Politics and Religion

No, pure ignorance is leaping to all the conclusions you made based on a brief post.
JakeFromStateFarm 114 reads

Who said anything about CNN?  You are truly

So, the NY Times editorial board, official organ of the Democrat party, thinks the Orlando shooting is a result of mom & pop bakeries not  actively participating in the celebration of what the NYT wants celebrated, and attempts to maintain the rights of women to have their own bathrooms and locker rooms which were the norm until 5 minutes ago, by Republicans, Christians, straight white men, and misc non-radicals.  The editorial doesn't mention Muslims, Islam, or immigration once.

Given the bizarre comments seen here, maybe the local Lefties agree?  Is Omar Mareen the face of the GOP?  Is it a general proposition that when one member of an official liberal coalition of the oppressed slaughters other members of the liberal coalition of the oppressed, that it is the fault of the dread Republicans?

WHAT a POS and hateful article.  

Noooooo....It wasn't an Islamist terrorist act!  

It was an anti-gay, Republican inspired "hate crime." Ugh...

Hey look on the bright side.  

The kooky libs didn't blame Bush at least. LOL

I actually think some of the more honestt libs here will call the old, dead, "Gray Lady" out on this one

...in the article which suggests the NYTimes thinks Mateen was a Republican Christian. More hysteria and misleading rhetoric from the right. THAT'S why Trump's numbers are finally beginning to tank. Most people are fed up with "politics as usual" and distrust the "establishment" on both sides of the isle, but the hateful, dishonest rhetoric is insulting to most of us and the educated voters want something more.

Posted By: digdirkler
So, the NY Times editorial board, official organ of the Democrat party, thinks the Orlando shooting is a result of mom & pop bakeries not  actively participating in the celebration of what the NYT wants celebrated, and attempts to maintain the rights of women to have their own bathrooms and locker rooms which were the norm until 5 minutes ago, by Republicans, Christians, straight white men, and misc non-radicals.  The editorial doesn't mention Muslims, Islam, or immigration once.  
 Given the bizarre comments seen here, maybe the local Lefties agree?  Is Omar Mareen the face of the GOP?  Is it a general proposition that when one member of an official liberal coalition of the oppressed slaughters other members of the liberal coalition of the oppressed, that it is the fault of the dread Republicans?  

...op-ed indicates that Mateen self-identified as a Republican.  The article was about the GOP being such haters of gays that they force them to stay in the closet.  Maybe if Mateen felt free to be gay, he wouldn't have gone on that murderous rampage.  The freedom of being openly gay could have overcome the bogus teachings of Islam.

Here's an except from the OP's link:

"Hate crimes don’t happen in a vacuum. They occur where bigotry is allowed to fester, where minorities are vilified and where people are scapegoated for political gain. Tragically, this is the state of American politics, driven too often by Republican politicians who see prejudice as something to exploit, not extinguish."

The Republicans didn't inspire this crime, Jack, but they created the atmosphere for it just as they create the atmosphere for your Republican Christian terrorist buddies who kill abortion doctors with their crusade to shut down abortion clinics and outlaw abortions.

Did "Occupy" create the atmosphere for the rapes, the crimes and looting their followers caused?

Do Hollywood liberals "create the atmosphere" when people copy cat criminal activity they see in movies and on TV?

Did BLM "create the atmosphere" for lethal attacks on the police?

Or is it ONLY conservatives that create "atmospheres?"

Nice job trying to make a brutal, ruthless, Islamist killer in Orlando into the victim. LOL

Liberal logic at its worst BP.

I don't even like the people who disrupt Trump speeches.  I can't stand the guy, but let him talk.  He condemns himself out of his own mouth anyway.

And it would be just as hateful and ignorant to blame R's for the Orlando shootings in ANY way.

Every single R in the country could be gay and that fkker still would have done the same thing.

Lets stop letting people off the hook and make excuses for them and lets really stop making them "victims."

I blame the perp.  But I also blame the NRA and anyone who won't ban assault rifles.  Some one please tell me why all the mass killings by gunfire in this country happened after the sunsetting of the ban on assault weapons?
The NRA is pure evil.

Someone who believes  everything they hear on CNN = Certified NumbNuts

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
I blame the perp.  But I also blame the NRA and anyone who won't ban assault rifles.  Some one please tell me why all the mass killings by gunfire in this country happened after the sunsetting of the ban on assault weapons?  
 The NRA is pure evil.
Eliminating legal sales of semi automatic rifles aka "assault rifles" to law abiding citizens in the USA,  will do nothing except allow anyone living in an imaginary World to  believe the real problem is solved.    
   I've never felt the need to carry a pistol  or own an anti assault rifle.    
     After recent events  I'm  reconsidering  my position.  
  Who knows when a small gang of Radical Islam Jihadist terrorists decide to come down my country road, miles from the nearest Sheriff office,  killing innocent people door to door.
    Might need that semi automatic rifle, to mow the terrorists  down, while they're in my yard.      
         There are many things that could have prevented the tragedy in Orlando, eliminating legal sales of semi auto rifles is not one of them.  
      If one of ten patrons in Orlando had a concealed weapon, and knew how to use it,  it's very likely some of the dead would still have a heart beat.    
  The ISIS supporter, radical  Islamic Jihadist Mateen in Orlando, could have done MORE damage if he was strapped up, carrying a six  pack of loaded Glocks  and a couple dozen back up  clips.  
  The semi automatic rifle Mateen used had no tactical advantage in close range slaughter of unarmed, defenseless, innocent people.  
    There are many weapons not available at gun shops or gun shows that are more than capable of killing multitudes of innocent people.  
   Perhaps  you are too ignorant to know what they are.  
  Most ISIS terrorists  are not so stupid.
   I'll give you one  clue, sheep brain, the year we're living in is 2016 not 1927.    
     France has strict gun laws yet terrorists  can easily, illegally buy certified  Military    
    grade weapons on the underground  market.    

 Snitching on a  drunk for stealing a beer, or informing the Maître D you noticed the  lady at the table next to you is carrying concealed in a gun free restaurant, are not  noble deeds from my perspective.    
   I suggest if anyone hears a voice speaking  of harming  innocent people, regardless if that person is your best friend,  let LE know as quick as you would, as if you discovered that person  is  a child molester or murderer.    
    The lunatic in Charleston told a couple of his Bro's  he wanted to kill innocent people, yet his loser friends said nothing to LE that might have saved lives of innocent peaceful citizens.  

  If Cucks like you become the majority, America is doomed.  
    To ensure I am clear, lest you miss my drift, per my definition, Cucks couldn't care less about radicals in Islamist countries throwing members of  the LGBT community off roof tops or burning them alive, yet you cry like a sissy in despair, when some foolish Christian Preacher  announces he won't preside over the marriage of a couple of Lesbians.
     I need to catch some sleep, big day campaigning for MR. Trump tomorrow.
                  Have a nice night

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
Who said anything about CNN?
                         How soon you forget !  :-D
I suggest you enroll in a memory enhancement class, Mr. CNN.                    
                             :-D :-D :-D :-D  


Nothing complex to see, slow and forgetful, that's my  definition of you.    
    Every time you post affirms my belief, I was wise  to not  waste my money and time, continuing in school allowing  slow readers to stifle my progress.  
     How much did you spend for teachers to instruct you to not  turn the page, until you understand the one you're on ?    
     On the other hand, what exactly did you learn  in College other than your skill at  spell check on a Hooker review site?  
    That's not impressive in the least, as a matter of fact, 99% would agree it's rather obnoxious.  
    Are you well versed in Science or Math, most  likely you believe Physics is a Yoga class.    
                         Do you have a clue?  
      Try to remember, just because you read slow, doesn't mean you should  eat fast to compensate.  
            On my way  to campaign for Mr. Trump at my local college, no doubt I'll meet  low information Hillary supporters.  
    They  believe I'm campaigning for Bernie when I'm showing videos on the  
   evils of evil, war monger  Hillary.  Reverse  psychology  works great on slow learners.  
                Thanks for the laughs,  
                       Have a nice day :-D

More blather from the knuckle-dragger that I did not read.

OK, they don't literally think Omar himself was a dreaded white republican Christian. Duh,  do you think I literally meant to say that, as opposed to sarcastically paraphrase their argument to show its absurdity?

What they do literally say is that the acts of a muslim terrorist are caused by the non-violent democratic actions of Christian Republicans and their anti-LGBT whatever.  Because not baking a cake is pretty much the same as slaughtering 50 people or something.  It is about as slimy a bit of scape goating for political gain as there is, but that is long Lib practice, like blaming the murder of Kennedy by a communist on the "climate of right wing hate" in Dallas etc.  Oh, but my obvious joke exaggeration is the real hateful dishonest rhetoric.  Gotcha.

So far from the Left here on TER I've read that the NRA and ISIS are the same, that we had it coming, that it was wished the victims were all Republicans etc.  But yup, the right sure has some hateful dishonest rhetoric.

I think you need to either complete that GED or ask for your money back from the people who awarded it to you. Maybe you are a proud graduate of Trump "University"? What you are saying in this post shows one of the poorest reading comprehension levels I think I've seen here.

Posted By: digdirkler
OK, they don't literally think Omar himself was a dreaded white republican Christian. Duh,  do you think I literally meant to say that, as opposed to sarcastically paraphrase their argument to show its absurdity?  
 What they do literally say is that the acts of a muslim terrorist are caused by the non-violent democratic actions of Christian Republicans and their anti-LGBT whatever.  Because not baking a cake is pretty much the same as slaughtering 50 people or something.  It is about as slimy a bit of scape goating for political gain as there is, but that is long Lib practice, like blaming the murder of Kennedy by a communist on the "climate of right wing hate" in Dallas etc.  Oh, but my obvious joke exaggeration is the real hateful dishonest rhetoric.  Gotcha.  
 So far from the Left here on TER I've read that the NRA and ISIS are the same, that we had it coming, that it was wished the victims were all Republicans etc.  But yup, the right sure has some hateful dishonest rhetoric.

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