Politics and Religion

I thought Kerry was going there to do something
JohnyComeAlready 261 reads

... or say something.  

Posted By: JackDunphy
Let us know Barry, when, or if you can manage to come up with one. Take your time bro.

JackDunphy2449 reads

Let us know Barry, when, or if you can manage to come up with one. Take your time bro.

Let's hear from them, what's their take on this.So for now continue with the air strike for the balance of the 60 days.

... or say something.  

Posted By: JackDunphy
Let us know Barry, when, or if you can manage to come up with one. Take your time bro.

St. Croix332 reads

The reporters were coming up with some great lines on that suit. "You can't declare war in that suit", and  "The Audacity of Taupe".

We know "don't do stupid stuff (shit)" is not a strategy, a guiding principle, or whatever. Seriously, I'm not surprised, nor am I expecting much. He seems overwhelmed by everything going on, and he doesn't know how to get a handle on it.  

Posted By: JackDunphy
Let us know Barry, when, or if you can manage to come up with one. Take your time bro.

JackDunphy547 reads

The White House just always seems a day late, a dollar short and on their heels with every major headline catching them off guard. I mean how in the world do they let him utter those words? Even if you don't have a strategy, you don't say it out loud.

It reminds me of the movie U-571. In the heat of the moment, the crew looks to the captain of the submarine to ask him what they should do. He responded with an "I don't know." Later, the second in command asks the captain if he can speak freely and the captain gives him permission. He tells the captain he can never utter those 3 words again because they can kill a crews morale. Finally he said to him "the captain ALWAYS knows what to do. Even when he doesn't."

That's how I feel about this WH. They are always saying "I don't know" or some variation of that. Whoever wins the next general election, we desperately need someone we can trust and have confidence in, whether we agree with the policy at the moment or not.

But I do agree that we should send a copy of Dress for Success to Mr. Obama. Never wear brown when you want to project power.

...have Ronnie wear a brown suit when meeting Pope John Paul II so as not to appear too powerful, right?

86H13LTP304 reads

Your daddy is teaching you well Jack

-- Modified on 8/28/2014 10:58:46 PM

Terminate with extreme prejudice. We have to be hard core on this. Go mid-evil on them. No media becasue this will have to be ugly.But I hate to say this, but they're like cockroaches, you kill one, then two come out of nowhere...it's never gonna end.

They are where Christianity was 600 to 800 years ago. They have some catching up to do.

In other words what he meant is, we have enough things to fix in this country and we cannot afford to start a third war against Muslims.    

1. $300 billion to fix crumbling bridges
2. $250 billion to fix all worn out interstates
3. $500 billion to boost social safety network trust funds
4. $50 billion to further expand health care coverage to poor in Republican states
5. $100 billion to improve job training for those people displaced by technology

What the heck we care about fighting between Sunni, Shiite, Ismaili and Dawoodi Bohra Muslims.?  They have been fighting for a century and Dubiya thought everyone of them were just "Muslims" until he landed in Baghdad!   LOL

salonpas439 reads

.....as I've stated often in the past, Obama's foreign policy strategy has been a disaster. Bush's was a catastrophic disaster. When you have a foreign policy message that is predicated on leading from behind these are the kind of results you can expect. We should have take out ISIS many month's ago in Syria and not allowed them to metastasize to become the force they are today.  

Posted By: JackDunphy
Let us know Barry, when, or if you can manage to come up with one. Take your time bro.
-- Modified on 8/29/2014 6:47:22 AM

No country can lead a Muslim sectarian divide and cut throat war that has been going on for decades.    If you ask the Republicans:

1. send our troops what may be 50,000
2. bomb that country
3. destroy them and their infrastructure

Then leave and let them fend for themselves.   We will have 50,000 more vets knocking doors at VA hospitals, LOL.

DA_Flex362 reads

Obama went to Congress in order to obtain permission to engage in military action in Syria.  Congress has yet to act on this.

Posted By: salonpas
.....as I've stated often in the past, Obama's foreign policy strategy has been a disaster. Bush's was a catastrophic disaster. When you have a foreign policy message that is predicated on leading from behind these are the kind of results you can expect. We should have take out ISIS many month's ago in Syria and not allowed them to metastasize to become the force they are today.  
Posted By: JackDunphy
Let us know Barry, when, or if you can manage to come up with one. Take your time bro.
-- Modified on 8/29/2014 6:47:22 AM

followme346 reads

I’m not surprised that

obama has NO strategy  sine

He has NO clue

He has NO competence

He has NO integrity  

He has NO honor

Why would he have a strategy?

And by saying that he is clearly giving aid to the terrorists  the enemy, who clearly has a strategy

Thank Yo

DA_Flex398 reads

Is something that a BBC reporter mentioned this morning on the Morning Joe.  The President said we can't be giving the Syrian people the choice between Assad and ISIL.  There is the crux of the problem.  If we actively pursue these barbarians ourselves, we will have to go into Syria....then what?  Are we going to attempt another round of nation building? Are we going to take out Assad and replace with with a moderate faction of the Sunnis?  There are no good options.  I give Obama credit...that we're not shooting blindly in this situation.  I think he understands that in order to take this scum out, we will need comprehensive support from the Arab Nations and Israel. But, he should have chosen his words more carefully.

Posted By: JackDunphy
Let us know Barry, when, or if you can manage to come up with one. Take your time bro.

Here is the truth.

Bush got rid of Saddam who held up peace in the region and was no threat to US. Got rid of his well trained military and they became the ISIS. Most recent fuck up by a Republican President.

Before Bush, Reagan, the Republican God, the messiah, the savior of all things American funded and created the Taliban along with Pakistan and the Taliban gave a place for them live and prosper and they attacked US and killed innocent people.

George H Bush played supporting role which agitated the Taliban. What is the end result, the government took away civil rights, right to privacy, and created a police state in the name of protecting Americans and now people have undress half before getting goddamn plane.

So, you want to do the same thing as before and expect a different result, which a wise man once said is the definition of insanity and the Repugnat party fits the definition perfectly

I'm hoping there is some thought that goes into this, maybe even getting some international backing before we go charging in like President Clown Brain did in Iraq without a clue which started the dominos tumbling and leading to this.

Hussein was an evil POS. That is what is needed to hold these tribal goat f**kers in line and from raping their neighbors. He was removed too soon and without a backup plan.  

Hey! Maybe THIS time we will be "greeted as liberators?"


Posted By: JackDunphy
Let us know Barry, when, or if you can manage to come up with one. Take your time bro.

JackDunphy338 reads

Bush went into Iraq with international support and the votes of congress including a majority of Dems.

Facts are stubborn things. Crack a book, son.

DA_Flex352 reads

And it's also a fact that the Bush Administration manipulated the intelligence in order to gain popular and congressional support.  

Posted By: JackDunphy
Bush went into Iraq with international support and the votes of congress including a majority of Dems.  
 Facts are stubborn things. Crack a book, son.

JackDunphy296 reads

No Dem on senate intel committee has made that claim. Not one. Every other country that weighed in had the same intel as the U.S.  

So show me your "fact". I'm waiting.

and we just kept starving Iraqi children via sanctions things would have been peachy keen by now. Saddam still in iraq, Bin Ladin still in aFGHANISTAN. Yeah, that's the ticket!

Last time, YES!! This time, no!

Watch and learn...


We'll keep you in the column of those who think keeping brutal dictator's in place is peachy US policy. Funny how leftards used to criticize us for that...guess when you make shit up, you get to always be right!

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