San Diego

Re:ISO: A little TJ help.
gumby007 12201 reads

I would just likw to simply agree with what all the others have said. I use to frequennt TJ often when i lived in South Bay. I have not been there since I moved to NC though. Good luck.

I have been looking at the TJ Exotics site. Interesting! I have lived in NC all my loooong life and never been south of the border. How long does it take to walk across the border? And back? Do you need a cab to get to 'The Zona'? How safe is it? Sorry to be so dumb.

dman10658 reads

I walk it, except late at night, I take a cab, because parts of the walk are rather deserted at late hours.  This is the same way I would treat walking in an area of New York, where I'm originally from.  If you're alone, and don't look like you know where you are going, it becomes a heck of alot more dangerous than if you are obviously headed somewhere that you are familiar with.

It's around 20 minutes walk from the parking lots on the American side to the zona.  But until I knew my way around there, I spent the extra $5 each way for a cab.

TJ can be a bit rough, but if you follow the simple rules of dont get sloppy drunk and try to walk back to the border you will most of the time be just fine. Also dont take money out of an ATM in TJ for a lot of reasons but they are a collection point for an easy target. If you take a cab from the gate to revolution and back you will almost never be hasseled.


rb110852 reads

a good site for info is it used to be free,,but now I believe you have to pay. You might get a free trial period but I'm not sure.

gumby00712202 reads

I would just likw to simply agree with what all the others have said. I use to frequennt TJ often when i lived in South Bay. I have not been there since I moved to NC though. Good luck.

take a cab as soon as you enter mexico.  it will cost you $6.  don't be cheap, you do not want to get mugged.  go to Chicago club.  go there around 7-8pm when it is still relatively not crowded so you have a better selection of chicas.  the chicas at Chicago look a little better than those in Adelita's.  your drink will be $3 and the lady's $6.  i suggest not spending too much time at the bar if you do not plan to spend cash getting the ladies drunk.  the hotel above Chicago is clean and will set you back $11 for 30 minutes and $22 for an hour.  The girls go for $50 to $60 for 30 minutes.  last time i went there i got a hot chica for $90 for an hour.

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