Legal Corner

Today's House Vote on HB1614
ginainthemorning See my TER Reviews 1284 reads

Representative Edwards writes

Sometime between now and midnight, I'll be defending HB1614 on the House floor. The whole session is streaming live here:"

If you see where it says "House is currently in session -" and then in red,
"Listen Live!" Click Listen Live in case you want to watch.

I will try to send out another e-mail when we're about to debate the bill.

Thank you for your support, ladies. No matter what happens today, the fight is definitely not over.

Elizabeth Edwards-Appell

HB1614 is the first US bill to decriminalize consensual adult prostitution, clients & 3rd parties

HB1614 loses by just 7 votes (152 to 145)  Watch the video to see how they had to cheat in order to beat us.  We will be bringing a new decrim bill forth in 2017.  I think we did pretty good for our first try.

It's really tough to see irrational legal maneuvers based on some type of skewed moral sense, especially in light of the facts.

The bill could easily have been titled: Bill to Reduce Rape by 31%, and Empower Women.  Same underlying text, but would put the significant facts up front where the headlines live.

The maneuvering by the committee to lose the paperwork on the first decision is dereliction of duty in my view, and grounds for impeachment.  I know that pushing for such disciplinary action won't be fruitful at this stage, and would cost some political credit that's best saved for use at a later date - but it's irritating as an outsider to see it.

Thanks for keeping us aware of the situation, and hopefully the walls will be torn down soon.

WOW! Well I hope we win next time! Crazy what some will do for Votes and to get a bill to NOT pass.

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