Politics and Religion

Her party will nominate her. Bernie will take some
DickStiff 179 reads

votes away from her but he's just a 60's radical from Brooklyn that hates government, banks and wants everything for free.  He'd do well in Sweden or France ... or Vermont, lol.  Never actually had a job other than politics, but I digress ...  

So NO I would not vote for Hillary for President, but she can absolutely win the White House.

Remember, party line Dems will always be 100% behind their nominee.  Now add that to all the women that will support her because she's a woman and voila! President Clinton 2, the re-make.

GaGambler728 reads

Not just, "I plan on voting for her" or that she is the "best out of a weak slate of candidates" but "I 100% support her and think she will make a great POTUS" How many of you actually feel that way about her?

There seem to be a lot of rabid Sanders supporters and obviously the same can be said about Trump, and to a much lesser degree Rubio and Cruz, but is anyone really 100% behind Hillary?

The second part of my question is, can Hillary really win the White House with the lackluster support she seems to be getting of late? Obama had fervent supporters who thought he would change the world (which he did, just not for the better IMO) I don't recall anyone claiming that either Romney or McCain were anything special, most of the votes they got were simply votes against Obama, not because anyone really thought either of the last two GOP candidates were anything special.

I am becoming more and more convinced that Hillary is NOT going to become the next POTUS and I still maintain that somehow, someway she won't even be a viable candidate come November. Whether that means Sanders captures the nod, or something else happens, I just don't thing Queen Hillary is EVER going to get the crown she thinks is owed to her.

Ok, now let's here it from all the Hillary fans, I am waiting to hear just why you think she will make a GREAT POTUS.

-- Modified on 1/21/2016 10:40:20 AM

DickStiff180 reads

votes away from her but he's just a 60's radical from Brooklyn that hates government, banks and wants everything for free.  He'd do well in Sweden or France ... or Vermont, lol.  Never actually had a job other than politics, but I digress ...  

So NO I would not vote for Hillary for President, but she can absolutely win the White House.

Remember, party line Dems will always be 100% behind their nominee.  Now add that to all the women that will support her because she's a woman and voila! President Clinton 2, the re-make.

..........that voters see THEM as the problem...not Trump, Cruz or Sanders. If Cruz or Sanders become POTUS, we are  IMHO, finished as a country and I will emigrate to Cubana.

-- Modified on 1/21/2016 5:26:44 PM

bigguy30178 reads

Posted By: HONDA
..........that voters see THEM as the problem...not Trump, Cruz or Sanders. If Cruz or Sanders become POTUS, we are  IMHO, finished as a country and I will emigrate to Cubana.

-- Modified on 1/21/2016 5:26:44 PM

TwoMints166 reads


I bet Biden is the nominee. He didn't run because he didn't need to. She's have to back out, he knew it was coming and he'll jump in and save the day. He's a nice enough guy, but a complete idiot. He might even win.

Posted By: GaGambler
Not just, "I plan on voting for her" or that she is the "best out of a weak slate of candidates" but "I 100% support her and think she will make a great POTUS" How many of you actually feel that way about her?  
 There seem to be a lot of rabid Sanders supporters and obviously the same can be said about Trump, and to a much lesser degree Rubio and Cruz, but is anyone really 100% behind Hillary?  
 The second part of my question is, can Hillary really win the White House with the lackluster support she seems to be getting of late? Obama had fervent supporters who thought he would change the world (which he did, just not for the better IMO) I don't recall anyone claiming that either Romney or McCain were anything special, most of the votes they got were simply votes against Obama, not because anyone really thought either of the last two GOP candidates were anything special.  
 I am becoming more and more convinced that Hillary is NOT going to become the next POTUS and I still maintain that somehow, someway she won't even be a viable candidate come November. Whether that means Sanders captures the nod, or something else happens, I just don't thing Queen Hillary is EVER going to get the crown she thinks is owed to her.  
 Ok, now let's here it from all the Hillary fans, I am waiting to hear just why you think she will make a GREAT POTUS.

-- Modified on 1/21/2016 10:40:20 AM

In my view, aside from deciding whether to send troops into combat, the most important thing a President does is nominate Supreme Court justices (and other courts to Circuit/District)....And i am fine w/HRC making those appointments....But, in this day & age, she will need a Democratic senate to make any real progress....Gone are the days when her husband was POTUS....Bill Clinton had some of his most controversial 9th Circuit nominees confirmed when GOP were in control of senate....Actually, GOP was in control of senate 6/8 years of the Clinton presidency...Now, things have moved to a crawl w/GOP in control of senate in terms of judicial nominations....Another example of how things USE to be...After Carter lost the 1980 election, during the lame duck period, he nominated Stephen Breyer to his Circuit Court position..He was confirmed in Dec 1980 before Reagan took office...Had Breyer not been confirmed for that First Circuit seat, he likely never would have been confirmed to SCOTUS in 1994..

When I hear Sanders supporters say they won't vote for HRC in the general election, I hope they realize what's at stake....Do you really want Ted Cruz to make SCOTUS nominations?....His nominees would be strict constructionists right out of the Federalist Society who would be akin to Justice Scalia....I prefer someone who believes the constitution is a living document....

If Clinton wins & Democrats retake senate, the woman in the attached article would be #1 choice for many progressives for a Supreme Court vacancy...

GaGambler179 reads

Being anti Cruz is a far cry from being pro Clinton. Except for this one issue which has nothing to do with how she would actually run the country, you have said nothing about how or why you would be "enthusiastic" in voting for Hillary.

Let's suppose for a moment that the very real possibility of a Trump/Clinton GE comes to pass. Trump is hardly a "strict constructionist" and except on a few narrow issue really is not much of a conservative, people seem to forget it wasn't all that long ago he identified as a Democrat.

Two questions, the first is a repeat of my original question, Are you enthusiastic about seeing Hillary in the White House, or are you just scared of a Republican "stacking" the SC? Secondly, do you still vote Hillary if she runs against someone other than Cruz?

1. Yes, I'm moderately enthusiastic about HRC...But I'm terrified of Cruz (or any of the GOP candiates) nominating justices for SCOTUS...IMO, importance of SCOTUS can not be overstated....While a president only serves for 4 or 8 years, judicial nominations are for life....One can sit on a court for 30+ years....(Justice Stevens retired in 2010 after 35 years on the court)...And the issues they rule on have a profound effect on the country, everything from abortion, civil & voting rights, environment, campaign finance, etc....To put significance of SCOTUS another way, if Clinton gets to nominate a replacement for Scalia or a GOP President gets to nominate a replacement for Ginsburg, it will be #1 story on ALL the news outlets and it would be a WW III confirmation battle.....

2. Yes, I'd vote for Clinton against any of the GOPers. for reason listed in #1....Come on GG, Hillary isn't THAT liberal, she's liberal with a small L....Any chance you vote for her, or would you vote a 3rd party candiate or do a write in if you dislike both nominees?......I guess if there were still Republicans like the ones of yesteryear, ie; Nelson Rockefeller, perhaps I could vote GOP....But there are very few if any, true moderate Republicans left....

GaGambler168 reads

and I said as much right here, but over the last three months Hillary has talked herself out of any chance of getting my vote. The best "your side" can hope for is a GOP candidate so bad I will simply stay at home, and if Sanders by some fluke got nominated I would even vote for the most backward, inbred, Bible Thumping Righty over him.

and yes, Hillary is THAT liberal and moving further to the left by the hour.

The one thing that you seem to overlook is that Trump is now the odds on favorite to win the GOP and he is the least likely to all right wing on many of these issues than any other Republican in the race. It wasn't that long ago that Trump was a Democrat. Trump is not a moderate anything, but except of a few select issues he is the least right wing of any of the GOP candidates. Do you see Trump making an issue out of going after abortion rights, or weakening campaign finance laws, or Gay Marriage, or any of a dozen different issues you find important? If Trump is POTUS he can nominate moderate justices and be able to sell it to the Republicans without half the fight a Democratic POTUS were to be the one making the very same nomination.

delvalleyguy161 reads

Curious what your position on Ronald Reagan was.  On economic and national security issues, both Obama and Hillary are easily  to the right of Reagan's positions back then.  It's only when you get to social issues that they move to the left of the GOP standard bearer.  And if your here, I can't imagine you are behind the GOP for their positions on social issues.

If the entire country has shifted to the right over the last 30 years, when you look at Hillary in the context of today's politics only I guess she would look that libera

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