
I thought he meant the previous review where she scored a 1-2 was what he was talking about
GaGambler 366 reads

The Shamu vs Moby Dick line was mildly funny. Like you, I didn't find the other review the least bit funny and I pride myself on being able to laugh at almost anything, well except for Family Guy of course. There are two types of people in this world South Park people and the Family Guy crowd. Count me firmly in the South Park camp and count both Family Guy and the OP completely out of anything I consider remotely funny.

7-7? Sometimes reviews are just funny. Hope everyone has a great weekend.

I mean come on,  the guy got stood up not once but twice.  What is funny about that? Not to mention,  who knows if the review is even legit?  I swear,  the comedy I like is more the romantic comedy stuff.  This really isn't funny honestly.  Put yourself in his OR her shoe's.  
Wtf....really, wtf?  I don't know what happened as I definitely wasn't the one there but to just laugh and call it a weekend laugh definitely doesn't do your fellow hobbyists any favors and if the review isn't legit, just remember,  this just may very well be the lady you seek out one day for fun.
This is just my opinion. You know what they say about opinions right? They are like assholes and everyone has one.
Take care

GaGambler367 reads

The Shamu vs Moby Dick line was mildly funny. Like you, I didn't find the other review the least bit funny and I pride myself on being able to laugh at almost anything, well except for Family Guy of course. There are two types of people in this world South Park people and the Family Guy crowd. Count me firmly in the South Park camp and count both Family Guy and the OP completely out of anything I consider remotely funny.

Not really good policy to make fun of or to laugh at any one.     Like everyone from time to time they hit a hard place in the road.      You never know when life will turn the table and put the hard place in your path.     She might need her money just as bad as anyone to feed her kids or family.   She doesn't run her business very well and deserves bad reviews.         Sometimes you really need to have a stronger than normal imagination to even get close to having the fantasy moment you were trying to live.   Lol.

I was talking about the reviewer that was stood up once and then went back to be stood up again only to go back to finally see her and give her a 7-7. I thought that it was funny to review her and give her good scores for obviously bad behavior. I would hope that he is being truthful and the meeting really happened. If not, then I am sorry for her. He has hurt her reputation with words but not with a 7-7 score.
Sorry if offended anyone. It was not my intention. Sorry.

ValuedCustomer364 reads

In the same way that a train wreck is.  OK - I admit it, I have a really warped sense of humor and I really enjoy schadenfreude....

It's just such a train wreck on sooo many levels.  In the first place - her TER profile has two different websites with two different girls.  As far as the two no shows -  that's OK - this guy is looking for change on a benjamin for a thirty minute QV.  She saw two guys while he was driving over!   Why is HE surprised she ain't lounging about waiting for him.  She's in the assembly line business ...  They deserve each other - and, honestly, that's what was funny about it - and that's why the review score was entirely appropriate.  It's like something out of Dickens - or maybe Steinbeck..  Wow.

Read the ads - whole different world than mine - and yours.  As far as reputation is concerned - ya gotta be kidding me....

So - thanks Bri - I enjoyed it

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