New York

Hey, if nobody wants the steak knives, I could use a set. eomregular_smile
WickedBrut 27 Reviews 1221 reads


She's a very attractive young lady and her website is active but she has no reviews in almost 2 years and I searched for her here on the NY Board and didn't find any discussion of her.  

Does anyone know if she's still active or not, or what her status is?  Her TER profile is below.  PM me if you prefer.  

Thanks in advance.

PS -- Just a headsup for some of those I and others here have criticized for some of their posts -- If you're going to post a request for info, this is how to do it --
1) Search here (if I can do it, so can everyone else) and post your findings and  
2) add a link to her profile, not just her TER ID number.  That's also real easy to do, and I reiterate what I said about searching for info!
Doing this will hopefully make it easier for the rest of us to help you!  :)

-- Modified on 4/11/2014 5:30:55 PM

She hasn't been reviewed in two years, fine.  It appears you (though you could be using an alias) haven’t reviewed anyone in about seven. I’m curious as to why you equate lack of recent reviews with inactivity?  

I’m thinking you should attempt to contact her directly, if she gets back to you--- great.  

If she does not get back to you, perhaps she just doesn't want to be found.  

Just my opinion. Good luck.  


Cosette1236 reads

-- Modified on 4/12/2014 4:57:02 AM

JackDunphy1591 reads

The gold envelope proves that he is using his real handle.  

Second, it is perfectly reasonable to assume a provider may be inactive with no reviews in two years. It would cross my mind as well.  

The number of reviews he has written is irrelevant as he controls that. A provider is different for she does not control the number of reviews written about her


You: "The gold envelope proves that he is using his real handle."

I'm well aware that the "gold envelope" is an obvious indication that the poster is not using an alias. What I meant was (& thought I stated in plain English) this:  he could be currently reviewing under an alias (& not with this handle). Hints the dramatic pause in his stream of reviews. Either way, the end game is the same.  
You: "Second, it is perfectly reasonable to assume a provider may be inactive with no reviews in two years. It would cross my mind as well. The number of reviews he has written is irrelevant as he controls that. A provider is different for she does not control the number of reviews written about her. "

A girl can continue to work, & go years without being reviewed, there are various ways of doing so-  some of you trolls forget that there is a whole world outside of TER land. Again, even if anything in your post was actually relevant, the end game would still be the same.  

Contact her. If she responds, fabulous. If not, perhaps she does not want to be found.  

I'm out.  


-- Modified on 4/12/2014 1:43:52 PM

JackDunphy1349 reads

One of those ways a provider continues to work and not get reviews is by pressuring her johns not to write any.  

And if you had a life outside of TER, you wouldn't have taken the time to argue with one of those "trolls". ;)

First, as Jack pointed out, not only was I not using an alias, but let me add that I've been on this board longer than you and Cosette combined.  During that time I've not caused the slightest problem for any legit hobbyist or provider and have shared information with bona fide people when I had access to what they were seeking.

Second, I did indeed make a legitimate post seeking reasonable information.  And before doing so I searched this forum for the past two years, i.e. since Ms. Taylor's last review, for any posts that mention her.  I didn't find any, and so stated in my OP.  That is a complete contrast to the numerous posts from aliases or user names without reviews or posting history, asking off the wall questions that could be answered by searching this board and are too lazy or incompetent to even post links.  And for some reason people trip over themselves to respond to those posts, when they can't possibly have any knowledge of who they're replying to.  

Third. before making that OP I did consider contacting Ms. Taylor directly but I decided that it would be more discreet to ask here if anyone knew what her circumstances are.  

Fourth, not that it's any concern of yours but regarding the gap in my reviews -- suffice to say that during the period I've been a member here, there have been interludes during which, for discretion's sake, it seemed prudent not to have a high profile here, so I have not.  Those here who are informed will understand.

Finally, I don't appreciate being referred to as a "troll."  I can assure you that neither you nor Cosette need trouble yourselves that I'll be contacting you.


Who said this (your) handle was an alias? Where did I say that? What I mentioned was many men have TWO handles, one is the "golden envelope" + reviews, and the other is an alias + reviews. So a gap in reviews really does not mean that said guy has not seen & reviewed anyone recently. I said that in an attempt to make it clear that (pay attention) --- just because a lady hasn't been recently reviewed, (or heck, maybe she has no reviews) does not mean there is a reason to alarmed.  

I can't possibly break it down any simpler than that. If you can't comprehend it, I can't help you.  

Regardless, who cares about your freaking reviews, the essence of my OP seems to be lost on you.  

My post was made to simply point out how absurd it is to to publicly inquire about the whereabouts of some girl, with whom you have never met, before you've bothered to contact said girl, especially if your reason is simply because of a lack of "recent" reviews.  

You: "Third. before making that OP I did consider contacting Ms. Taylor directly but I decided that it would be more discreet to ask here if anyone knew what her circumstances are."

Really dude? You decided a public post would be more "discreet" than contacted said girl directly? What world do you live in? THIS was my point.  

Also, I couldn't care less if you consider yourself "a good little hobbyist", nor do I care about your "review gap", I was simply pointing out that a gap in reviews is not reason to be alarmed, & when in doubt, CONTACT HER.  

Once more, posting ISOs instead of actually being a big boy, using your own judgment, and contacting the lady FIRST is beyond me.  

Last, & this one comes from the heart-- I really won't be losing any sleep over your "not contacting me".

I'm finished with this thread.  

-- Modified on 4/12/2014 9:13:25 PM

JackDunphy1117 reads

Your rude, condescending posts to the OP which again, was a quite reasonable start to this thread, make you look childish, angry and nosey. Guys LOVE those qualities in a provider.

Calling legititmate posters "trolls" will be REAL helpful for your biz here, won't it? I see marketing and advertising aren't your strong suits.

And if you didn't care about HIS review gap, why mention it all? What is it, "National Hooker Non Sequiter Week"???

Why are you SO obsessed with how the OP tries to gain his info? He has his reasons why he didn't contact the girl directly. That's good enough for me. WTF do you care??? Does he have to answer to you now?

And absurdity is when one posts "I'm out" then comes back again to take a shot at the OP only to say you are out AGAIN. You're one dopey post from winning a set of new steak knives. Why stop now?

We are all so happy that things come from your "heart", too. Next time, you might wanna have them come from the "brain," instead. :D

Oh heavens, I need to censor myself, or risk financial sanction courtesy of his royal hobbyship -- Lord  Dumpy.  

Sorry hon, but real men aren't intimidated by a woman who expresses her opinion, but manliness  is probably not your strong suit.  I forget, you pay woman to pretend they can stomach you, and thus understand why you might fall under the delusion that you possess charisma, wit, charm, or intellect.  

Seated behind your mighty computer, you've probably crafted an intricate fantasy world that revolves around you. You are king, and any hooker that dares step out of line must be punished! “How dare she state the obvious!” “ How dare she request that he contact the lady!”

 It’s sweet really--- like a knight in shining amour you galloped to the defense of your fellow hobbyist,  who apparently lacked the balls to simply pick up the phone and call the provider. Clearly you identified with his cowardice. Well you know what they say about birds of a feather.

In summation, your threat of withholding patronage means nothing. You would never get past my screening process. I have a Jerk- meter built into my website, and I’m sure you would register off the charts.  Why did I return to comment? To bask in the glowing rays of your spectacular ignorance obviously.  

I'm out (unless of course, I decide to come back & play.)  

-- Modified on 4/13/2014 3:00:59 PM

JackDunphy1486 reads

But congrats! Your steak knives are on their way! :D

LucasHood1364 reads

Damn you're angry. Scratch another.  

Posted By: SiaMorganVIP
Oh heavens, I need to censor myself, or risk financial sanction courtesy of his royal hobbyship -- Lord  Dumpy.  
 Sorry hon, but real men aren't intimidated by a woman who expresses her opinion, but manliness  is probably not your strong suit.  I forget, you pay woman to pretend they can stomach you, and thus understand why you might fall under the delusion that you possess charisma, wit, charm, or intellect.  
 Seated behind your mighty computer, you've probably crafted an intricate fantasy world that revolves around you. You are king, and any hooker that dares step out of line must be punished! “How dare she state the obvious!” “ How dare she request that he contact the lady!”  
  It’s sweet really--- like a knight in shining amour you galloped to the defense of your fellow hobbyist,  who apparently lacked the balls to simply pick up the phone and call the provider. Clearly you identified with his cowardice. Well you know what they say about birds of a feather.  
 In summation, your threat of withholding patronage means nothing. You would never get past my screening process. I have a Jerk- meter built into my website, and I’m sure you would register off the charts.  Why did I return to comment? To bask in the glowing rays of your spectacular ignorance obviously.  
 I'm out (unless of course, I decide to come back & play.)  

-- Modified on 4/13/2014 3:00:59 PM

JackDunphy1206 reads

Having already won a nifty set of steak knives, our current champion Sia is back to go for the real big hooker prize: BSC status!

All you have to do is get this one simple question wrong and you will get your dream fulfilled!

Ok...shhhhhhh. I need the audience to be quiet and let Sia we go Sia...for BSC status...

Q: How many guys have used an alias in this thread?

tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock,....

I need an answer Sia...quickly.


Is that your final answer Sia? You still have the phone-a-hooker option left.

Sia: Don't need it. Nobody would take my call anyway. It's THREE. Final Answer.

INCORRECT! Only 1 guy used an alias! Congrats on officialy being a BSC hooker!  

Ms. Taylor Steele will be in touch with all the details! Goodnight and thanks for playing:


-- Modified on 4/13/2014 8:29:12 PM

Oh goodie! I love games!  

I believe the correct answer is: "Two."  

1. Mr. Dumpy- though it is not a conventional alias, this is obviously not a handle with your reviews attached to it.  And you strike me as the type of lad that LOVES to review. (Call it a hunch.)  

2. Mr Hood - Obviously an alias.  

So, being the charitable bitch that I am, I'd like to use my awarded gift to help others.  

I'd like to make an (rather generous) offer--- YOU keep the steak knifes (I'm vegan), and use them to make this world a better place.  

Perhaps you should run around with it? Blindfolded, in a room by yourself...  


-- Modified on 4/13/2014 9:41:10 PM

GaGambler1362 reads

and for the record, I would never book with any  BSC hooker who gets into board fights for no good reason either.

BTW just in case you are as slow as you appear, you are the BSC hooker I am talking about. Sofor extra credit, do I like to review as well?

Aw, Did I hurt wittle babies feelings? Did he need to go grab his wittle friend to come defend him?

Now, I know it's highly probable that you've acquired some type of brain damage, perhaps from all of the blood vessels that pop every time you witness a hooker "stepping out of line".

So let me say this again, a handle (golden envelop) without reviews, is very similar to an alias, in the sense that (ya still with me?) I could create another handle, lets call it "thehobbykiller", in doing so NO one would know that I am actually Sia Morgan.  

So, because you two dudes strike me as the types that get some sort of perverse pleasure in your (weak) attempts at getting under any hookers skin. I'm left to assume that THESE handles are not your ONLY handles, and that you probably have several, and wait for it---- one of them probably has reviews attached to it.  

Now listen closely: Save a few things, I want nothing more in life than to be "black-balled" by the likes of you, and all trolls like you. I GENUINELY couldn't care less, I have no idea how to convey this apathy (towards sir gambler & sir dumpy, and any other idiot that crawls out of depths of hell) any more than what has been said thus far.  

Perhaps you should take my awarded steak knifes

GaGambler1282 reads

I have well over twenty thousand posts going back about ten years under this handle. PLUS I was the moderator on several boards, both regional and national under this very same handle that has no reviews.

I would wager that my name is a thousand times better known than yours, and NO I have no reviews under this or any other handle.

I guess you should just go ahead and keep those steak knives you won, it looks like it's the only thing you are going to win here, but thanks for playing.

BTW I knew that in your haste to prove just how smart you are, you would prove the exact opposite. Again, thanks for playing. I'll make the next game a little easier for you.

GaGambler1261 reads

and if she really did have a million dollar caboose, I might have taken her side. Even knowing that she is BSC. Million dollar cabooses will do that to a man. lol

but unfortunately her caboose, while not being a huge one at least, still isn't worth that much to me. Especially when said caboose is attached to a BSC hooker who likes to pick board fights for no good reason.

"My name is a thousand times better known than yours..."

Seriously dude? THAT'S your game, your bragging rights? Your "name" is more well known on than mine?  

Lame :)  

No really, you keep the knives.  

Forever out of line,

GaGambler1195 reads

but I DO have a thousand times more board credibility, even without a single review to my name, than you do even in your own city.

Now if you would simply like to argue on the merit of your opinion, I can make you look foolish that way as well. Your choice, pick your poison, and once again, Thanks for playing.

But certainly well fucked.  Those who know me know how I know this.  No big deal, really, because he's also a self-admitted whore-mongering, drunken pig.  Trust me, you can't say anything worse about him than he's already said about himself.
That said, here's some friendly advice: a gal with very few reviews here and far from stellar scores will do much better by avoiding endless tit-for-tat board fights

JackDunphy1481 reads

I'm afraid you just made her enemies list. Not hard to do actually. Just replying to any of her posts puts you in such treasured company.

But why are you being such a pussy and using your alias? Oh wait...I just stepped on Sia's next post. Sorry.

GaGambler1126 reads

and I also may be coming to town next week.

I am headed back to Costa Rica in the morning for the week, going back to Texas for a few days, and then my little FWB from Atlanta is driving up to NYC to live there for the next six months and she asked me if I wanted to take a little "road trip" with her. I am thinking we might leave Atlanta mid week, take a 2-3 day drive to get to the city and then I might just stay the weekend. I am sure we can think of some kind of trouble to get into.

In the meantime, I may make myself at home here, you know I get a perverse pleasure from taking hookers that already take themselves waaaay too seriously, and pushing their buttons until they have a complete meltdown. This one is probably too easy to be too much fun, her buttons are so easy to push it almost takes all the fun out of it. Notice I said "almost" lol

We'll figure out what kind of trouble we can get into. Perhaps SirRichard will join us, though this is his busy period and he has SO-related limitations.  We shall see.
Say, did we just hijack another thread?

GaGambler1009 reads

Hey Cosette, do you think I should make this board my second home???

But yeah, I will be in SJ until the weekend, I have some business to tend to the beginning of next week and then I will grab a plane to ATL maybe Tues/Wed. I think even taking our time, and stopping to fuck every couple of hundred miles, we should still make it to NY by Friday. I don't have any real plans on when I need to be back, as usual I can play it by ear.

I don't Sia likes me too much, I don't know if I will be able to sleep tonight.

AnotherDonJohn1474 reads

Million dollar caboose or not. Not worth the drama for 1$.

Posted By: GaGambler
I have well over twenty thousand posts going back about ten years under this handle. PLUS I was the moderator on several boards, both regional and national under this very same handle that has no reviews.

I would wager that my name is a thousand times better known than yours, and NO I have no reviews under this or any other handle.

I guess you should just go ahead and keep those steak knives you won, it looks like it's the only thing you are going to win here, but thanks for playing.  

BTW I knew that in your haste to prove just how smart you are, you would prove the exact opposite. Again, thanks for playing. I'll make the next game a little easier for you.

AnotherDonJohn1196 reads

It's like your termination HR meeting. Go crazy!

 You must be studying under Taylor Steele. Lol.

Posted By: SiaMorganVIP
Aw, Did I hurt wittle babies feelings? Did he need to go grab his wittle friend to come defend him?  
 Now, I know it's highly probable that you've acquired some type of brain damage, perhaps from all of the blood vessels that pop every time you witness a hooker "stepping out of line".  
 So let me say this again, a handle (golden envelop) without reviews, is very similar to an alias, in the sense that (ya still with me?) I could create another handle, lets call it "thehobbykiller", in doing so NO one would know that I am actually Sia Morgan.  
 So, because you two dudes strike me as the types that get some sort of perverse pleasure in your (weak) attempts at getting under any hookers skin. I'm left to assume that THESE handles are not your ONLY handles, and that you probably have several, and wait for it---- one of them probably has reviews attached to it.  
 Now listen closely: Save a few things, I want nothing more in life than to be "black-balled" by the likes of you, and all trolls like you. I GENUINELY couldn't care less, I have no idea how to convey this apathy (towards sir gambler & sir dumpy, and any other idiot that crawls out of depths of hell) any more than what has been said thus far.  
 Perhaps you should take my awarded steak knifes.  

JackDunphy1188 reads

you aren't a man hater nor are you BSC.  

This broad makes Lorena Bobbit look like the mom from the "Brady Bunch". :D

GaGambler1440 reads

HTG might be a bitch (ok, she's definitely a bitch) but she doesn't get emotionally invested in the fights she picks. Sometimes I think she does it just because it's fun. Just like someone else we know:)))

GaGambler1390 reads

I mean with just a brown envelope what kind of credibility could you possibly have, right? rofl

and yes, she does most certainly remind me of someone. That's why I couldn't resist pulling her chain, just to see how she would react. Needless to say, she failed to disappoint. Bat shit crazy, argumentative, drama queen hookers are just so predictable.

FYI, I never said a thing in regards to your “credibility”, my stance behind pointing out your lack of reviews was simply to state that while this handle may not have reviews, it’s probable that you've got quite a few handles, and one may indeed have reviews.  

The same goes for dumpy.  

Regarding your weak ad hominem attack- see photo below.  

Oh, & P.S. Credibility on a f*ck board is like the WMD’s in Iraq.

Back_In_Black1173 reads

try skinny black chick , just sayin .. are you cosettes deputy and why  

Posted By: SiaMorganVIP
FYI, I never said a thing in regards to your “credibility”, my stance behind pointing out your lack of reviews was simply to state that while this handle may not have reviews, it’s probable that you've got quite a few handles, and one may indeed have reviews.  
 The same goes for dumpy.  
 Regarding your weak ad hominem attack- see photo below.  
 Oh, & P.S. Credibility on a f*ck board is like the WMD’s in Iraq.  

I have no idea why I am responding to YOU ha but:

Full Definition of SVELTE
a :  slender, lithe
b :  having clean lines :  sleek

...might I say "skinny".  

& actually it's of French origin.  

Anything else?

Back_In_Black1516 reads

taste great or less filling ? LOL

Posted By: SiaMorganVIP
I have no idea why I am responding to YOU ha but:  
 Full Definition of SVELTE  
 a :  slender, lithe  
 b :  having clean lines :  sleek  
 ...might I say "skinny".  
 & actually it's of French origin.  
 Anything else?  


Tastes great!

BTW, you should change your handle to "perpetually drunk".  

Anything else?  

GaGambler914 reads

Of course in your case, I really can't take any credit. You did all the heavy lifting yourself.

You really might want to take Inicky's advice though. It's not really good for providers with only a few, rather lukewarm reviews to go around picking board fights and looking unstable. Crazy women might be great fucks, but most guys try to avoid hookers that are proven drama queens. You have already gone quite a ways down that road, you might consider turning around and going back now.

Of course, If you really want to do this, I've got all night, even though I do have an early flight to catch in the morning. Just ask yourself this question, "How deep a hole do you want to dig for yourself?"

JackDunphy1111 reads

She got pissed at the OP for dare thinking that a gal with no reviews could possibly be retired. I know, that's a big stretch but stay with me here.

I just noticed that a certain someone...ahem...went two years without a review. I'll give you a hint. She has posted 27 times in this thread.

So then, when she sees the fallout, she procures the advice of one Ms. Taylor Steele.  


Train wreck thread, train wreck girl, train wreck hooker career over.  

I hope TS got her money in advance.

I found it ODD that he would post an ISO before using the, oh... I don't know.--- CONTACT information located on her website & profile.  

Judging from the PM's I received, I'm not the only one who found this behavior odd.  

I understand why that flew over your head though.  

Can't win em all-  


GaGambler1484 reads

When everyone is disagreeing with you publicly, and you are getting your ass handed to you on a plate, reference fictional supporters that only you can see that agree with you.

Yes, you definitely went to the Taylor school of how to be a BSC drama queen on a fuck board. I see even Cosette has abandoned you, she knows when to get off a sinking ship, and you are sinking faster than the Titantic.

Everyone disagreeing with me? I'd say mostly  bottom of the barrel hobbyists such as yourself. Most of the guys on this board are cool, you have to represent the vocal minority. Ass handed to me? I've yet read one intelligent or witty post from you. The only thing sinking faster than the Titanic is a woman's libido when you walk into a room.

Anything else?

GaGambler1380 reads

In the meantime, I don't need anything stronger, I don't want to chase you off the board. Lets work up to stronger. You first, if you've got it in you that is, so far what you've shown is pretty weak and only proves you are a drama queen with a need to be right. I don't even live in NY, so none of this is going to cost me a cent, can you really say the same?

AnotherDonJohn1292 reads

Even if I thought you made some sense, it's clear you are missing that chip in your brain telling you to turn the other cheek. And you're a "Chatty Kathy" to boot.

It is never wise to argue and berate clients- debate yes, berate no.

Take a page from Cosette who knows how to strike and move on.

Cosette1362 reads

Third. before making that OP I did consider contacting Ms. Taylor directly but I decided that it would be more discreet to ask here if anyone knew what her circumstances are.    

Where do you get that logic? Heck yeah that's more discreet. Um. Ok.  

It looks like you did a lot of research on finding out info EXCEPT the best thing you could've done. CONTACT HER.  

Look, you don't need to justify why you believe you're different than other posters. The fact is you're looking for someone who may or may not be active but you still have an email address to reach her. Simply use it. For safety, discreetness, and etiquette

Reading through the posts in response to stl6468's legitimate question, it is disheartening to read the acrimonious, juvenile, moronic responses. He clearly had a reason for the path that he chose regarding the provider. If you do not like his method, ignore him. Everyone getting into an inane display of immaturity and self-absorption only diminishes the usefulness of the New York Board for everyone. Damage was apparently done on both sides, but the "supply-side," as always, will take the greater hit. We need to make this discussion board positive, before it becomes an anachronism, as many other boards became when this type of contestatory discourse became commonplace.

I offered legitimate, if not the most rational advice one could offer. It was as simple as: "contact her".

Sia: I’m thinking you should attempt to contact her directly, if she gets back to you--- great.  
If she does not get back to you, perhaps she just doesn't want to be found.  Just my opinion. Good luck.  

Someone decided to take that opportunity to twist, and blow things out of proportion.  

I bite back. It is what it is. If you (or anyone) don't like it, don't read it, don't book with me, put me on ignore.  

You: "Damage was apparently done on both sides, but the "supply-side," as always, will take the greater hit.  

Some how I'm just not worried.  



I am certain you are not worried about your business, and your initial "contact her" was totally "rational," as you suggested. But, diminishing yourself by engaging in what ensued was not needed. I have been a presence on this board for 10 years. It used to be a place where information was free flowing and relevant. Moreover, no one felt the need "to bite back." My observation was not directed at you personally, although you seemed to take it that way. Lastly, it would be prudent not to lecture anyone on what they should or shouldn't read. That advice leads down a path none of us want to travel.

But let me explain. Ha.  

Since I assume you derive your screen name from the philosopher, I’ll use reason to break it down for you, or in “Hegelian” parlance-uncover the secrets of the Absolute.  

stl6468  was looking for a certain provider, and posted it on the board.
I suggested he call said provider, since her number was listed in her profile.
His defense for not doing the obvious was that he wanted to be discreet.
Post on a public board for the sake of discretion, a contradiction wouldn’t you say?

Dumpy (& later GaRambler) jumped in with knives blazing, & ad hominem attacks,

It was on.

Do you Hegel jump to the defense of providers when troglodytes like GaRambler or Dumpy try (try)  to debase and publicly humiliate women in an attempt to repair their own shattered self images?  Or is your concern of more selective nature? Consider this an act of feminist protest against a corrupt patriarchal system. I don’t suffer abuse from fools. If you dish it out, be prepared for a full size serving right back.  

Hegel, I really appreciate your post though.

I forget: "Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference." -MT

Out of line again,

-- Modified on 4/14/2014 2:25:27 PM

JackDunphy1550 reads

It was YOU that threw down the first ad hominem with the "trolls" reference to both me and the OP. THAT'S when the shit started to fly.

Go look for yourself before you edit it! Hurry!

Oh the tangled webs we weave...when BSC hookers try and deceive.

Dude, you SWOOPED in to rescue your butt buddy, boasting an "as a matter of fact" attitude, I decided to put you in your place.  







Way down here.  

Nuff said,

LucasHood1174 reads

One damn mediocre angry bsc hooker who just won't quit digging. Impressive.  

Posted By: SiaMorganVIP
But let me explain. Ha.  
 Since I assume you derive your screen name from the philosopher, I’ll use reason to break it down for you, or in “Hegelian” parlance-uncover the secrets of the Absolute.  
 stl6468  was looking for a certain provider, and posted it on the board.  
 I suggested he call said provider, since her number was listed in her profile.  
 His defense for not doing the obvious was that he wanted to be discreet.  
 Post on a public board for the sake of discretion, a contradiction wouldn’t you say?  
 Dumpy (& later GaRambler) jumped in with knives blazing, & ad hominem attacks,  
 It was on.  
 Do you Hegel jump to the defense of providers when troglodytes like GaRambler or Dumpy try (try)  to debase and publicly humiliate women in an attempt to repair their own shattered self images?  Or is your concern of more selective nature? Consider this an act of feminist protest against a corrupt patriarchal system. I don’t suffer abuse from fools. If you dish it out, be prepared for a full size serving right back.  
 Hegel, I really appreciate your post though.  
 I forget: "Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference." -MT  
 Out of line again,  

-- Modified on 4/14/2014 2:25:27 PM

JackDunphy1190 reads

Now you know what all the fuss was about. I'm sure she'll reply with asking you to off yourself. She's classy that way.

JackDunphy1112 reads

You pissed off one of the last remaining gentlemen in Gotham. I think he was only guy in town who didn't put you on his DNS list until your last flick of your keyboard.

Tell Ms. Lohan I was asking about her when you gals have dinner this w/e!

What a joke, three or four “men” (I use the term only in the chromosomal sense)  against one female, and ya'll can't do better than this?

I did mention you were pussies, right?  Hahaha.  

It’s getting time consuming responding to all of your posts, I know you’re actually delusional enough to  think yourself interesting/intelligent, but I'm now bored. Providers are such good actresses, and all we are awarded are these flimsy steak knives.  

I’m signing out for good, unless the mood strikes me otherwise, It’s a woman’s prerogative boys.  

Once more, you are a joke.

It was fun though,


GaGambler1275 reads

and clueless as she is, she doesn't even realize it wasn't "all guys" against her. You really need to teach her to pick her battles more wisely.

As for me, I can stop anytime, or I can do this all night. Unlike her, this is entertainment for me. I might make this a regular thing if she wants to become the NY piñata, you know the NYC version of the Turdster.

JackDunphy1452 reads

...I'm willing to let this be Cosette. But once her meds run out again, I can't promise you anything.  

Now please get off your knees. I want those two joints 100% healed for our big date in a few days ;)

Well, not really, as this train wreck kept bleeding off the right side of the page for quite some time after I weighed in.  Sheesh!

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