Politics and Religion

Of course it is asinine to incentivize/force businesses to lay off.
JackDunphy 66 reads

The liberal agenda today is to force businesses to pay unskilled labor ridiculously high and unsustainable wages, at a time when businesses are already under severe pressure from globalization, thus hurting the very same people they SAY they are trying to help. The LA times acknowledges this in my link and USA Today acknowledged it last week. Why can't you?

Corps will now look to downscale their operation, cut workers hours, add hours to salaried employees, move to more business friendly states and invest in high tech automation to kill even more jobs. Shipping jobs overseas is just one problem but now you have been educated on the many, many others. ;)

Way to support the agenda of the job killers. ;)

And it's not what you think. Numerous businesses, already under pressure from globalization, get kicked in the balls by asinine leftist policies.

And Libs wonder why companies move out of the country and take jobs with them .


It certainly isn't the liberal agenda to allow multi-national corporations to offshore American jobs while garnering tax breaks via loopholes that Republicans consistently fight to keep. It is basically an arbitrage of labor, with the cheapest being sought worldwide and corporate interests not interested in keeping the middle class standards of the last half of the twentieth century for American workers. Of course, this goes hand in hand with the trade deals, which have been embraced by both sides of the aisle. For one to say this is the fault of "liberals" is downright horse pucky. Not to mention that in the last thirty five years, American productivity is through the roof, but real wages have remained stagnant. Way to support the interests of the C-Suite crowd. It would be darn terrible if they had to give up some of those vacation homes.

The liberal agenda today is to force businesses to pay unskilled labor ridiculously high and unsustainable wages, at a time when businesses are already under severe pressure from globalization, thus hurting the very same people they SAY they are trying to help. The LA times acknowledges this in my link and USA Today acknowledged it last week. Why can't you?

Corps will now look to downscale their operation, cut workers hours, add hours to salaried employees, move to more business friendly states and invest in high tech automation to kill even more jobs. Shipping jobs overseas is just one problem but now you have been educated on the many, many others. ;)

Way to support the agenda of the job killers. ;)

For decades now, big business conservatives have said, "Oh my God! No! NO!!!!! You CAN'T raise the minimum wage! The sky will fall! Rivers will run red with blood! The earth will open up and the fires of hell will consume us all!!! NO! NO! Raising the minimum wage will bring on the fucking apocalypse!!!!"

And then the minimum wage gets bumped up, rarely at the federal level, occasionally at the state and local level, and nothing happens. All that really happens is that people on the bottom rung of the economic ladder make a little more money, businesses absorb the costs rather easily, prices don't really go up, and everything is hunky fucking dory.  

After all these blue states have raised their local minimum wages over the last 8 years, you'd think the big business conservatives types would have grown tired of crying wolf. Guess not.  

Next Jack will tell us that the US economy is worse today then when Obama came into office. Just watch.

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