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Instant STD Tests
Udo 1321 reads

I suffered for three weeks from a bad case of Ocular Chlamydia that was transfered from a provider's vaginal fluids to my eye by accidental rubbing before taking a shower to sanitize myself. I was essentially blind in one eye for many weeks until the oral antibiotics worked. I could have permanently lost vision from inflammation of the eyeball and corneal scarring.

I want to hobby again. I have very little fear of HIV since condoms eliminate most of the risk. My fear is that of another Chlamydia infection or possible Herpes infection. My friend nearly lost an eye from a provider infecting him with ocular herpes that caused a bad corneal ulcer.

I love women. However, I love my vision more than pussy.

Are there any "Instant Screening Tests" that I can have a provider submit to test for Chlamydia and Herpes before the session begins. I know that there is such a test for HIV now.

Safety first!

The guy went to Thailand and banged some broads and contracted STD.

OK. Sorry it happened to him, but this is a completely moronic post.  So what are you going to do? Just show up at incall, lay down your STD kit and say, "Hey Bitch....Piss in this cup..."  Dude...I don't know if anything like this exists, and even if it does, I don't know of doing what you are suggesting w/o insulting the provider in question, and having her put you on Black List.

You see higher end escort, and you reduce your risks of STD. If you don't engage in DFK, BBBJ, DATY, you reduce it further. I personally, only engage in DFK and BBBJ. Everything comes with risks. Its just the nature of the beast.

Good luck...

-- Modified on 8/14/2012 8:09:37 PM

Udo494 reads

I contracted Ocular Chlamydia in Pattaya, Thailand and my friend caught Ocular Herpes in Tijuana from bar girls working in each city. These girls were definitely not bottom of the barrel street walkers and about average in cost for each city.

I don't want this topic to conclude that all US white expensive providers are clean and low risk of STDS while outside the US, non-white women, including average cost asian providers, latina providers and black providers are to be labelled as STD spreaders since they have no access to good health care due to poverty. As a result, they are mostly responsible of infecting US hobbyists enjoying their respective countries.

Would this be a racist statement against the poor infected providers outside the US while the expensive whilte providers insist that they are clean because thet charge $400 per sesion and get tested for STDS.

all girls in US are 100% clean, and of course you can contract STD in US also.

That being said, what you are proposing to combat your fear (and I understand that you are afraid and nervous) is just insane.

I wouldn't say that it's insane .... if a test was QUICK, EFFECTIVE, and CHEAP it would seem like a good idea for all parties involved. And not just in the hobby.  If such as thing existed I would have no problem using it.

The only thing new is your OP about an instant test. And I think Curly gave you a good answer there.

Udo405 reads

My intention here is to find out if there are instant chlamydia tests and herpes tests for the provider to take before I have a "GFE" with her.

Just trying to keep my vision good and not be scared of a provider's secretions during the session. Testing the provider would relieve plenty of fear!

saturnsky376 reads

Where the rate for this is exponentially higher due to poor health care, education and prodding from white American tourists to engage in riskier behavior for a pittance is encouraged etc. You got what you paid for.

You need dunking in bleach my man. And no, $400 dollar escorts are not exempt from catching shit from a guy, however, with better education/healthcare and might I add, a reputation to uphold, women here generally take better care of themselves. And hopefully, they see men who give a crap about their health as well as that of the ladies they see and their families.

If you were to find such a test, do you think a provider would submit to a test? What if she demands that you also take the same type of test? I understand what happened to you but if you are this fearful then another hobby might be what you need.

I think that if such a test existed, then BOTH parities (or more in some cases ;) ) should take the test. If I had such a test myself, and I asked a provider to take the test, I would be right there iwth her doing it too so we would BOTH be safer.
I think to assume that only one person would take the test would be unfair and would be an insult. But what if all parties took it willingly?
Anyway, I don't know of such a test so this is all confecture at best.

saturnsky255 reads

You know, to find out if one party has psycho tendencies or is a potential stalker or all round nutjob. Geez, after all that testing the hour would be up..easy money!

...call them swim goggles but I like to think of them as "condoms for they eyes."

Posted By: BigPapasan
...call them swim goggles but I like to think of them as "condoms for they eyes."

Darling.. Keep her pussy away from your eyes..

If you are that paranoid then Use  rubber gloves, condoms and don't kiss.  

NO WOMAN will do an instant piss test.

Stick with the well known ladies and don't go to Tijuana for a fix..


Posted By: MsCharlotte
Darling.. Keep her pussy away from your eyes..

If you are that paranoid then Use  rubber gloves, condoms and don't kiss.  

saturnsky290 reads

You know like the ones prisoners wear that spit on guards. I will wear one of those and you can COM.

Ocular zoster, ocular herpes and ocular chlamydia are VERY serious ailments to be aware of. I got ocular zoster and despite the best Dr. in my large city, it went on for 6 years without proper treatment. It was only when I told my GP that I wanted Valtrex, that I had an effective treatment. As a result, I have some fairly severe scarring on my left cornea. It seems to be getting a bit better, but I will need glasses for the rest of my life.

I never have had an STD, but since I am prescribed Valtrex, I always take one before and after I am with a provider. It does not make me entirely safe from an infection, but maybe a little safer.

That cornea scarring will change your world..it’s like having a cloud over your eye or "wake up eye" 24/7. Regardless of where it occurred, it's a brutal thing. We all make mistakes.

I feel for you bro, but the human body can heal itself. My vision is marginally better in that eye now.

There are no screening tests, but if what happened to you happened to me, I would never see a provider again.

1) Stop touching everything. Slapping on a condom doesn't make it safe sex, it just makes it safer. Don't put your hands in your mouth, eyes, or wherever else you like to stick them without washing them first. This is pre-kindergarden type of stuff here.

2) Seriously, see a higher end provider. "Average" is different in every country. When in doubt, spend that little bit more for a girl who sees less people and can afford to give a shit whether or not she's giving clients STD's.

As far as an instant STD test, I don't believe there are any really useful ones out there at the moment, but I would personally pass on finding that kind of thing out in front of a stranger, and it would really start to push you into the "to high maintenance to bother with" category.

Just stop flying out to buy pussy. That's how that porn star Darren James caught the Aids. Fucking (prostitutes) escorts in Brazil. Don't stick your mouth in every woman you meet. The only 100% full proof safe way is abstinence. Lol.

See the link to the article.

Good luck trying to convince. I mean, GOOD LUCK. Cause you are going to need it

Posted By: Udo
I suffered for three weeks from a bad case of Ocular Chlamydia that was transfered from a provider's vaginal fluids to my eye by accidental rubbing before taking a shower to sanitize myself. I was essentially blind in one eye for many weeks until the oral antibiotics worked. I could have permanently lost vision from inflammation of the eyeball and corneal scarring.

I want to hobby again. I have very little fear of HIV since condoms eliminate most of the risk. My fear is that of another Chlamydia infection or possible Herpes infection. My friend nearly lost an eye from a provider infecting him with ocular herpes that caused a bad corneal ulcer.

I love women. However, I love my vision more than pussy.

Are there any "Instant Screening Tests" that I can have a provider submit to test for Chlamydia and Herpes before the session begins. I know that there is such a test for HIV now.

Safety first!

They are made by the Keebler Elves, sold from a magical treehouse on Lollipop Lane!


Please, Udo.  I tried to have sympathy for you when I read your first post.  I thought maybe you were just on a vacation high or something, and that once you came home and read some of these replies you would wise up.

Now I think you are either an absolute idiot or you are some sort of a plant, put here to remind us all of how incredibly dumb people can actually be.

Please, please.  Never see me, and take yourself out of the gene pool.  You're bringing down the quality of the herd.

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