Politics and Religion

It's time for an updated BHO flip-flop score card
RightwingUnderground 2793 reads

BHO's flip flops have absolutely nothing to do with changes in circumstances other than those relating to his political expediency.

Here's the latest BHO list, courtesy of Dick Morris:

1) After vowing to avoid private fundraising and take public financing, he has now refused public money.

2) Once he threatened to filibuster a bill to protect telephone companies from liability for their cooperation with national security wiretaps; now he has voted for the legislation.

3) Turning his back on a lifetime of support for gun control, he now recognizes a Second Amendment right to bear arms in the wake of the Supreme Court decision.

4) Formerly, he told the Israeli lobby that he favored an undivided Jerusalem. Now he says he didn’t mean it.

5) From a 100 percent pro-choice position, he now has migrated to expressing doubts about allowing partial-birth abortions.

6) For the first time, he now speaks highly of using church-based institutions to deliver public services to the poor.

7) Having based his entire campaign on withdrawal from Iraq, he now pledges to consult with the military first.

8) During the primary, he backed merit pay for teachers - but before the union a few weeks ago, he opposed it.

9) After specifically saying in the primaries that he disagreed with Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton’s (D-N.Y.) proposal to impose Social Security taxes on income over $200,000 and wanted to tax all income, he has now adopted the Clinton position.

I'm sure more will be forth coming on a weekly basis.

And you guys get mad when I attach something from NYT, LAT, Democratic Underground, etc...

Dick Morris = FOX News...Yeah, there's a non-biased news source there (cough).....Dick Morris is first team ALL WORLD partisan hack....

Now you should take it one step further and try to refute the actual content of the post.

GaGambler1505 reads

it should make it that much easier for you to refute each and every lying statement he made. Or if that's too difficult, point out just one or two examples of his misstatements of fact so we can ridicule him too.

RightwingUnderground1695 reads

I was simply crediting him for compiling the list. There’s not one thing on there that I haven’t seen or heard through multiple sources. He is the one that took the time to compile the list.

BTW, this list has absolutely NOTHING to do with FOX. Do you discredit everyone that appears on FOX? Juan Williams? Mara Liason?  Sheena Easton? ALAN COLMS?

ALL news sources are biased. Anyone who doesn’t realize that should. . . well never mind.

Seems to me, Bar(eb)ack got a lot of flip-flopping to go before he catches up.

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