americans are spoiled with plenty of land and it's much easier to drive in America because the roads are wider and less populated.  

BTW, Asian jokes are fine with me but keep in mind it's basically a "go head" for me to retort with "dumb, ignorant, and arrogant americans" jokes. ROFL   ;

I've driving in ASIANp...def harder then driving in the USA...    

DA -u cant teach THE IGNORANT!!  Lol it's impossible!!

I learned it from the Jews over at Comedy Central.

... and yes I'm a better driver than you.

Well, there is this recent shot of him.  Guess he converted

Who hasn't told an asian driving joke.

... as far as any body being Jewish? I'm stereo typing who the producer most likely might be. Probably a Jewish person. I don't say this to cause any kind of tensions(because who cares?) I wanted to inform DA on where  "I" learned of this particular stereo type.

... and his bit about Chinese drivers, driving in China. Isn't the test different here in America? LYAO

Remember, 5th gear existed before 1st gear.  Are ignorant racist cucumber morons fair?

Talk about some MSB (male sperm buildup)! EWWWW!

-- Modified on 7/8/2014 11:43:11 PM

ROGM1280 reads

Why is everyone kicking me in the Gut? What did I do? LOL!!!!!!

Bed and Breakfast Flapjacks and Sandwiches??   :)

ROGM1190 reads

Are you Jealous or Envious that I get BBFSCIP? I'm for playing Safe like everyone else. But BBFS does feel really Great.

But you don't Have to buy It Diapers and milk.
It Does look like You're taking It on a Road Trip though.

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