Politics and Religion

bigguy30 95 reads

Just try and learn something beyond your GOP hate.

Posted By: bigguy30
Posted By: Timbow
Posted By: bigguy30
Posted By: hpygolky
As a convention can get. It wasn't spilled with hate and fear mongering. And Sarah Silverman help set the tone. Love the ‘You’re Being Ridiculous’ to the Bernie Supporters.    
   -- Modified on 7/25/2016 9:03:26 PM
  -- Modified on 7/26/2016 6:56:26 AM
 -- Modified on 7/25/2016 11:43:55 PM

dryheat815 reads

Perhaps his followers feel a momentary letdown.

Nevertheless, Bernie is a class act.

Ted, learn what class is.

bigguy30108 reads

Then the four days of garbage last week in Cleveland with GOP Trump convention.

Posted By: dryheat
Perhaps his followers feel a momentary letdown.  
 Nevertheless, Bernie is a class act.  
 Ted, learn what class is.

dryheat82 reads

Yep, Michelle Obama was magnificent with her passion-filled speech.

I see how disappointed many Bernie supporters were, but I thought Bernie succeeded in reminding her that she to accept to push for some of the things important to his followers to win them. With Trump shamelessly wooing Bernie supporters, it's critical for Hillary to agree to pursue at least a couple of Bernie themes.

-- Modified on 7/25/2016 9:02:47 PM

As a convention can get. It wasn't spilled with hate and fear mongering. And Sarah Silverman help set the tone. Love the ‘You’re Being Ridiculous’ to the Bernie Supporters.

-- Modified on 7/25/2016 9:03:26 PM

bigguy30135 reads

Posted By: hpygolky
As a convention can get. It wasn't spilled with hate and fear mongering. And Sarah Silverman help set the tone. Love the ‘You’re Being Ridiculous’ to the Bernie Supporters.

-- Modified on 7/25/2016 9:03:26 PM

-- Modified on 7/26/2016 6:56:26 AM

Timbow79 reads

Posted By: bigguy30
Posted By: hpygolky
As a convention can get. It wasn't spilled with hate and fear mongering. And Sarah Silverman help set the tone. Love the ‘You’re Being Ridiculous’ to the Bernie Supporters.  
 -- Modified on 7/25/2016 9:03:26 PM
-- Modified on 7/26/2016 6:56:26 AM
-- Modified on 7/25/2016 11:43:55 PM

bigguy3068 reads

Posted By: Timbow
Posted By: bigguy30
Posted By: hpygolky
As a convention can get. It wasn't spilled with hate and fear mongering. And Sarah Silverman help set the tone. Love the ‘You’re Being Ridiculous’ to the Bernie Supporters.  
  -- Modified on 7/25/2016 9:03:26 PM
 -- Modified on 7/26/2016 6:56:26 AM
-- Modified on 7/25/2016 11:43:55 PM

bigguy3096 reads

Just try and learn something beyond your GOP hate.

Posted By: bigguy30
Posted By: Timbow
Posted By: bigguy30
Posted By: hpygolky
As a convention can get. It wasn't spilled with hate and fear mongering. And Sarah Silverman help set the tone. Love the ‘You’re Being Ridiculous’ to the Bernie Supporters.    
   -- Modified on 7/25/2016 9:03:26 PM
  -- Modified on 7/26/2016 6:56:26 AM
 -- Modified on 7/25/2016 11:43:55 PM

saltyballs58 reads

Posted By: Sexy Carolina

Obummer has done a good job of keeping her under wraps and just having her deal with fat kids.

She is vehemently anti-American and this is one thing the DNC got right. LOL

...and I'm sure I will...the next time Melania gives a speech!!

Posted By: dryheat
Perhaps his followers feel a momentary letdown.  
 Nevertheless, Bernie is a class act.  
 Ted, learn what class is.

Are you kidding?! GIVE him a cyanide capsule?! Do you know how much those things COST?! And most insurance policies won't cover a dime of it!!

saltyballs83 reads

.....after all it takes just one capsule to do the job. Bernie, IMHO, gave a full throated endorsement supporting HRC.

Posted By: WickedBrut
Are you kidding?! GIVE him a cyanide capsule?! Do you know how much those things COST?! And most insurance policies won't cover a dime of it!!

bigguy3073 reads

You clearly did not watch his speech last night.

Posted By: ROMMEL
Posted By: dryheat
Perhaps his followers feel a momentary letdown.  
  Nevertheless, Bernie is a class act.  
  Ted, learn what class is.

Even though he's a Socialist, and not really a Democrat....Now if his supporters can see the whole picture and not just all the "freebies" that he promised. But like the Trump bottom feeders...they'll always support Bernie, no matter what....oh well

So I missed the first night of the DNC convention. I appreciate you guys filling me in. So far it sounds like it went GREAT!!

Best of all possible worlds!

bigguy3073 reads

She had the guts to call people out and I loved it!
It's time for people to stop acting like pussies now.

Posted By: dryheat
Perhaps his followers feel a momentary letdown.  
 Nevertheless, Bernie is a class act.  
 Ted, learn what class is.
-- Modified on 7/26/2016 7:01:41 AM

Bernie is a nice guy but a fraud. No shock, really.

bigguy3076 reads

We can get you a mirror Jack. Lol

Posted By: JackDunphy
Bernie is a nice guy but a fraud. No shock, really.
-- Modified on 7/26/2016 11:57:45 AM

dryheat70 reads

Throughout Bernie's speech, he pushed the issues important to him and his loyal followers and said Hillary will pursue those issues.  

Hillary should have learnt from his speech that as November approaches, Bernie's supporters will vote for only if she includes their interests in her agenda. She should not take their votes for granted.

If you read between the lines, Bernie's endorsement of Hillary was CONDITIONAL.

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