Politics and Religion

you crack me up too!
NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 921 reads

1/2 as clever as you think you are!:)  

Master of the Obtuse!

JackDunphy3148 reads

It's a shame he wasn't a constitutional law professor for then he would have known the voter ID law was upheld by the Supremes in a 6-3 decision.

JackDunphy1267 reads

"The relevant burdens here are those imposed on eligible voters who lack photo identification cards that comply with SEA 483.[2] Because Indiana's cards are free, the inconvenience of going to the Bureau of Motor Vehicles, gathering required documents, and posing for a photograph does not qualify as a substantial burden on most voters' right to vote, or represent a significant increase over the usual burdens of voting. The severity of the somewhat heavier burden that may be placed on a limited number of persons—e.g., elderly persons born out-of-state, who may have difficulty obtaining a birth certificate—is mitigated by the fact that eligible voters without photo identification may cast provisional ballots that will be counted if they execute the required affidavit at the circuit court clerk’s office. Even assuming that the burden may not be justified as to a few voters, that conclusion is by no means sufficient to establish petitioners’ right to the relief they seek."

The "conservative" was none other than Justice John Paul Stevens, writing the majority opinion, in the 6-3 verdict in favor of the voter ID law.

Dont ya just hate when the "racist" turns out to be a dyed in the wool Liberal Supreme Court justice? :D

As Britt Hume said in the same segment I linked to, Obama uses race (through his surrogates primarily) as both a shield and a sword.

THIS is why people hate him.

JackDunphy1268 reads

It's race one day, gender the next, class the day after that. Rinse and repeat.  

He doesn't lift us up as a nation, he constantly tears us down and separates us as a people using lies, half truths, bogus statistics, junk science, discredited Keynesian economics, wild distortions and demagoguery.  

He's a total failure and a fking disgrace.

Some of these tea party rallies and see if this race issue is not real. To see some of this low life  white trash depict the Potus as a monkey while wrapped in the confederate flag is very revealing.  Or, listen to draft dodging uncle ted and tell me the race issue is not real. Hell, check out some of the post here. This is only a few examples.  Some old ass white men and women just do not get it! Most important, your fucking days are numbered being in political power with the demographic changes in the good ole USA. That's your greatest fear and you can not do a damn thing about it!! Voter ID will not change this fact!  

Posted By: JackDunphy
It's race one day, gender the next, class the day after that. Rinse and repeat.  
 He doesn't lift us up as a nation, he constantly tears us down and separates us as a people using lies, half truths, bogus statistics, junk science, discredited Keynesian economics, wild distortions and demagoguery.  
 He's a total failure and a fking disgrace.
-- Modified on 4/13/2014 1:07:38 PM

so far, you're  taking the place down the toilet. one only need to look at the big cities, democrat populated, democrat run.

shitholes. dont blame me cuz i can see.

Posted By: hound88
Some of these tea party rallies and see if this race issue is not real. To see some of this low life  white trash depict the Potus as a monkey while wrapped in the confederate flag is very revealing.  Or, listen to draft dodging uncle ted and tell me the race issue is not real. Hell, check out some of the post here. This is only a few examples.  Some old ass white men and women just do not get it! Most important, your fucking days are numbered being in political power with the demographic changes in the good ole USA. That's your greatest fear and you can not do a damn thing about it!! Voter ID will not change this fact!  
Posted By: JackDunphy
It's race one day, gender the next, class the day after that. Rinse and repeat.    
  He doesn't lift us up as a nation, he constantly tears us down and separates us as a people using lies, half truths, bogus statistics, junk science, discredited Keynesian economics, wild distortions and demagoguery.    
  He's a total failure and a fking disgrace.
-- Modified on 4/13/2014 1:07:38 PM

Posted By: NeedleDick, the BugFucker
so far, you're  taking the place down the toilet. one only need to look at the big cities, democrat populated, democrat run.  
 shitholes. dont blame me cuz i can see.  
Posted By: hound88
Some of these tea party rallies and see if this race issue is not real. To see some of this low life  white trash depict the Potus as a monkey while wrapped in the confederate flag is very revealing.  Or, listen to draft dodging uncle ted and tell me the race issue is not real. Hell, check out some of the post here. This is only a few examples.  Some old ass white men and women just do not get it! Most important, your fucking days are numbered being in political power with the demographic changes in the good ole USA. That's your greatest fear and you can not do a damn thing about it!! Voter ID will not change this fact!    
Posted By: JackDunphy
It's race one day, gender the next, class the day after that. Rinse and repeat.    
   He doesn't lift us up as a nation, he constantly tears us down and separates us as a people using lies, half truths, bogus statistics, junk science, discredited Keynesian economics, wild distortions and demagoguery.    
   He's a total failure and a fking disgrace.
 -- Modified on 4/13/2014 1:07:38 PM

Why not every town with the population above 5???

No ones stopping you from talking about whatever you want . May wanna start your own thread though, this one is about race baiting whiners .  

Posted By: mattradd
How about just cities?

our decline, specifically in the big cities.

And, who is race baiting?

GaGambler1086 reads

I think it bugs the fuck out of him that not all minorities "hate the man" and aren't in the pocket of the Dems. I think he especially hates the fact that not even all the minorities on this board are lock step Dems. Curly and me specifically.

I think I should get a couple of the black guys I know from Atlanta who are much further right than me to start posting here, but it might give the poor old mongrel a heart attack.

But, I doubt if I can get them hear, being they are very conservative Christians! lol

But, knowing what I know about what goes on behind the curtains (Wizard of Oz reference), it wouldn't surprise me if they were here already!  ;)

Bullshit. From the time you're really young when your white you get it drummed in your head white people are responsible for black people's problems. And black people get it drummed in their heads that their biggest problem is the white man. it's bullshit. And yeah I got some black friends feel the same way too. They are fucking embarrassed by people like Obama and Holder and their white enablers.

And what they are taught! Damn!  Based on your comments,  It's obvious how you were raised and what you were taught. Just read your dumb ass post!Enough said!

St. Croix1076 reads

and anytime I hear or read an article where it's so-called my fault, I repeat three words. "I DON'T CARE". In today's environment, no one takes responsibility, no one apologizes, and they blame others for their failures, specifically white guys. It might bother guilt ridden white liberals, but not me. Maybe I'm desensitized, maybe I just don't care.  

So repeat after me, "I DON'T CARE".  

Posted By: NeedleDick, the BugFucker
Bullshit. From the time you're really young when your white you get it drummed in your head white people are responsible for black people's problems. And black people get it drummed in their heads that their biggest problem is the white man. it's bullshit. And yeah I got some black friends feel the same way too. They are fucking embarrassed by people like Obama and Holder and their white enablers.

Pimpathy1055 reads

Who do white people blame for their problems; Conservatives?

Posted By: St. Croix
and anytime I hear or read an article where it's so-called my fault, I repeat three words. "I DON'T CARE". In today's environment, no one takes responsibility, no one apologizes, and they blame others for their failures, specifically white guys. It might bother guilt ridden white liberals, but not me. Maybe I'm desensitized, maybe I just don't care.  
 So repeat after me, "I DON'T CARE".  
Posted By: NeedleDick, the BugFucker
Bullshit. From the time you're really young when your white you get it drummed in your head white people are responsible for black people's problems. And black people get it drummed in their heads that their biggest problem is the white man. it's bullshit. And yeah I got some black friends feel the same way too. They are fucking embarrassed by people like Obama and Holder and their white enablers.

You're the numbskull that suggested I should broaden my comments. Wtf?  
Too clever  by half Matt strikes again

Your comment: "so far, you're  taking the place down the toilet. one only need to look at the big cities, democrat populated, democrat run.
shitholes. dont blame me cuz i can see."

You attribute Hound and I'm assuming democrats for "taking the place down the toilet," and assuming by place, you mean the country. I'm not suggesting you do anything. If Quad was here, with his expertise in statistical analysis, I can image he would say your n is too small. I'm just suggesting, with the links I provided, that that is indeed the case. That your n may support your analysis, however if you were to increase your, it would no longer do so! In research, the larger the n, the more robust the findings! ;)

You're suggesting I broaden my scope of observation. If Quad were here he'd say you're talking out both sides of your neck! Not to mention deviating the topic of discussion!!

Try again

1/2 as clever as you think you are!:)  

Master of the Obtuse!

However, just because I say something that has clearly gone over your head, doesn't mean I'm obtuse!  ;)

JackDunphy1108 reads

30% of them spend at least some time in jail so we should smear all black men, right?  

Yes, the liberal media went crazy when they saw 15 racist signs at a Tea Party rally at the Washington Mall where 300,000 people showed up.  

I'm no math wiz but I think that represents a fraction of a fraction of a fraction.

And B.O. shouldn't be lecturing anyone re: race.  

Reverend Wright. Ring a bell?

And with every lib news organization saying R's will pick up more seats in the House and proly take the Senate, I'd say we are on an upswing, actually.

You accused the potus of race baiting and use old white men on fake news to prove your point. Now you admit race is an issue when it comes to him. You cited one tea party event yet leave out countless others. Dude, you are all over the place. This is not a specail needs forum. I guess you will use uncle tom Rev. Manning next for help!

Posted By: JackDunphy
30% of them spend at least some time in jail so we should smear all black men, right?  
 Yes, the liberal media went crazy when they saw 15 racist signs at a Tea Party rally at the Washington Mall where 300,000 people showed up.  
 I'm no math wiz but I think that represents a fraction of a fraction of a fraction.  
 And B.O. shouldn't be lecturing anyone re: race.  
 Reverend Wright. Ring a bell?  
 And with every lib news organization saying R's will pick up more seats in the House and proly take the Senate, I'd say we are on an upswing, actually.

JackDunphy943 reads

To see Obama speaking at Race Baitor University this passed week? My only question is...did Obama give Sharpton tips on race baiting or was it vice versa? :D

Comprehending and staying focused on the topic or issue at hand. I think you have an extreme case of ADD. In other words, you are slow as hell. Once again, you are making this to damn easy.

Posted By: JackDunphy
To see Obama speaking at Race Baitor University this passed week? My only question is...did Obama give Sharpton tips on race baiting or was it vice versa? :D

The Supreme Court has spoken!  ;)

And, what make it demagoguery?

-- Modified on 4/13/2014 3:48:53 PM

JackDunphy1050 reads

The repeal of O-Care is based on its terrible effects on jobs, losing ones doctor, plan, hospital, cancer treatment, causing premiums to skyrocket, etc. Do you really hear R's complaining about the constitutionality of it at this point?

The demagoguery stems from the fact that he is bringing up wedge issues one after another that have no merit and are not based in fact simply b/c the Dems are in deep trouble heading into this election cycle.

that once it has made it's ruling on a matter, it's a done deal. I don't believe that about any ruling, let alone Obamacare, however when you bringing it up the way you did, makes it appear, to me, that's what you believe. I was just pointing that out.

Bringing up wedges issues, is not the same as creating wedge issues. Republican governors are making laws regarding, women's reproductive health, abortions, immigration, voter registration, etc. that are wedge issues in the sense that they alienate a major portion, however not the majority, of their electorate. So you blame Obama for talking about them. Wow! That's the same logic an incest victimizer uses when blaming his victim for bringing to light his misdeeds. Ya, the Republicans would like to shame Obama and the democrats for talking about anything that makes them look bad. I get that!  ;)

JackDunphy1299 reads

You are missing a huge difference. Obama could have passed any law he wanted with both houses a few years ago.  

For him to "talk" about those issues now when they have no chance of passing and pretend like he never had the chance to enact policies to fix them back then, is the very epiotme of demagoguery.

He no longer has any interest in solving any problems. For example, how many times have you heard him say he will work with anyone to fix HC law? He has said this numerous times just this past month. But Senate Dems are proposing fixes to it and even the Lib media is saying Reid won't even let them come to the floor for a vote.  

How about the Debt Commision he formed? He handpicked a bi-partisan group of R's and D's to get to the bottom of our escalating deficit/debt debacle. Bowles/Simpson, remember? So waht does Obama do with their recommendations? Tosses them in the trash! He didn't even listen to his own hand picked commission! Why? Because he wants to give the appearance that he is doing something without doing anything. Classic demagoguery of an issue.

And what about Gitmo? Every year he says that THIS is the year he closes Gitmo but he never does. He could do so by executive order and bypass congress but he doesn't. Why? I'll give you a hint. It begins with a "D". lol

And, I think he's proven that he's quite willing to solve problems, even when the Repubs., stand in his way. They are forever pissing and moaning about his executive orders!  ;)

Why do Republicans spur this crap as if insurance rates never went up under the old system? Most nut cases climbing on to the Repeal Obama Care bandwagon does not know anything.  

Obama Care is in full force, and the unemployment is dropping.

No one has lost doctor in the old system? Not true. I had to change doctors multiple times with my employer provided insurance. Insurance companies add and drop doctors all the time based what they can negotiate.  

What about cancer treatment? Now people with pre-existing condition cannot be denied coverage so what are you talking about or right wing nuts for that matter?

Right wing nuts never brings up wedge issues, get real dude! Republican nuts are all about wedge issues. Health insurance, pay equality, help for the middle class, higher taxes for the wealthy, cutting benefits of the poor, enacting voter ID law when there is no voter fraud are not wedge issues because Republican nuts want to make it to be. They are real national issues someone needs to stand up and fight against and that’s what Democrats and Independents are going to do

Those attacking ACA make it sound like health insurance was to everyone's satisfaction. Rates went up. Procedures, they thought were covered, were often denied. You were kicked off if you incurred too much in medical expenses, if you were on an individual plan. And, if you were with a company plan, particularly if you had an HMO plan, your doctor could change each year your employer got a new policy with a different company. ACA is much more stable of a plan than most people have experienced in the past.

is exactly what the President said. In every other democracy law makers are working hard to make voting easier and transparent but in the oldest democracy (ok constitutional republic) legislators are working hard to make it difficult for poor people to vote.  

If there is demagogue, it is John Roberts Supreme Court with right wing majority with their partisan ruling. It is shame. they are appointed for long time. The court is intend on promoting corrupt politics and voter suppression.

Every single research has proved there is no voter fraud. Only the right nut job idiots cling to the voter fraud sound bite.  

If you have real support amongst the people, Republican nut jobs would not be concerned. Republicans know they are a minority party and require voter manipulations and redrawing maps to get elected

when you claim every research has proved there are no voter fraud?  

I'm not following what you are saying

-- Modified on 4/14/2014 8:28:18 AM

because, you are not following the debate. What makes you think that a poster is responsible writing essays in reply to a post? Heard of internet? Heard of Google? Google Voter Fraud and see what you get

JackDunphy957 reads

The vote was 6-3 with a very liberal Justice joining the centrist and the 4 conservatives. It wasn't a "right wing" majority nor was it a "partisan" ruling. it was the opposite of what you state actually

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