The Erotic Highway

Cock Ring??
shy_monger 13506 reads


I have been considering trying a cock ring next time I see a local provider. I have read that the cock ring will increase the duration & intensity of my orgasm.

I am not sure how various providers feel about this type of "toy" and I would really like to try it with someone who may be able to give a little coaching as to the proper use.

I posted a question on the local board and have had very little response.

What do you suggest?


Love Goddess10752 reads

Dear shy_monger,

A cock ring! What a SWELL idea {;-D} Indeed, cock rings have been known to prolong matters, considerably for some, less for others. As to materials, you can choose from a variety of stuff. Rings made from rubber are softer, real steel are harder and not pliable whatsoever. Visit your local sex shoppe or check out the Internet.

Providers feel just fine with cock rings. It's not something that interferes with any particular act. It's a little tight for some ball play, but that's actually the intent. In fact, it could get very sexy! So go for it. If it ends up being an orgasm heightener and prolongs matters for you, then you've really scored, both for yourself and for the provider.

the Love Goddess

-- Modified on 11/2/2006 7:39:11 AM

go4itagain14622 reads

LG, can you suggest a how-to guide for rings? I've played around a bit with them masturbating with little good effect. Also, do you ever want it just around your cock or should it always be a cock-and-balls deal?

Love Goddess10748 reads

Dear go4itagain,

In this case, I would suggest that MALE posters come forth and state their preference. Remember, it's an object that's going to encircle your family jewels, so we're really talking intimate areas here. My gut feeling is, play around with it as much as possible to find your own preferred method - maybe in the presence of a hot female, so that you can refine your research with some immediacy.

Well, boys....?
the Love Goddess

shy_monger12563 reads

Thank you for the reply & info.
I looked online and found an adjustable leather ring with a snap for easy release. I was going to order it but decided instead to wait as I was headed to Vegas and figured I could find one there. Tried two shops. No luck. I did however find in the second shop a package with 3 different sized rubber rings. Look like industrial sized O-rings. Left the largest one in the package. (just trying to be realistic...) Attempted the smaller two as directed. #1 WAY WAY too small. #2 too small as well. Retrieved #3 and it fit but maybe a little loose.... I then found that #2 fit the shaft when erect. Are the effective in this manner?? I think I will go ahead and order the adjustable one but now I have another question:

How tight does it need to be to be most effective??


I looked into using a cock ring, UNTIL I read the package warnings!  They talk about not wearing ot for more than 20 minutes!!!!!!
WAIT A MINUTE!!!  Don't most guys have erections that last longer than that?  Unless I am into heavy fucking, I almost always last longer.  So it seems like a cock ring would detract, wouldn't it, because in the middle of things, you'd be taking it off.
So how many pay heed to that warning?

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