Politics and Religion

Ted Cruz brags about endorsement from a BSC thumper...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 572 reads

...not just any run-of-the-mill thumper but a Bat Shit Crazy thumper - Mike Bickle, founder of IHOP, the International House of Prayer.  

Besides the usual thumper bullshit - anti-gay, End Times is a comin', Oprah is the forerunner of the Antichrist, Bickle believes as the End Times approach, all Jews will be given a chance to accept Jesus, warning that if they do not accept "the grace" of Christ, God will then "raise up a hunter" who will kill two-thirds of them "and the most famous hunter in recent history is a man named Adolf Hitler."  He specifically mentioned Jews, not Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims and atheists.  Doesn't he think Jesus will offer those non-believers a chance to accept Jesus before sending a hunter to kill them?  Why does he only have a hard on for the Jews?


Anyone can endorse a candidate for President but that doesn't mean the candidate has to accept the endorsement.  The candidate can disavow an endorsement as John McCain did in 2008 when BSC Pastor John Hagee endorsed him.  But Ted Cruz announced the endorsement like he's actually proud of it.  What an idiot!


TwoMints115 reads

The pols are forced to take endorsements from to many iffy people because every vote counts.  Of 3 million people 100k or so show up to caucus. It's really stupid that RNC/DNC allow them to be first. DUMB.

Cruz knows if he doesn't win Iowa he's basically done.

...it's that by the time we get to SC, there may only be 3 or 4 standing. That gives way too much importance to IA, NH and SC.

Every state should have some say on who the nominees are.

86H13LTP102 reads

then stands on the stage crying about the questions . He's a queer like Rubio . Maybe they're closet queers with each other .

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