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What is a pitch deck r u clayton kershaw

Posted By: DoNotNoMe2014
Looking for a provider to help me fulfill an office fantasy.  
 I'm working hard on a pitch deck. You come to my office, dressed professionally and ask for me at reception. I call you back to my office and you sit down across from me. And then...  
 Anyone in the Marina Del Rey/Venice/Santa Monica/ West LA area around to help me fill this niche?  

Looking for a provider to help me fulfill an office fantasy.  

I'm working hard on a pitch deck. You come to my office, dressed professionally and ask for me at reception. I call you back to my office and you sit down across from me. And then...  

Anyone in the Marina Del Rey/Venice/Santa Monica/ West LA area around to help me fill this niche

What is a pitch deck r u clayton kershaw

Posted By: DoNotNoMe2014
Looking for a provider to help me fulfill an office fantasy.  
 I'm working hard on a pitch deck. You come to my office, dressed professionally and ask for me at reception. I call you back to my office and you sit down across from me. And then...  
 Anyone in the Marina Del Rey/Venice/Santa Monica/ West LA area around to help me fill this niche?  

I LOVE Clayton Kershaw. He's so DREAMY!!!

Here is the Cliff Notes version of an Investor Deck

The purpose of your Investor Deck, not Dick...stay focused here...is not to answer all possible questions, nor close immediate investment. It is to open investors minds to your vision and get them excited to know more. The story you craft in your Deck gets them engaged to start filling in the blanks for themselves

You want to give enough information to grab their interest, but not too much as to overwhelm them or have your story lose clarity & focus.  

Give them enough to get excited about, but leave them wanting more.  
(That's what I like to do!!!)

Your Deck (not dick) should be able to stand on its own, without your presentation.

Compelling Decks are concise, tell a story, are visual, 10-13 slides.

-- Modified on 8/11/2014 1:16:31 PM

Tipping my hat to you my dear, cheers to a well read gal!

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