TER General Board

Re: Quite the busy bee...., lol!!!! ;-)
MarkusKetterman 150 Reviews 447 reads

Hello -

Actually, I messed up when I did the reviews and did not notice the part where you were supposed to input the date of the encounter. I had some free time during a recent junket to Iraq and wrote up most of the reviews in one batch. There are 10 reviews of ladies I've seen since early May, when I joined the board. Over my 35 year hobbying history, I've generally liked to be with a lady about once a week.

I usually book 1hr with a lady the first time I meet her, and, if we click, a minimum 2hrs thereafter when this is possible for her. I especially like to spend a few hours together, go on a date; or a weekend and go sailing. I'm not a rush-rush kinda guy - I couldn't be anyway at my age and after 5 purple hearts....

I really do have functional problems related to injuries, not overuse!  

But I do thank you for your input


Hi -a question for the ladies but of course all are welcome to chime in. Due to injuries during my military career I have two male function problems: loss of erection with change of position (50% of time) and delayed ejaculation (25% of time). When I'm "on my game" providers generally like me and enjoy seeing me again. When I have trouble, I find that ladies often do not return my emails / calls thereafter, even though I'm a good sport about it and do not "blame" the provider for my troubles. So, how would you deal with problems like these, that some / many? of us may experience from time to time?
And a big wet kiss and a THANK YOU to all of the ladies out there that have been so AWESOME to be with!

stepping on your serious thread to give the Chicken from Dixie some grief, but he would be disappointed if I didn't.

On a serious note, have you considered putting a challenge out there?

Along the lines of: Ladies, I am a hard cummer, do you have what it takes to get me there?  That way, the lady knows what she is in for and can choose to take up the challenge...just a thought.

Also, you could also include a link to this post in your initial email and ask the lady you are interested in if your situation is going to be a problem.  That way all parties are informed and know what the situation is going in.

I bet there are a lot of ladies out there who would be more than happy to help someone injured in the service of their country, find as much pleasure as they can handle.

Good Luck and Good Hobbying!

And Thank You For Your Service!


-- Modified on 8/10/2008 1:47:17 PM

Thank you for your taxpayer dollars, which gave me a pretty good life, and the opportunity to enjoy fine ladies all around the world.  Getting shot at was the exception, not the rule.

Oh, and I never mind humor - life is too short. And I don't take myself too seriously: I think about all the guys I've known that are  no longer around to enjoy....

When I meet a lady for the first time, I tell her up front about my injuries because there are a couple of issues other than the male function issue. It's not conducive to the mood but I feel that the first time I'm with someone they should know what to expect. Every lady I've been with has been good about it (and it does not happen all the time of course), but a few have as I say not wanted to deal with it again...  I do understand of course.

If I'm in the hard but aint gonna cum anytime soon mode I make sure the lady knows so that we do not continue intercourse beyond her comfort level.  And if the lady is working on me and it's just not going to happen I tell her, or if it's going really slow and I'm sure to let them know not to continue of they are getting tired of it. I do try to be considerate....

Thanks and take care


I'm slow to pop, often (90%) I don't. With the help of various pills, I'm still well able to play, and I do.  I tell the ladies before we session, and often before we meet about it.  I let 'em know that I won't get upset of the clock runs out before I cum; it's my issue after all, and not theirs. Fact is, I have way less downtime than someone who pops, and has to await the flag-raising again.  

Some girls still take it personally, though, even after the disclosures, and I can't help that.  I know it's not me that made them feel inadequate because I was up front.


giving me their little pink envelope with my donation in it.  ;-)

Hey, a guy can dream. LOL

figure out a position you can stay in as long as you need to comfortably , and that is easiest for you to cum in. Just tell your paramour that you prefer it in this position because of XYZ problems and you want to make the experience as enjoyable as possible for you both. She will value your honesty and thoughtfulness, and you will leave behind the frustrations of losing your steam or not being able to finish.

Also, use super thin condoms, or the ones with the twist in them. They add extra stimulation and help with male erectile issues, even though they are supposedly for female pleasure... And always use neough lube. Wet pussy=happy weenie!

WOW, 10 reviews in your first month!!!! My guess is that you just don't have anything left to give ;-)

But seriously, frequency might be playing into it. Having less frequent encounters might make for better overall experiences, since it allows time for the anticipation to 'build', ...something to think about.  Also consider giving the female condom a try. It's truly wonderful for gentlemen who have trouble maintaining an erection for an extended amount of time or have problems with traditional condoms.  And don't be opposed to considering a bit of prostate massage while receiving oral. That should definitely do the trick. (but try this with a lady who knows what she is doing).

My suggestion would be to have somewhat less frequent appointments, however book slightly longer sessions. It still comes out as the same amount of time hobbying, just allocated a bit differently. Personally I'd say try an hour and a half. I think that's the perfect amount of time for a unrushed, relaxed session. My guess is that some of the ladies you have been with start to get a bit aggressive in their efforts to get you off as your session is approaching an end. Unfortunately the harder they try, the less likely the desired outcome, and both parties are left frustrated, tired and without enough remaining time to regroup and try again. With a slightly longer session, you can play a bit and then relax, play a bit more and relax for a bit more, etc, etc.... It really does take the pressure off, making for a more relaxed, beneficial session ;-)
Amanda ;-)

Hello -

Actually, I messed up when I did the reviews and did not notice the part where you were supposed to input the date of the encounter. I had some free time during a recent junket to Iraq and wrote up most of the reviews in one batch. There are 10 reviews of ladies I've seen since early May, when I joined the board. Over my 35 year hobbying history, I've generally liked to be with a lady about once a week.

I usually book 1hr with a lady the first time I meet her, and, if we click, a minimum 2hrs thereafter when this is possible for her. I especially like to spend a few hours together, go on a date; or a weekend and go sailing. I'm not a rush-rush kinda guy - I couldn't be anyway at my age and after 5 purple hearts....

I really do have functional problems related to injuries, not overuse!  

But I do thank you for your input


Five Purple Hearts? God bless you for your service & sacrifice!
jhb (USN/Ret)

I feel a little of your pain, but in a different way.  I suffered a head injury while in the Army that screwed up my pituitary gland and caused some slowly deteriorating problems down below that has finally been helped by our friends at Pfizer. You haven't mentioned whether you've seen the doctor to see if the little blue or yellow pills might help, so I would suggest it if you haven't.

Other than that, I would definitely be up front about the issue with the ladies so that they don't think that it was a chemistry thing between the two of you, but rather an injury related thing.  If they still shut you out, then you're wasting your time with them, so swim the sea, brother, to find the really good ones.

Good Luck

Hi - thanks for writing.

I've got some nerve damage from an NVA officer that thought it would be good sport to take a knife to my crank when I was thankfully briefly a POW; I had a TBI in Afghanistan that resulted in the blood pressure regulation thing, and a cervical spine injury somewhere I can't name that causes the delayed response. I can't take the MAN pills because they're contraindicated by the neural deficits from the TBI. Thank all deities that 50% of the time, everything works pretty well! And when I'm on my game, the ladies like me just fine (pro and amateur). But when it does not work well, it's not much fun. I'm having a HARD time finding regulars that want to work with my issues....

And, thank you for your service


Would have the patience to deal with your issues if they occur. From the reviews I have read and talking to other "milfs" we seem to not be of the hurry up and cum mindset.   Also, low volume providers may be a better choice as they don't have another appointment waiting and can possibly spend a little more time if a problems occurs.

For me personally, I like the challenge. Especially if I know that it's not something that I am doing wrong.  Communicate up front your issues so the lady has "fair warning"

Those that have seen me know that I have a very soft spot for those that have served our country.  Me needing to take extra time to satisfy your needs is nothing compared to what you went through defending my freedom.  {getting off soap box now, lol}

God bless America


Wow! My only sights of the RVN were from a ship on PIRAZ station. I'm kindly embarrassed to tell you that, with everything you went through. Words can't described my admiration for you. And that's no BS either!!! I only did 23 years.

-- Modified on 8/10/2008 10:15:22 PM

I occasionally have the same issue. As has been said, be honest and you will soon have ATFs that understand you. Assuming you have any medical issues understood (as best they can be), focus with your provider on things you know work better than others, but keep an open mind to new things that might help. In other words discuss before hand and stay away from those things that negatively impact you. You might also seek out providers that specialize in Tantric techniques.

I will just agree with the guys who are saying hang in there and you will find enough providers who understand you and will stick with you even when it is difficult. Then you can have a group of providers you can trust enough to be regulars with. May take some time but the search may be fun.  

As far as ejaculation there is a good thread on the erotic highway about that. I think we all put to much emphasis on ejaculation. Dry orgasms are great and if for some reason I cannot ejaculate I still enjoy the sexual intimacy involved. Then there's also cuddling, gotta love the cuddling

-- Modified on 8/11/2008 3:40:12 AM

justtoopersonal422 reads

I also have a progressive medical condition which causes intermittant functional problems.  A tiny chip (about 1/8 of 100 mg blue pill) keeps things up & working.  Still the nerve damage must be worked around.
I have found that the young 'eye candy' girls are less able to deal with a slow performer than more mature ladies...  This certainly enters into who become my Favs.

When I discissed this...  pre-session...  with my ATF she said it would NOT be a problem, and it hasn't been.  That's why she's my ATF.

-- Modified on 8/13/2008 5:02:53 AM

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