Politics and Religion

So both Hills and Bams lying to the public about the deaths of innocent Americans, no biggee.confused_smile
JackDunphy 91 reads

And the R investigation into their lies when innocent Americams were killed is the REAL scandal. Yeah, that makes sense Willy.

And we won't even bring up the nonsensical and absurd "What difference does it make?" obfuscation and deflection of Hills. Maybe she got it wrong bc she was under sniper fire at the time? LOL  

I am sure that must be it. LO

No real surprise really. And, I wonder why the Clinton's believe in a vast right wing conspiracy!  ;)

saltyballs91 reads

.....the GOP establishment seems determined to destroy their party by denying Trump the nomination.  

Posted By: mattradd
No real surprise really. And, I wonder why the Clinton's believe in a vast right wing conspiracy!  ;)

No, at least they have rules. The state run media will make it look messy. But it will be nothing like the coronation of Hillary.  

Posted By: saltyballs
.....the GOP establishment seems determined to destroy their party by denying Trump the nomination.  
Posted By: mattradd
No real surprise really. And, I wonder why the Clinton's believe in a vast right wing conspiracy!  ;)

saltyballs83 reads

All Trump has to say is that he won the popular vote by several million votes, it's very simple for his supporters to understand. The GOP establishment will then have to explain to voters their archaic/twisted rules of nominating a candidate, which will then confirm to Trump's  supporters that the system is indeed rigged. Some of you fail to understand that the electorate is mad as hell and fed up with the BS from politicians

Hillary had to eat her words on the vast right wing conspiracy nonsense or did you forget that Bill lied about his porky intern? Lol

Let's see what is in the report, shall we?

Clinton has already lied about Benghazi, a fact Mari has even acknowledged here, so don't go blaming the R's for that for fks sake.  


-- Modified on 4/15/2016 12:21:55 AM

bigguy3092 reads

They know it's no proof and will make up a bs report.
It sounds like Jack, FM and bs5 are in the room, writing up this report themselves. Lol


Posted By: JackDunphy
Hillary had to eat her words on the vast right wing conspiracy nonsense or did you forget that Bill lied about his porky intern? Lol    
 Let's see what is in the report, shall we?  
 Clinton has already lied about Benghazi, a fact Mari has even acknowledged here, so don't go blaming the R's for that for fks sake.  

-- Modified on 4/14/2016 10:45:37 PM

saltyballs103 reads

............ on Benghazi and made complete asses of themselves. Hillary's favorability ratings perked right up after the hearings. I bet Benghazi House committee Chairman Ben Gowdy won't be scheduling hearings for Hilliary any time soon.

A trip around conservative media shows many commentators interpreted the hearings the same way mainstream and liberal reporters did: As a victory for a poised and polished Clinton, and a defeat for Republicans on the panel. One place to start is Fox News, where Ed Henry spoke with Greta van Susteren even as the hearings crawled along to their finish, 11 hours after they began.

A source inside a top GOP presidential campaign who said Clinton “looked presidential and was in command” and called the hearings a “total wipeout” for GOP members. Van Susteren agreed, saying Clinton’s performance was closer to the politician she had watched over the years than the tentative, stumbling Clinton of this campaign so far.

brooks581 reads

Monica, a different substance

How many millions have the Republicans spent to sink the Clinton ship, through all their investigations, like Whitewater, and Ken Starr's investigation. And, where has that gotten them? Other than catching Bill lying about a blow job, just a bunch of egg on their faces. Particularly since Bill ranks higher, by 65 historians, than both Bushes, Ford, and Nixon. Now, I'm not saying Hillary will win, however, if she does, it will be one more time, of a long line of times, major egg has landed on the faces of the Republicans. A just reward for all their failed efforts!;)

saltyballs78 reads

.......like in forever. They will never learn!  I agree, if Hilliary wins in November, we can expect many more of these ridicoulous investigations from House and Senate Republicans, if the Republican's retain the leadership in both houses.

I wonder if they even realize that their Benghazi "investigation" is a bigger political scandal then Benghazi itself was.

And the R investigation into their lies when innocent Americams were killed is the REAL scandal. Yeah, that makes sense Willy.

And we won't even bring up the nonsensical and absurd "What difference does it make?" obfuscation and deflection of Hills. Maybe she got it wrong bc she was under sniper fire at the time? LOL  

I am sure that must be it. LO

It's been played and replayed. They had their hearings and their chances. As a whole, we know that this is just a smear campaign to keep her name in a negative light out there. And I think deep down inside, you know it.

Wake up bro. If anything, she smeared herself. LOL

And why are you so scared of the investigation? Is it bc you have so much faith in Hills rock solid reputation? LOL

The D's blocked DOZENS of witnesses that the current panel has now had a chance to grill. Gee, I wonder why the Dems would do that? Did you forget this is the MOST transparent admin in US history? That's what Barry keeps telling us.

Sorry bro, she is in all these messes bc she is a habitual liar.

And I think deep down inside, you know it. ;)

saltyballs111 reads

..........it's your only hope, albeit a diminishing one, of crippling Hilliary before November. Good luck with that! Only problem, you all were focused too much on Hilliary's Benghazi problems and allowed the two outsider candidates, Trump and Cruz to come in and pick the locks to the GOP nominating process. If Fox News can admit the Benghazi hearing have been a political witch hunt as well as two congressional House members, who have said publically the Benghazi hearings were created to bring down Hilliary, then it's good enough for me. The Benghazi hearings have been and continue to be a charade and not worthy of any more air time, IMHO.

Republicans Admit Benghazi Committee Was Designed To Go After Hillary Clinton
Two Congressmen And  Ex-Benghazi Committee Staffer Admit Partisan Nature Of The Committee.  Since September 29, three credible Republicans have admitted to the partisan nature of the House Select Committee on Benghazi and its primary goal of tarnishing Hillary Clinton. While the first admission may have been inadvertent -- House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) boasted that the committee had achieved its goal of damaging Clinton's poll numbers during an interview with Fox News about his candidacy for House Speaker -- since then, former Benghazi committee staffer Bradley F. Podliska and a second Republican congressman, Rep. Richard Hanna (R-NY), have come forward and admitted the committee was "designed to go after" Clinton.  

Fox Figures Concede That "Of Course" The Benghazi Committee Is Political

Bill O'Reilly: "Of Course [The Benghazi Committee Is] Political," Those Republicans "Want To Bring Down Hillary Clinton." During the October 8 edition of Fox News' The Five, Bill O'Reilly defended the committee's existence but admitted that "of course it's political," noting, "If you think those guys, those Republicans on that panel, don't want to bring down Hillary Clinton, you're six-years-old. Because they do":

Fox Has Spent Years Politicizing The Benghazi Committee In Order To Attack Hillary Clinton

Fox Repeatedly Mentioned Benghazi During Discussions About Clinton's Potential 2016 Presidential Bid In The Months Before She Declared. Fox News anchors, reporters, and show hosts continually brought up the specter of Benghazi as speculation about the 2016 presidential race heated up. Fox connected the Benghazi attacks to a potential Clinton presidential run shortly after President Obama's 2012 re-election and then went quiet until May, 2013, when a Benghazi committee hearing sparked a surge of 19 mentions. Mentions of Benghazi as a potential stumbling block for Clinton steadily rose again in December 2013 and continued into 2014.

-- Modified on 4/15/2016 4:24:18 PM

But then again, if you live in a bubble what would I expect ...BRO ..LOL! Do yourself a favor and drop the bro, BRO...LOL.  
So again, this will be a exercise in fertility. But be honest with yourself.Why after all the hearings that they have had that nothing had stick, nothing, nada, zilch.....lol
Gotta love all my useless lol, huh?

saltyballs83 reads

.......compared to how many dead in Benghazzi? IMHO, the GOP might as well pee on itself over the purported massive Benghazzi coverup that is a figment of their imagination, the grizzly old Benghazz dog simply will hunt no more. Benghazz is a dead issue in the minds of 55 percent of the voting populace. Wanna bet which will make for the better headline in July, an inconclusive Benghazzi report or the fireworks at the GOP convention as Trump or Cruz are denied the nomination by the party establishment.

-- Modified on 4/15/2016 12:11:32 PM

As did Hillary, Bill, Gore, Tony Blair, George Tenet, etc...Good lawd! Its a God damn conspiracy! That crossed party lines and the Atlantic Ocean! LOL

Go see what Lawrence O'Donnell has said about the Bush lying nonsense. I have linked his comments here several times in the past. I'll give you a hint. You wont like it. LOL

But that would have to make you be objective on the issue.

I am sure you cant. ;)

bigguy3084 reads

We all know former President Bush lied and the war was based on lies.
The gop supporters continue, to follow his lead today!

Posted By: JackDunphy
As did Hillary, Bill, Gore, Tony Blair, George Tenet, etc...Good lawd! Its a God damn conspiracy! That crossed party lines and the Atlantic Ocean! LOL  
 Go see what Lawrence O'Donnell has said about the Bush lying nonsense. I have linked his comments here several times in the past. I'll give you a hint. You wont like it. LOL  
 But that would have to make you be objective on the issue.  
 I am sure you cant. ;)

saltyballs77 reads

Period, end of story! It cannot be sugar coated, no matter how much you try. It's interesting that all those you mention, who supported the war, have now all expressed regret at their decision to support the Iraq war except of course the chief architects of the war Cheney and George Bush. Tony Blair has said on record that the Iraq war caused ISIS. A former aide to Colin Powell calls his United Nations WMD speech the low point of his career.

President Cheney and his puppet George Bush ran roughshod over many of the legal restrictions Congress inserted into the 2002 Congressional Resolution authorizing the use of military force against Iraq, on which Hillary Clinton and a large majority of U.S. Senators voted. Despite those legal conditions, the following year the U.S was at war—and millions of were astonished that the Bush Administration, hadn’t given more time for U.N. inspectors to complete their job of searching for weapons of mass destruction.

While that Resolution did indeed authorize President Bush, under strict requirements of the 1973 War Powers Act, to use force, Section 3(b) of the Act also required that sanctions or diplomacy be fully employed before force was used, i.e. force was to be used only as “necessary and appropriate in order to defend the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq,” and to do so only upon the President certifying to Congress that “diplomatic or other peaceful means” would be insufficient to defang Saddam.

brooks559 reads

the ONLY reason libs perpetuate the lie about Bush's lying about WMD (EVERYONE had the same intel and ALL believed it including BOTH Clinton's) to get into war is . . .  

cuz it rhymes and even dumbass libs can repeat and believe lies that rhyme - go figure

"Bush lied, people died"

Obama is a empty-suit pussy just doesn't have the same ring to it

utter bullshit

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