Politics and Religion

The Life of the Party...
Jacko-is-MY-HERO 2762 reads

I counted em up-- a total of 2067 posts have been made on the POLITICS AND RELIGION board over the last 30 days, give or take a post or two.

My hero, Jacko has posted 654 of them or 31.6% of all posts. An average of over 21 posts per day. Most of his posts are done under aliases because you don't see the Jacko name anywhere near 654 times.

Bizzaro is second with 248 or 11.9% of all posts.

Add up the top 10 and you get 1620 or 78.4% of all posts. So basically, 4 out of 5 posts are by the same 10 guys and Jacko and all his aliases post over 40% of those...Gives a whole new meaning to phrase "talk amongst yourselves"--
I particularly love it when Jacko posts his aliases responding to himself.

Don't let anyone tell you, Jacko, that you are a pitiful excuse for a man to waste so much of your life talking to yourself on an ESCORT Politics & Religion board because you are also one of the top 10 posters on the the general discussion board too. A true renaissance man, at least in your own mind.

Perhaps one of the reasons so few post here is because Jacko is kind of like the guy at the party that likes to hear himself talk, never shuts up and talks over anyone else who attempts to participate. It takes a while for every one else to realize it but when they do, the Jacko's of the world end up clearing the room because the party is just no fun...Nah, that can't be it...  

Jacko-is-MY-HERO1126 reads

Dance Jacko dance--- you're a posting machine.

I just  leave for some fresh air on Avenue X and come back later after jacko has drunk himself to sleep ..

Bowel_Mover1409 reads

In no particular order, here's why so few post here:

1. the primary purpose of this site is to exchange information about commercial sex ;

2. we're not all that interesting ;

3. we're not all that well-informed ;

4. we're not all that personable or friendly ;

5. we can do this elsewhee, with more serious intent and more productive results ;

6. we're sick of gov't and politics anyway and want to think of it as little as possible ;

7. we're terminally angry and pissed off at large parts of the world as it is presently constituted ;

and so on.

Though i do agree that when a person responds to himself under an alias, that is interesting.  To say the least.

Jack0 does have a tendency to go over the top at the drop of a hat, but, hey, no harm in that to my way of seeing thngs.  He hurts no one, amuses himself and others, etc...  Worrying about the number of his posts is a waste of time.

Some of the Jack0 aliases apper to be:

Charles Manson
Doctor Kervorkian

A bunch of others but I'm not so into Jack0 and his activities that i've committed them to memory.  I'll add then in another time.

Meanwhile, relax, try to laugh, try to smile, take a really deep breath.  None of this is real, none of this means anything in the end.  Just like Jack0 has mentioned on many occasions in the past.

GaGambler2011 reads

Probably the best thing about this board is that it provides a place to send other misbehavers. Anyone that can't play well with others, or who can't keep a civil tongue, shall be banished to the P&R board where they can't inflict their poison on the the of society.

Bowel_Mover1656 reads

Now that you mention it, there appears to be little overlap between P&R posters and the other boards [at least in the use of one's primary/reviewing handle].

So, we're like the Siberia or the Devil's Island of TER?  Very interesting take.

Chuck Manson1585 reads

- we're massively bored and jacking off.

shaka7001343 reads

Its almost like a pattern. In the opening post the issue of how many times Jacko posts are addresed with detailed numbers and within the thread he posts his response.

This is kind of like the movie Ground Hogs Day.

This will probably happen again in 2 weeks.

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