Politics and Religion

Yes indeed. Change is a'comin. This was translated from a recent Obama speech. . .
RightwingUnderground 3745 reads

You see, we need hope and we need change. And we hope for change and in change there is hope. Hoping for a change is hope and change. Change for a hope, is hoping in real change that will change our hopes into a real change for hope. If you elect me as your President I will give you hope and I will give you change. You will give me dollars, I will give hope that you get some change back from those dollars. That will be your only hope for change.  

Good night everybody.

Courtesy of The Dennis Miller Show.

Chuck Darwin1460 reads

convinces me Republicans are serious people worth talking to.

Oops! sorry for the brain fart.

And you Republicans actually might like what we get too...

Timbow2075 reads

''I don’t even notice the color of his skin. I do notice the thinness of it, though.'':)

— Dennis Miller, on Barack Obama

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