Politics and Religion

De Niro is supporting Obama, Ha, Ha, Ha . . . (eom)
rockmeat 1 Reviews 1470 reads


po·lar·ize (pō'lə-rīz')  Pronunciation Key  
v.   po·lar·ized, po·lar·iz·ing, po·lar·iz·es

To induce polarization in; impart polarity to.
To cause to concentrate about two conflicting or contrasting positions.

Ben Dover1205 reads

It's the tension of polar-extremes that hold the the system in proper balance! Please, let's have more political-polarization!

Fuck the big lie that we should "all just get along"! Why even HAVE political parties if all the do is make a career out of crossing the isle and giving eachother handjobs to get watered-down bills passed??

harryj1743 reads

Ben, I agree. The best thing that can happen if "gridlock". The fewer new laws these slicksters pass the better off we are. All the bastards want to do is pass more laws, consuming more of our money and more of our liberty. It is time they figure out that they are there to protect liberty, not to destroy it and that there purpose is not to steal from one person and give it to another in exchange for their vote. They are reduced to a bunch of tyrannical thugs. It doesn't elevate theft it merely diminishes respect for government.

Cut me a break!  Who is sopposed to do the things that governments do, like garbage collection, police departments and (oh, I know you'll love this) REGULATING COMMERCE, because if it doesn't, NO ONE, not the marketplace, not "capitalists" or "entrepeneurs", not ordinary citizens can have any hope of providing for free trade.  Yes, guys, we actually do need a government, because all you libertarians and conservatives are to lazy or misguided to do it yourselves.

harryj1998 reads

Take a break and go beat your meat. There is a difference between a reasonable level government and a cancerous tyranny. To bad libbies believe that because they can't run their own lives God intended them to run the lives of everyone else. My garbage collector is an independent capitalist and, as a practical matter, my police department is my Colt, and both work very well. Parasites prefer meddling, liberty destroying government because it ratfies their choice in life to be a leech.

With absolutely no understanding of the world's dynamics, limited as you are by your paranoia and selfishness.  You want everything your way and are terrified that some othe way might actually work.

I would pay for your anti-pschotic meds with pleasure.  Unfortunately, you won't take them.  Nor will the rest of the psycho-conservative, what, "movement", or it's logical extension, excrement.

Have a nice day!

harryj1549 reads

Nice offer Rockhead, except you and I both know that parasites don't pay for anything. I don't want everything my way, just get your hands out of my pockets, get a job, and start gaining some self respect. I've worked 56 years supporting parasites who would rather sleep in each morning, do drugs, drink, gamble, steal, cheat and lie and then have the audacity to tell me that I don't do enough for them after they have already taken more than half of what I work for. Clean up your worthless, despicable, libbie act!!!

Ben Dover1595 reads

Do you mean the one in Washington that are in office? LOL!

I guess I'm not a true-conservative in that I do see the need for a certain amount of redistribution of wealth. However I've never felt that it should be on the backs of the working-man... I'd rather that there was some way to tap the limosine-liberal types that store up ten's of millions for multiple generations and live on the intrest while NEVER needing to earn an honest buck and have unlimited free-time to do such shit as run for political office! This counrty has been run into the ground by detached-erudite-liberals who's old-money has propelled them FAR beyond their natural means!

This is how we get Mark Dayton-types in office that couldn't hold a job as packing-assistant in a fudge-factory if it weren't for Grandpa's MONEY!!!

I hate to confuse you, but the parasites are the guys in oil, the military-industrials (not our soldiers, they're notoriously under-paid, they have to get food stamps, god, what welfare cheats they are!), and all those wonderful  "entrepeneurs" etc. who got those use tax cuts on the backs of the working class.  Welfare accounts for less that 1% of our budget.  Get a life.

GaGambler2430 reads


I've worked my ass off for decades as an "entrepeneur" in the oil business,just who the fuck do you think hires the "working class" you ignorant mother fucker?

I have been on the verge of losing every thing I own on more than one occasion. Was the Government there to help ME? Hell fucking no, but now that I am actually making a few bucks assholes like you begrdge me for my success.

Let me repeat GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!

people were losing their homes...

maybe he's been driving a windpowered car all these years

profoundly, profoundly ignorant....

Ben Dover4059 reads

nor did I suggest to support the tax-cuts of no effect that Bush put into practice. I'm refering to the Nancy P. Cunt's, Kennedeys, and current Democrat-Rockefellers that live off the fortunes of OIL!
Go fuck yourself with Warren Buffett's pin-dick if you think the issue of hoarded-wealth is a REPUBLICAN problem! Democrats are notorious for building their empires on the back of the bruised, then taxing the working-class to pay for the gov-protections that allow them to keep and hold power! All while writing 10,000 pages of tax-code with subclauses exempting their massive fortunes from the tax roles! FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU!!!!

harryj2233 reads

I continue to be amazed by the libbies sheep who keep kissing the ass of their libbie sheep herders, eating sheep shit while the herders continue to fuck them.

having Maxine Waters the black scabsucker, and all the other asswipe libbies they've elected  have done for the community...

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