Politics and Religion

Barack Obama has NO intentions of taking away 2nd. Amendement rights
The Moose 26 Reviews 1950 reads

I'm not sure why some keep saying Obama is anti-second amendment when he isn't...Too many people buying the right wing pundit BS..

BTW, the Republican party is the one who wants to destroy individual rights as they are the anti-abortion, anti-first amendment crowd...

If you are both pro-choice....and you also believe in the right to own a gun w/o restriction (provided you aren't a violent felon) and you believe in lower taxes, voluntary school prayer, but spport gay rights and and end to the drug war, who do you vote for? I am a libertarian, and am pro-freedom, I don't toe party lines.  There is no candidate that holds these ideals!
I am at a loss :(

harryj2189 reads

Unfortunately we only get two real choices. MCCain or Osama/Hildabeast. Your dliemma is shared by me but in my many years I have very firmly concluded that there is a distinct movement of the left to destroy individual rights, enlarge government and create a society of sheep run by liberal sheep herders, some of whom, still claim that this medicince is really good for us. If they destroy the right to own a gun they will have doomed us to complete subjugation. McCain is weaker on that issue than I would like but he is not a rabid anti-gunner like Osama Hussein and Hildabeast. I could not vote for either of those bastards no matter how much they claim they can steal from others and give to me.

I'm not sure why some keep saying Obama is anti-second amendment when he isn't...Too many people buying the right wing pundit BS..

BTW, the Republican party is the one who wants to destroy individual rights as they are the anti-abortion, anti-first amendment crowd...

Timbow4260 reads

Yea he changed his website but he will vote  to make all semi auto shotguns illegal just like Hillary Clinton and yes this type of gun would be used for hunting dove etc.


Principles that Obama supports on gun issues:
Ban the sale or transfer of all forms of semi-automatic weapons !

-- odified on 3/20/2008 8:01:32 AM

-- Modified on 3/20/2008 8:06:14 AM

-- Modified on 3/20/2008 8:10:50 AM

harryj2146 reads

Bareback Osama has made it clear that he is a true anti-gun "fellar" and the only limitation he presently sees are political realities standing in his way of gun confiscation. I don't excpect him to tell us his true stripes on that issue (or probably on any other) as he is astute enough to know that he would not just be "shooting" himself in the foot but somewhat higher up on his body.

Timbow9483 reads

Yes sir , I am a hunter and NRA member .He ain't the hunter's friend ! Did not post what  the NRA  said some here might say  their  facts are biased :)

Chuck Darwin3220 reads

It's those fuckin bag limits, innit?

Want to solve the problem?  Get a bow and figure out what you're doing for a change.

harryj2082 reads

"open season", "bounties", "get a bow"? How about take a deep bow and then use buckshot on pseudos-libs as they escalate their attack on the nation's liberty? Do it in self defense until the season is open with no bag limits and a generous bounty?

FunluvnCowboy1952 reads


Actually, this is a secret video of pink-waisted sudo-libs firing on good patriotic Christians at Waco.   Made all their heads explode.  Well, sorta shredded them.  OK, so it was overkill.  It was till FUN, and we're nuthin if not fun!!

harryj2376 reads

Janet Reno? What a show of courage and intellect to kill 32+- little kids. What could be more American than that. Pseudo-libs at their finest.

FunluvnCowboy2298 reads

You know how we dry drunk people out?  We hook'em up to one of them going downrange.  Fucks up the group big time, but it sure is fun!!!

FunluvnCowboy4643 reads

I GET SO HARD when I watch that video!!  Fuck your dipshit .50s!!   This is the REAL THING!!

They teach chicks to do that now, don't they?

FunluvnCowboy2165 reads

No, the chicks just come around to ride our big guns.

Even the dykes can't throw around the 95# rounds all day to keep em fed.

That's how you tell grunts from cannon-cockers: grunts have big legs and spindly little arms; and cannon cockers are all upper body and no legs.

That was a good one, and I agree 100%.

RightwingUnderground2431 reads

that it's difficult for you to remember even yesterday, what you've seen, said and done, let alone WHO you are.

FunluvnCowboy2266 reads


We'll "2nd-amendment" you into Mexico!

The article I enclosed, plus I heard him in a debate support 2nd. Amendment rights, he's is absolutely not going to take away anyone's gun rights, period....

I only wish your party loved the First Amendment as much as they love the Second Amendment.....The problem with your party is that they align themselves with religous right lunatics, who want to rid the world of Hollywood, Howard Stern, & the adult film industry....

Censorship is as un-American as you can get...

Timbow2381 reads

Beacuse I look at just  the cold hard facts sir and I am not bamboozled by the ''Magic  negro ''like you apparently are :)

GaGambler2090 reads

At his news conference, he voiced support for the District of Columbia's ban on handguns, which is scheduled to be heard by the Supreme Court next month.

What part of ban on handguns do you not understand?

Timbow2648 reads

And that ban in DC also prevents a loaded  shotgun from being under your bed :)

"Barack Obama said Friday that the country must do "whatever it takes" to eradicate gun violence following a campus shooting in his home state, but he believes in an individual's right to bear arms"....

"he believes in an individual's right to bear arms"

"he believes in an individual's right to bear arms"

"he believes in an individual's right to bear arms"

For fucks sake GA Gambler, what the hell else do you want..

-- Modified on 3/20/2008 10:17:11 AM

GaGambler1628 reads

where it says he is in favor of banning handguns in DC. I've already quoted your own article once. I'll do it again.

"At his news conference, he voiced support for the District of Columbia's ban on handguns, which is scheduled to be heard by the Supreme Court next month."

This is a direct quote from your own article. What part of banning handguns don't you understand  I know that you don't want to accept it, but it's in YOUR news article. Or are you going to argue that banning handguns in DC is still supporting an individuals right to bear arms.

If I am missing something here, please enlighten me.

He doesn't believe in the individuals' right when he SUPPORTS a DC gun ban.

RightwingUnderground1639 reads

Think about ALL the many things that that statement could mean.

For all you know he would limit your "individual right" to a single (quantity one), bolt action 0.22 caliber rifle with no auto loader clip (i.e. you have to load each round by hand).

psychological analysis seminar (Owned by Al Gore) and be certified to recieve ammo.

Just fill out this form please and explain why you need EACH ROUND and we'll have your ammo in nothin flat!!!

Of course be advised, the more rounds you request, the greater threat to society you are so you may require addirtional counseling...

Just imagine what JackO goes thru to get his 155's...

Jack0sAgent2024 reads

when people realize he's crazy enough to tow a loaded tube for demonstration purposes only.

Sorry...but I don't trust any democrat when it comes to gun rights, and gun rights are just as much a right as abortion and free speech. See..that's the dilemma. NO matter who we vote for, we must pick and choose. I like Ron Paul but he's got a snowballs chance:(

allows unlimited rights. "Free" speech is a misnomer. The amendment only applies to what limitations the government can impose. And even then, there still are limits, for example laws against libel, slander, etc.

Speech is regulated, and gun ownership is regulated. The only question is where to draw the line, not if there should be a line at all.

and?  Those that support laws that want to limit how many guns I can own, what kind I can own, how often I can purchase one, and  make me wait  to buy one are definately  NOT supporters of gun rights, no matter what they say publicly.
Keeping loonies and felons from owning them is reasonable. That's where it ends for me.

12 yr NRA member and proud:)

FollowmeForPresident1650 reads

And SmithandFollowmeWesson For VP

Thank You

"I believe that the sound of racking the pump of a shotgun is universally recognized as ‘kiss your ass goodbye’."
—random Marine

870 baby...

Timbow1679 reads

Remington is good :) Too bad  Obama agreed with the DC gun ban and that includes not permiting a loaded shotgun   under your bed.
Good news is oral aruguments this week all but  guarantee there will be a 5-4 decision in favor of gun rights in a Supreme Court decision   in late June :)

If your dumb enough to live in DC, you can't be trusted with deadly force. These are the fucknuts that elected marion Barry, remember? Darwin was on to something...

PS, I NEVER keep a loaded weapon in the house, much less under my bed. I keep all my tools in the attic away from the kids and thieves. Ammo on one side, weapons on the other. And they only come down for three reasons,

cleaning and maintenance,


to shoot someone.

GaGambler2087 reads

They reelected him after watching a video of him smoking crack. I guess some people deserve what they get.

PS I ALWAYS keep a loaded weapon in the house, always have, always will. We had them in the house when I was a kid, and I learned  a healthy respect for firearms at a very young age.

PSS I don't have children in the house, but even if I did I doubt that I would keep all of my firearms under lock and key. It kind of defeats the purpose of having them for self defense. Children should and can be taught at a young age to respect firearms,parents that are too lazy to instill proper values in their own children shouldn't inflict their own inadequacies on the rest of us.

For generations many if not most households had firearms in the house, accidental shooting were alost unheard of. The guns didn't all of a sudden become the problem, it's society and bad parenting not an inanimate object that's been around for hundreds of years.

say this:

""Children should and can be taught at a young age to respect firearms,parents that are too lazy to instill proper values in their own children shouldn't inflict their own inadequacies on the rest of us.""

you're talking about someone else. With that caveat in place, I agree 100%

And no, I don't arm myself against break-ins. I've got a 32oz Louisville for that. Not much of a chance of THAT blowing thru a wall and hitting a sleeping kid.

Again, maybe it goes back to our respective neighborhoods..these are things for each individual to decide for themselves..que no?

GaGambler2997 reads

I most certainly was not referring to you.

I do keep loaded firearms in my house for the express purpose of home defense.It doesn't make your decision wrong, after all as you said it is an individual decision.

My decision took keep loaded firearms in my house probably stems from the fact that there were always loaded firearms in my house as a child, as was the case with most of my neighbors. Having a gun in the house was just as natural as having a butcher knife in the kitchen. FWIW no one I ever knew ever shot himself or anyone else when I was a kid. Blaming violence on inanimate objects instead of the perpetrators just doesn't make much sense to me

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