Politics and Religion

Re: It’s not the whites; it’s the blacks who are racists. Black voters are the same as the OJ jurors
jerseyflyer 20 Reviews 2712 reads

Okay, please tell me what demographic group elected, and then re-elected that nitwit, racist, pinhead Cynthia McKinney,(sp), (Dem- congresswoman), from Georgia. Seems she fell out of favor with the Dems when she assaulted the Capital Police officer the time she attempted to bypass the securiy checkpoint without her ID. BTW, my wife is of that minority group, so don't start any racist labeling bullshit with me.

The fact that electorate was more than half African-American should not obscure this number: In Greenville County, which has higher average income and a more educated populace than the statewide average and which is 78 percent white, Obama won by a resounding 22 percentage points., annihilating Clinton.

GaGambler1822 reads

Anyone who would vote for Obama, just because he's black, is a racist. By the same token, anybody who votes for Hillary, just because she's a woman, is a sexist.

I don't like Hillary because she is a thinly disguised communist, I don't like Oboama because he is not just naive, he is so inexperienced and naive that I could see Chavez and Ahmadinejad pulling a gangbang on him.

And oh BTW, OJ was innocent, it was the drug dealers that did it....yeah right.

If that was the case, dumb ass, why didn't Sharpton or Jesse get better numbers?  Probably the same percentage of blacks who vote for ANY black as white conservatives who would vote for ANY who votes the religion line (supports religion, anti-abortion, "family values", etc).

As several have rightly pointed out here, OJ didn't walk because he was black...he walked because he was famous and had a dream team of lawyers working for him.

And how many whites have had hate crimes against them by blacks compared to the other way around?

No...it's not the blacks who are the racists, either.

It is you.

Okay, please tell me what demographic group elected, and then re-elected that nitwit, racist, pinhead Cynthia McKinney,(sp), (Dem- congresswoman), from Georgia. Seems she fell out of favor with the Dems when she assaulted the Capital Police officer the time she attempted to bypass the securiy checkpoint without her ID. BTW, my wife is of that minority group, so don't start any racist labeling bullshit with me.

kerrakles1571 reads


What are you smoking man?

In SC Afirican-American population increased 4% between 2004-2008 and white population declined 4% during the same period. That is a net gain of 8%.

Yep, race didn't play a part. If Edwards got African-American votes proportionally, I might  have agreed, 80% of African-American votes to quasi African-American candidate cannot be explained away as anything other than racism, even by the liberal punditry (they are trying awful hard though). You have to consider Edwards won SC in 2004 also and spend significant amount of money and time there.

I am an independent so I can criticize both party establishment. I am waiting for an Independent to jump in and win. I would also like to see a significant number of Independent congressmen and senators. Both of these establishments has fucked this country for over 250 odd years. You want change, put an Independent as president, get enough congressman and senators elected and you will see an attitude adjustment from both parties.

Run Bloomberg Run!

GaGambler1999 reads

so much as I believe that he is into wishful thinking. Of course you are right about SC, this PC bullshit that blacks can't be racist is exactly that "Bullshit".

I'd love for your wish to come true and see an independent jump in and actually win, a real independent that is. Quad's Idea of Obama running as an independent must be drug related, but maybe someday, a person with deep enough pockets and enough charisma will come along and really shake things up. I just hope I live long enough to see it.

BTW are you coming to the Atlanta M&G? I am starting to like the way you think, and I'd love to buy you a beer.

no, he just posts like he's on drugs.  Or he's naturally confused and....?

quad, better educated and higher income voters tend to be more open to voting for someone outside their own ethnic background, so high levels of support for Obama in this instance just seem to be a confirmation of the norm.

here's the test:  How did African-American support for Obama in Greenville Country compare to levels of African-American support for Obama statewide in SC?  If there's a marked difference, you may have blundered onto something.  But I doubt it.

and IMHO, there's not much wrong with African-Americans voting for Obama simply because they share a common ethnicity -- that's simply ethnic bloc voting, and it's been with us for at least 150 years.  What i take exception to is when people cast votes on that basis, but deny it and try to find spurious rationalizations for their behavior.

So quad, how about it : report back and tell us how African-American support for Obama in Greenville county stacks up against levels of African-American support for Obama statewide in SC.  I suspect there's going to be scant diference between the two.  So, not necessarily racist behavior/racism, but definitely prima facie evidence of bloc voting on the part of African-Americans.  Not that there's anything wrong with that, mind you.

quad, it's back to the drawing board, or whatever it is you compose these posts, for you.

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