Politics and Religion

Re: Our society is so fucked up by it's provincial and puritanical attitudes.
RightwingUnderground 1325 reads

I don't agree with the school board's decision, but why do you have no outrage for the way he was treated on the show?

Maybe the school board also considered that he allowed himself to be taken advantage of on national radio, all for purely personal selfish reasons.

Maybe he was borderline "leaning towards the exit" to begin with.

He DID resign remember. Not much of a backbone. No pun intended.

Maybe they wouldn't give him the time off to go to St. Petersburg, but he went anyway.

-- Modified on 8/11/2007 11:26:31 AM

This teacher did not bring anything inappropriate into the classroom, yet he's being punished.  This country has it's priorities all fucked up.  Cold hearted and corrupt men are in positions of power in Washington, D.C.  But a teacher is forced to resign over something he did on his own time that had no negative impact on anyone.  

Teacher Resigns After Porn Star Date
By Associated Press

Fri Aug 10, 4:34 PM
MONESSEN, Pa. - A Monessen High School teacher resigned after winning a date with a porn star during a satellite radio contest. The school board voted to accept Jaison Biagini's resignation on Tuesday.

While listening to the "Bubba the Love Sponge" radio show on Sirius satellite radio, Biagini won the trip last month to St. Petersburg, Fla., to meet with porn star Akira.

Biagini, who uses a wheelchair, was interviewed on the radio show after returning home, and told the Valley Independent in Monessen that he was ridiculed for his disability and offended by how he was portrayed on the show. He also expressed concerns about his teaching job.

Biagini contended the radio host chastised him, saying Biagini knew full well what the contest was about.

Biagini, who taught art for 14 years at the school, said he entered the contest because he wanted to win the free trip and visit the Salvador Dali museum in St. Petersburg. He described the date as being "all fake and staged."

Silent Majority1238 reads

Our "country" or George Bush didn't fire him.  It was a local decision made by the local school board in Bumfuck, PA.  His bogus, broadcasted date with a pornstar probably didn't reflect the values of that community or that school board.  There are certain RESPONSIBILITIES involved with being a teacher.  He probably should have checked it out with the board first or realized how he would have been viewed by students and peers after this stupid stunt.  Let him teach in a non "provincial and puritanical" community and have all the fake, broadcasted dates he wants. Local communities have a right to set their own standards.

Dude, stop whining like a little bitch all the time.  Grow a pair.

Jack Daniels2025 reads

If this teacher didn’t violate any laws, and apparently he didn’t, then he could sue the school district for unlawfully terminating him and collect a settlement in addition to getting his job back.

RightwingUnderground1326 reads

I don't agree with the school board's decision, but why do you have no outrage for the way he was treated on the show?

Maybe the school board also considered that he allowed himself to be taken advantage of on national radio, all for purely personal selfish reasons.

Maybe he was borderline "leaning towards the exit" to begin with.

He DID resign remember. Not much of a backbone. No pun intended.

Maybe they wouldn't give him the time off to go to St. Petersburg, but he went anyway.

-- Modified on 8/11/2007 11:26:31 AM

RightwingUnderground1908 reads

Forced resignation refers to a situation where the employer is giving the employee the choice. Straight resignation or forced resignation, it's still the employee's CHOICE. A resignation looks better on the resume, but it's still the employee's CHOICE. A resignation is easier on the employer as well, but it's still the employee's CHOICE. f the employee believes that he was wronged to the point that he has any possible legal action, then he is a fool to resign.

-- Modified on 8/11/2007 5:35:53 PM

sounds like a Terry Schiavo situation of making a dubious situation into a (probably bogus) cultural war.

And DC has the worst test scores of the entire country!!!!

It's crazy, DC spends nearly the most in the entire country (there are 2 other districts that spend just a little more--can't remember them) and DC has the worst test scores in the entire country.

Catholic schools do more w/less.


it's bad enough the cradle to grave mentality they've given them, but to make matters worse, they've passed them thru school into the world of work not knowing where the fuck the Mississippi River is....

which is why the Repubs are my primary target.

But the issue of education is a tough one, and I suspect it has to do with the little buggers being contrarian, ie, humans are TOTALLY unpredictable - while most will take the course of least resistance, there are also many who do things for the hell of it.

The 1st problem in education is like everything, defining a goal.  The reality is that shifts, and there's probably never any final definition.

The next issue is the recognition that even if you could define a goal, you have to be flexible at street level.  Ideological recipes don't seem to work too well at most levels, simply because different kids respond to different things on different days.  That's from working with my own kids, with scouts, and boots.   You gotta have A LOT of good teachers with support, and you gotta make sure every adult - parent, everybody - understands teaching is their job.

It's easy to find fault with any system - especially the Catholics are easy to mock.   Our special ed and other programs are easy to mock.  On the one hand, teachers need latitude, but christ almighty, some of the dunces I've seen!!

I was talking to an apparantely bright 20 y/o Asian kid the other day and mentioned Death Valley.  Not 300 miles away, and the kid had never heard of it.  Oh well, I know foreign service  officers who have never seen a dune buggy.  Our own President doesn't know Greeks from Grecians.

I dunno, BK, I can't point fingers here, considering what we elected last time around.

it's pretty fucking hopeless trying to teach a fella where the mississippi river is when he can't even figure out who he's talkin to.  Republicans is the people who cain't be edjudcated anyway, nohow, and it jes ain't fair to make them pay fer other folks edjucashun jus hoping to keep em outta war.  What if they WANT to go to war?  All they have to be is smart enuff to find the National Guard, and they only have to do that ONCE, it's not like they have to remember anything.

Catholic schools can't teach a fella ta use a rubber - except fer a HAT!!

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