Politics and Religion

Anyone seen this sick PSA video from the hollywooed elite.
SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 2293 reads

Fair warning.. It will make you sick to the stomach and you may throw up on the keyboard...

These are some of the great Hollywood actors, and I have tremendous respect for actors like Morgan Freeman and Christoph Waltz.  

But this video is downright dangerous, if someone to take it seriously..

At some level its like our resident troll, UDO's advice on GD board..

Myself, it didn't make me even a bit queasy, let alone make me throw up on my key board. It did make me curious as to how they propose to make zero happen. One can demand all s/he wants; making it happen is something else all together.

Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
Fair warning.. It will make you sick to the stomach and you may throw up on the keyboard...  
 These are some of the great Hollywood actors, and I have tremendous respect for actors like Morgan Freeman and Christoph Waltz.  
 But this video is downright dangerous, if someone to take it seriously..  
 At some level its like our resident troll, UDO's advice on GD board..

GaGambler584 reads

not even their hero Obama can get rid of the nukes in this country, much less the rest of the world. They can demand all they want, nothing is going to happen because of it. Most of the celebrities on the video I have zero respect for, but I was surprised to see the likes of Morgan Freeman lending his face to such drivel, even well intended drivel.

The original statement from Obama said get rid of all nuclear weapons.  That would be nice, but it's naive to think it will ever happen.  There are reasonable arguments to be made that MAD has kept another world war from breaking out.
But the rest of the actors in the video were talking about "stopping the spread of nuclear weapons." That's a more reasonable goal.  Is there really anyone who thinks it would be a good idea for the Iranians to have nukes?  Or to let the Koreans keep theirs?

Mutually Assured Destruction
Kept the US and the Soviets
at bay.

If anyone interferes with a  
sovereign states right to self-
determination. Then we are
preaching a world totalitarian  
government, that controls other
rebellious countries citizens and
their military.  And whose army  
is going to be deployed to do that???

And we will be the hypocrates....because
we all know the US will never fully
get rid of our nuclear arsenal....

Power is an addiction, and we will never
treat our government addictions... will we...

Snowman39489 reads

Nuclear Weapons have currently saved more lives than they have taken.

By bringing about a quick end to World War II and stopping the US from having to invade the Japanese mainland, a lot of lives were actually saved. And if I remember correctly, it was a Democrat who made that call.

As par as their little PSA, well, like most liberals, they talk about what they want and their Shangrila vision, but never talk about how to accomplish this in the real world.

Panthera12471 reads

Right or wrong, they are just following a script.

when someone mixed sulphur with saltpeter a thousand years ago.

Whether it's nukes or six-shooters it will always be a handful of lunatic malcontents sullying the need for the greater good or the rights of the moral and law abiding masses.  

The conundrum is IF there was a societal segment both willing and powerful enough to completely eradicate nukes they'd ultimately need nuclear capability to enforce the ban.

GaGambler577 reads

It's just not going to happen. I am really surprised to see the likes of Morgan Freeman and one or two others falling in with the usual "Hollywood crowd" like Whoopie and Damon.

I'd like to see a limit of 3 nukes per nation. The more nukes there are, the more likely something will go wrong. Ideally, there would be no nukes at all, but that's never going to happen. We now have technology that is so powerful that it could literally wipe all life off the planet. And in a world filled with nutty Muslims looking for 72 virgin pussies, and a bunch of Jesus Freaks who beat off every time they think of the rapture, it would be nice to keep this technology permanently under wraps.

What do we get out of it? The only thing Israel's ever done for us is make us a target for terrorism. I say fuck them. We should make a full switch to renewable energy so we can completely ignore that miserable part of hte world, or turn that entire shit hole into a giant glass parking lot for American tourists. Fuck Israel. Fuck Palestine. Fuck 'em all. The sooner these religious lunatics kill each other off and leave us out of it, the better.

" limit everybody's access " " nutty Muslims ", your words.

" Exterminate them like Roaches " " blow them off the face of the planet " , Iran's words  

The second they go on line with a warhead they can deliver they will.  

STAFFY infection asked me the other day about Iraq. The truth is IMO the way we handled it was wrong . We could have tightened the Leash again and with him still around we wouldn't be dealing with a far worse threat because the Iranians were terrified of Saddam.  

Iran's nuclear threat needs to be dealt with and even though they're tough SOBs the Israelis can't do it alone . The fleet will Have pull gridsquares off the coast and we'll have to send in 30-40k troops.  

That's the price we all pay for our procrastinating leaders in both parties

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