Politics and Religion

HaHaHa ! Racial profiling my ass ! A huge black MAN was walking down the middle of the street
86H13LTP 367 reads

blocking and TEMPTING motorist when the cop came up on him .  
That's not racial profiling it's you're an asshole with an attitude breaking the law . If you live in the right places and say you haven't experienced that very thing then you're G D full of shit

randomvr3011789 reads

Here is a white cop threatening to shoot people and using profanity.    This is the brand of police that the young black man encountered and met his death.

Your just looking for
a needle in a hay stack
and can't find anything.

That officer should never  
have been suspended...

He should rightfully warn
people in such a situation,
That is what he is supposed
to do. The crowd is trying
to antagonize the Police over
a justifiable Police shooting.

86H13LTP368 reads

blocking and TEMPTING motorist when the cop came up on him .  
That's not racial profiling it's you're an asshole with an attitude breaking the law . If you live in the right places and say you haven't experienced that very thing then you're G D full of shit

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