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Am I paranoid?confused_smile
ASTVision 4 Reviews 2798 reads

I went to see my first provider that I got off of Craig's list. She had only one review, but was really really cute and listed as 18. When I called her to confirm, she told me to hold on, and I could swear I heard a radio, I.E. police. I hung up, and she called back immediately. I talked to her, got the hotel location, and pulled in. There was a cabbie sitting in his car in a parking spot, and another guy on a cell phone in his car looking around. I called her again, and she again said I'll call you back in minute to tell you where to meet me. (How about in the parking lot?) It seemed to me(a total newbie), that she was taking orders from somebody, I was thinking LE. I have absolutely no reliable instinct in this matter, but I freaked and took off. Am I paranoid?

This situation sounds ridiculous- I think it was  smart to get out of there asap. One review can be faked- although better than none, it seems that LE is catching on to some of the technology. Did you check and make sure that one reviewer had a membership history and other reviews???

The situation you described has all the ahllmarks of a typical CL bust - really young girl with really attractive photos, few or no reviews, shady multiple phone calls, and a bad intuitive feeling about the experience- enough reasons to get out of there, and to avoid CL until you have a better sense of how things work!! I'm not sure about the police radios or how that works, but you are right to be cautious.

Glad you got out without a bust, and best of luck!!


Yeah I would wait a little on her and see if any more reviews are upcoming. Til then try to find some one with a lot of reviews like the beautiful marere4 or a provider that has an incall at her own apt. or have them come to you.  HOBBY on brother!!!!

like you were a real fart smucker to get the hell out of there.  That situation had bust written all over it.  

You were not paranoid, just damn careful.  Good move.


First rule -- if something triggers your gut, then you bail.  Always take care of yourself first, and even if you run from something that turned out to be no big deal, you're still OK.  Live to hobby another day.

Now, as to the specific situation... it *might* have been LE, but that's an awful lot of resources to put into a misdemeanor bust.  It's certainly not the strangest thing to ever happen, but it's more work than I'd expect them to put into it.  Now, if there had been some sort of drug activity referred to, that would be different, but you didn't mention it, so I'm going to cross that possibility off the list.

It might have been a girl traveling with either a pimp or at least one other lady.  Often, they'll have multiple rooms reserved and they'll need to figure out which one they're going to meet you in.  The "radio" might have been a Nextel phone (or actual walkie-talkies), and she might have been saying something like, "Hey, Lisa, is Becky still using Room 115 to blow that dude who was running late?  OK, I'm going to need Room 117, my guy just showed up and Tiffany's still in the damn shower, come switch rooms with me."  It's not very appealing, but it does happen with CL girls sometimes; we had a local bust a few months back where one pimp came in from Chicago with three girls, and he rented three different rooms in the same hotel so they could shuffle among them.  Someone made an anonymous call to the PD, and all four got busted.  Might have been a competitor, or an unhappy customer, or a motel employee who wasn't tipped adequately, or a random guest who saw too much and figured it out.

You will sometimes see people sitting around for other reasons -- they might be guests there on business, or they might be sneaking around having an affair, or they might even be other hobbyists seeing someone totally unrelated to your provider.

jjackflash1912 reads over analyze things and prove that you're not.
LOL!!!  Take it easy, I'm just kidding (well sort of).  

You state "that's an awful lot of resources to put into a misdemeanor bust".  Please explain that.  What resources?  Placing a FREE ad on CL?  Showing up to the locale to make the necessary arrest?  Using radios?  Dude, they don't email you and say, "You've just solicited an undercover cop, please report to the nearest jail so we can book you!"  LOL!!

Obviously, NONE of us know for sure what would've transpired had he stuck around.  The consensus on advice (including your's and mine) was that he did the right thing.  However, my feeling is this had more to do with logic and common sense than just "gut" instincts.  To put a finer point on it, he was playing with fire and was smart enough to pull away before he got burned!  This is NOT the way to hobby, fellas.

Based on the original report, he thought that one (or both) of the outdoor guys might be LE, and then there would have to be at least two (and probably more) inside for safety's sake -- you never know when some guy who just got busted is going to have The Worst Idea Of His Life and try to fight or run.  Add in the issue of timing (are they going to keep 4 to 6 cops waiting around for hours just to answer CL ads and write misdemeanor tickets?), and it's a lot of hassle. If they're going to actually arrest and then transport to booking, that's going to require somebody, too.

I don't know how things work where you are, but generally, a "solicitation" bust seems to draw a ticket and a court date, and not an actual arrest and booking.  Things can change if other offenses are involved (like drugs or underage), but for garden-variety solicitation, you're a little fish.  If there isn't an active nuisance factor involved (as there might be with street cruising and pickups), clients are small potatoes.

Busting a client might happen from time to time, especially if an election is coming up, or there have been complaints, or a group gets busted, but usually it seems like the provider is the only one the cops bother to bust.

jjackflash1832 reads it's a hot topic on these boards.  Or, have you not been paying attention?  It's how stings are done, and all things considered it's not a big hassle or a great use of resources if it's planned correctly.  Basically, they want to "sting" half-a-dozen to a dozen or so guys in short order and get the word out, so that people get concerned about the ad they're eyeballing and the voters can think that the cops are "cracking down".  Agreed, that it would be a big hassle and great use of resources if it was done for a long period of time, and without proper planning.

"Logic is instinct proven right."

But then he used to say a lot of things which is why grandma sent him packing.


to know when to "say no" and get the hell out of Dodge.  The way you reported the situation, I'd have been out of there in a flash.  As has been said many times, think with the big head not the little head.

Sophomoric Humorist1608 reads

Probably not, following your instinct was the better choice here it seems.

Me, persoanally, out of perverse curiosity, if not the irresistable urge to live slightly dangerously, I would have driven back an hour or so later to see if the situation had changed [had the cabbie and the other guy departed?].  Just out of perverse curiosity.

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