Los Angeles

Re: how can you scam a provider .. thats fuck
frr 142 Reviews 503 reads

I think you got this thing wrong Alley_Syd.  It wasn't a hobbyist scaming a provider. Its the other way around....

I just became the unfortunate victim of a make-believe provider. I'm posting this message to help fellow hobbyists beware of it, and also to seek some pointers on how to keep it from happening again. I work all over the country for two to four weeks at a time and on my time off at home or on occasion in another city I like to find a quality provider to spend some time with (along with some hard earned) A few days ago with my two favorite local girls un-available I sought out a new one on the local web-sites. I spotted one with enticing pictures and an attractive but reasonable rate Two hours for $500 multiple rides allowed. After making the appointment the girl gave me directions to her area and asked me to call her when I reached the local name-brand drug and variety store. I thought nothing of it as I assumed it to be the usual two-call system. I phoned the girl back when I arrived and unknown to me the hook really got started. She said that for first time clients she did not accept cash put rather gift cards made out in the donation amount. Completely blind to what she was asking, I agreed and purchased a card of the type she requested and made it out for the amount. I called her back after to get her exact address. She then asked me to scratch off the cover of the pin number and read it to her over the phone. I was a bit suspicious and asked her why she needed the pin now, why not when I handed it to her. She was ready with the reply that it was simply to insure that the card I would give her was the same one I had just bought and not to worry because like a debit or credit card she also needed the number on the face of the card in order to use it. Again , unaware as I was at the time (but sure am aware now!) all she needed was the pin then a quick call or key to the card company and she had the cash in her possession. Well, I did as she asked and you can guess the rest. She gave me the address of a luxury apartment complex a few blocks away and told me to text her when I got to the garage gate so she could come down and open it. I did that and got no answer back from her either by text or call. After a few minutes the thought finally hit me like a brick that I'd been taken. Naturally, when I logged on to the cards website, the money had already long since been redeemed.

Yes, I can see how my poor judgment led me into this. a little research before I called would have saved my a lot of headache and money. Like most of us who take part in the Hobby, I consider it a form of gambling where nothing is a sure thing. But I usually only gamble when the odds are on my side. Also like a lot of us, I've been hit by the bait-and-switch a few times, subjected to upselling and a few just plain lousy service. But this was the first time I was outright robbed. I didn't bother to notice until later that the girl had only posted her ad the day before I called. Also the glowing review she had(not on TER) had been put up the same day. Obviously by herself of co-horts. If I would have asked her about that she probably would have said she just got into town from San Francisco or Atlanta or another city. My biggest downfall was my stupidity in giving her the pin of the card over the phone. But being too eager (ie horny) and ignorant at the time about those cards I was an easy mark.  

The favor I'd like to ask for is advice from you guys on other red-flags to watch out for, and how if possible to spot a number from a throw-away cell phone since most likely the hook was using one. And yeah, I'm prepared for the sure string of "you dumb-ass" messages I expect as a result of this posting. But I hope that some one will be helped by it and a few well meaning hobbysts will send me some tips on spotting this and other such scams.

No reason to take the chance any more now that we have a source like TER

Yes, you acted a bit naively but if you learned something then it wasn't a waste  
Apply it to future bookings and always choose someone who has multiple reviews  

I'm not sure if you can submit your experience in a review here since you two didn't actually meet but maybe you could try submitting the question to TER support email? It could help others in future if this scam is just getting going.

Good luck, be smart, wear a rubber.

Posted By: tangsum
I just became the unfortunate victim of a make-believe provider. I'm posting this message to help fellow hobbyists beware of it, and also to seek some pointers on how to keep it from happening again. I work all over the country for two to four weeks at a time and on my time off at home or on occasion in another city I like to find a quality provider to spend some time with (along with some hard earned) A few days ago with my two favorite local girls un-available I sought out a new one on the local web-sites. I spotted one with enticing pictures and an attractive but reasonable rate Two hours for $500 multiple rides allowed. After making the appointment the girl gave me directions to her area and asked me to call her when I reached the local name-brand drug and variety store. I thought nothing of it as I assumed it to be the usual two-call system. I phoned the girl back when I arrived and unknown to me the hook really got started. She said that for first time clients she did not accept cash put rather gift cards made out in the donation amount. Completely blind to what she was asking, I agreed and purchased a card of the type she requested and made it out for the amount. I called her back after to get her exact address. She then asked me to scratch off the cover of the pin number and read it to her over the phone. I was a bit suspicious and asked her why she needed the pin now, why not when I handed it to her. She was ready with the reply that it was simply to insure that the card I would give her was the same one I had just bought and not to worry because like a debit or credit card she also needed the number on the face of the card in order to use it. Again , unaware as I was at the time (but sure am aware now!) all she needed was the pin then a quick call or key to the card company and she had the cash in her possession. Well, I did as she asked and you can guess the rest. She gave me the address of a luxury apartment complex a few blocks away and told me to text her when I got to the garage gate so she could come down and open it. I did that and got no answer back from her either by text or call. After a few minutes the thought finally hit me like a brick that I'd been taken. Naturally, when I logged on to the cards website, the money had already long since been redeemed.  
 Yes, I can see how my poor judgment led me into this. a little research before I called would have saved my a lot of headache and money. Like most of us who take part in the Hobby, I consider it a form of gambling where nothing is a sure thing. But I usually only gamble when the odds are on my side. Also like a lot of us, I've been hit by the bait-and-switch a few times, subjected to upselling and a few just plain lousy service. But this was the first time I was outright robbed. I didn't bother to notice until later that the girl had only posted her ad the day before I called. Also the glowing review she had(not on TER) had been put up the same day. Obviously by herself of co-horts. If I would have asked her about that she probably would have said she just got into town from San Francisco or Atlanta or another city. My biggest downfall was my stupidity in giving her the pin of the card over the phone. But being too eager (ie horny) and ignorant at the time about those cards I was an easy mark.  
 The favor I'd like to ask for is advice from you guys on other red-flags to watch out for, and how if possible to spot a number from a throw-away cell phone since most likely the hook was using one. And yeah, I'm prepared for the sure string of "you dumb-ass" messages I expect as a result of this posting. But I hope that some one will be helped by it and a few well meaning hobbysts will send me some tips on spotting this and other such scams.

Dear Goldie.  

Thanks for your feed-back and advice. Great ad of yours by the way. I'll keep you in mind.


I'm sure you will get some crap for posting, but you might have prevented someone else from doing something similar. I used a g pack once when I was new to the hobby. I got lucky the provider was legit.  

What was the fake name used?  I'm sure they'll try it again,  maybe they'll be careless and use the same alias.

Sorry to hear you were scammed :(  

$500 is a lot to lose ... but with all the shady scams and rip-offs, at least this was one where you were not confronted or harmed physically.  I've heard stories of men being set up to be robbed and having to fight off a pimp.  

I'm sure karma will come around and get her.  

Thanks for warning the community about this scam!

Thanks for your feeback as well as the sympathy. Writing about it has helped ease the pain much better then the bottle of booze I almost reached for.  Yes your right about the physical kind of scam. The pimp-kicking thing happened to me once when I was a kid service man in San Diego.

Anything that doesn't seem right....The card scheme that you fell prey to has been around a long time. Another one, if you have to buy a cam show before you can see her, you probably will never meet her after you pay. Deposits and prepayments are often scams too.  
Having a burner or throw away phone, even if you can tell, isn't necessarily a red flag because most providers want to protect their identity just like most guys do.
The best thing you can do to avoid being scammed is think with the big head, see well reviewed providers and research your companions. Check her reviewers to be sure they have reviewed others and are trust worthy. Google her photos, phone and email, if they are linked to other sites or ads all over the country chances are you'll be disappointed

Thanks for your feedback and advice. Especially about the phones plus the cam-show thing.

Every reputable escort does that  and not moving to travel till she secured the date  with deposits and prepaid  
 hey LA gentlemen!!  
 What  are you talking about? that it is scam ask deposits?
 Hmm.. read my reviews to see if it is worth or not :)

So what was the local website? Can you mention it here? Is it a reputable one? And what about the gal's name? If we can access her photos then it will be easier for others to avoid her even if she changes names. And yes I know she can always use different fake pictures, but a lot of times these scam artists don't make the effort to do that.

So sorry you had a bad experience.
Its such a shame that people have to be scam artist.
At least you have learned from it.
Always follow your gut instincts. Wink!

Lick Lick,


how does a hobbyist scam a provider with gift card scam.

what is wrong this dam country… no money no honey.

give me a strength !!!


I think you got this thing wrong Alley_Syd.  It wasn't a hobbyist scaming a provider. Its the other way around....

Certain providers that do this.

Hey its Tangs again. I want to take a moment and thank everyone that put in a word to the scam that I reported. Instead of the derogatory stuff I might have expected, I got some good pointers and how to keep it from happening again. Also, although I wasn't really looking for sympathy, I received plenty of that too. I also have discovered that this site isn't simply a place for reviews on finding a good hostess. But also to find info on just the sort of thing that hit me. From now on I'll be more active on the discussion boards as well as more cautious in the hobby in general.

Again thanks to all and I'll welcome more input from my initial post.

Thanks for the PM with the info as to her name and website. Sorry your public post was rejected here, but TER has a policy of rejecting any posts that contain the names of any advertising or review websites that they deem to be in completion with them. Although I am a strong supporter of TER, I disagree with them on this issue since it obviously doesn't help TER members in matters such as this.

Harpman60645 reads

Eom .

Posted By: CENZO1
Thanks for the PM with the info as to her name and website. Sorry your public post was rejected here, but TER has a policy of rejecting any posts that contain the names of any advertising or review websites that they deem to be in completion with them. Although I am a strong supporter of TER, I disagree with them on this issue since it obviously doesn't help TER members in matters such as this.

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