Politics and Religion

The Hurricane Sandy Relief Bill provided billions of dollars over and above
marikod 1 Reviews 183 reads

the relief the federal government was already obligated to provide under the National Flood Act and FEMA statutes. Further, the bill was filled with funds for other pet projects such as Head Start that had nothing to do with emergency relief.

        And many beneficiaries of the bill were the guys with million dollar beach front properties who built right on the beach under building codes that inexplicably allowed this in a known hurricane zone.

    So far, all Mr. Cruz has asked for is that the government fulfill its existing FEMA obligations. And this for a 100 year flood in a drought stricken state.  

       As much as I hate to defend anything this guy has done, there is no hypocrisy here. If he asks for a special aid package for people who went bare instead of procuring appropriate insurance, we'll revisit this topic

thisbud4u1236 reads

So has President Obama has really invaded Texas and is putting Texas conservatives in FEMA camps!   LOL.   Pride has its limits, ignorance has no limits but hypocrisy is wide open for everyone to see.

All Texas representatives in US Congress voted "NO" to authorize disaster relief to NJ from storm Sandy in 2013.   Now they are demanding Federal assistance for Texas saying it is a "statutory obligation".  LOL.   The master Canadian born Cuban and Texas hypocrite is not to be seen.

Is this not the right time for the cowboys to secede from US ?    We the tax payers will be spared from seeing our hard earned tax dollars going to hypocrites who don't deserve a penny ?   It will also spare them from OBABACARE.

thisbud4u202 reads

So instead of racing to the Joel Osteen ministries for help, the cowboys are racing to get a bed in a FEMA trailer.     What a KARMA.   There is truth in saying what goes around comes around.

Next time, believe in something that exists in front of your eyes, that you can talk to get a reply.

Don't blame the God of the universe. To him it was just a drop too many

...FEMA trailers to kill the Texans who survived the flood.  He's quite the cunning Kenyan, isn't he?

GaGambler163 reads

I was finally starting to get over the huge plunge in crude prices as prices seem to have stabilized lately, so naturally I get a once in a century type flood to put every oil field I own under water. Some months it just doesn't pay to get out of bed.

Since everyone else seems to be in such a giving mood, anyone feel like giving a struggling oil man a hand out??? Yeah, that's just what I thought. Good thing I have been taking care of myself for all my life and I am used to it, because NO ONE is throwing me a life line.

Oh well, if I ever were to get a hand out from the feds or anyone else for that matter, I would lose my right to be a pontificating asshole, and as most of you know, I LIKE being a pontificating asshole. So I guess I will muddle through like I always do.

...if it doesn't rain in L.A. by next year, I may be out of business.  

"May you live in interesting times" - supposedly an old Chinese curse.  But with floods in one area and drought in another, the times are quite interesting.

GaGambler184 reads

Fresh water to drill with was costing me so much money that I was considering leasing the surface rights to some grazing property just to get a stock pond to fill my freshwater needs. Plus I thought it might be fun to run a couple of hundred head of cattle, just to be a "Real Texan" lol

California has some serious water issues as well. Texas is a big state with some serious water demands, but nothing like California. I can only imagine the problems you guys will have if you don't start getting some serious snowfalls in the coming years. Unlike Hadji, I am not celebrating your potential misfortune in the coming years, I sincerely hope what "could" happen, doesn't.

GaGambler152 reads

Actually I have never worn a ten gallon hat either, I don't think I would make a good "drug store cowboy"

So are you saying I should stick to pigs and forget about cattle?  I do suppose that pigs are a lot better for disposing of bodies, have you ever tried to feed a body to a cow?

Posted By: GaGambler
I was finally starting to get over the huge plunge in crude prices as prices seem to have stabilized lately, so naturally I get a once in a century type flood to put every oil field I own under water. Some months it just doesn't pay to get out of bed.
 Your candor puts a very human face on you and your trials.
Posted By: GaGambler

and as most of you know, I LIKE being a pontificating asshole. So I guess I will muddle through like I always do.
I respect your honesty :D as well as your resolve.  
Posted By: GaGambler
Since everyone else seems to be in such a giving mood, anyone feel like giving a struggling oil man a hand out??? Yeah, that's just what I thought. Good thing I have been taking care of myself for all my life and I am used to it, because NO ONE is throwing me a life line.
As I have told you in the past "We're not ALL innate Gamblers". Perhaps another roll of the dice with those predatory FED banks that use these and other natural and economic disasters to feed on the misery of the unfortunate and keep the nation in a chronic debt cycle.  

 I wish you better times; sincerely

Apparently, God must hate Texans.

I do appreciate The Reverend's brief show of honesty for revealing he is really not much different from Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist church.

Having lived through and been directly affected by flooding in the past, I do sympathize with your situation, but try to remain grateful (or at least hopeful) as you are still alive unlike 21 (thus far) of your fellow Texan sinners. I REALLY feel for their families.

...if the floods were God's will OR climate change.  He didn't declare it like BSC Pat Robertson and his conservative brethren who act as if they have a hotline to God.

Of course, Sharpton IS a minister so by definition he's crazy, just not BSC like your buddy Robertson and all the other conservative ministers or, for that matter, TER posters who constantly say "For God and Country."

He must have a major tummy ache now. Perhaps he should retire from posting altogether.  ;)

the relief the federal government was already obligated to provide under the National Flood Act and FEMA statutes. Further, the bill was filled with funds for other pet projects such as Head Start that had nothing to do with emergency relief.

        And many beneficiaries of the bill were the guys with million dollar beach front properties who built right on the beach under building codes that inexplicably allowed this in a known hurricane zone.

    So far, all Mr. Cruz has asked for is that the government fulfill its existing FEMA obligations. And this for a 100 year flood in a drought stricken state.  

       As much as I hate to defend anything this guy has done, there is no hypocrisy here. If he asks for a special aid package for people who went bare instead of procuring appropriate insurance, we'll revisit this topic

thisbud4u182 reads

I am from NJ, have roots there and extended families.    What you don't realize is that this disaster relief has to be voted in US Congress.     All the representatives from Texas including the Canadian / Cuban voted against it.

The money is given to the State and it is their responsibility to use it for relief and rehab efforts.    If someone has a beach front homes, they too need help as the State collects property taxes from the owners.

About the bill being filled with money for other projects, welcome to the club.    Ever heard an anti abortion clause in a bill that had to be passed to confirm the nominee for Attorney General ?    

You got to call out the hypocrisy.

GaGambler220 reads

I don't believe it is the fracking itself, but the improper disposal of the wastewater into the wrong formations that will end up being proved the culprit.

I also would not be opposed to some rule changes where it comes to fracking. Fracking has been around for decades, I think I fracked my first well back in the early 80's and it was already common practice, but fracking technology has grown a thousand fold since then and the regulations have not kept pace. When you are talking about the pure volume of acid, water, and hazardous chemicals being used, a few tweaks are definitely in order.

I think this is also in the best interests of the oil companies themselves. Isn't it better to have the cost of completing a well increase by 20% than it is to get hit with a multi billion dollar lawsuit?

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