Politics and Religion

Sorry, but there is no help for BSD!sad_smile
Dr_Phil 1952 reads

Not even Oprah can help him now.

just lots going on in the world... which defies common sense and logic....   I will be ok, once I see Jack0's posts....  cause I will know then that there are some problems that even Soloman could not solve.  Bwahahaha....

It is good that we've this forum... as I sense that whether you are conservative or liberal, we all seem to be very displeased with our political choices... and want better for our country.

Ann_Fugly_Coultner2541 reads

It be nice for change since all these republicons are always sticking it in my ass.

Jack0sAgent1636 reads

promising AFC will blow you.   Then you can take her my message that she needs to blow you.  

Dude! I would NOT want to be either one of you, but that is an issue God has spared me.

Jack0sAgent2181 reads

and spare change.

Where would we be without somebody whose name to take in vain?!  For example, printing and stamping it all over the legal tender.

in the past 30 days but with none of them as Jack0.... well you get the drift....  do you post one for each alias... for a total of 360 aliases or 4 per alias for a total of 80 alises... and so on????   or do you use just one to throw us all off...???  just curious.

Dr_Phil1953 reads

Not even Oprah can help him now.

Not_a_racist2438 reads

Give Bush another year in office, and let's start the primaries all over again.

BuckFush!1730 reads

I don't think I could up with one more year of that fuckin' idiotic a-hole in office.

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