
Wow, Mindy! eom
monieb 46 Reviews 833 reads


What would be the perfect date for your ATF to surprise you with

Strip club ... Can't go wrong with some nude hot ladies!

I'd cook him something very special and then bring him out in the woods by my house for a campout & do him just how he likes it lol so many ATF's to choose from though hmmm....

That can happen heeheehee

Posted By: handytohave60
Probably Bananas Foster!

I think I would bring him to the mall, try on a couple outfits, keep asking over & over "do I look fat?"
I would lead him from store to store having him hold my purse and then, I would have him run & get me a coffee,  
I would say "meet me at Branes & Noble babe"...
         Then I would sing his praises about what an awesome guy he is because even I hate the damn mall & all of this was a little practical joke just to see how he would handle it.....and if he's the great guy I expect him to be -we would have a good laugh & I would promise never to do that to him again......

 I would then ~  bring him back to the nice hotel I had pre-booked and put on the new (special 4 him) lingerie I picked up while he was getting my coffee & while he is taking a nice hot shower I would meet him in the bathroom to towel him off ;)
lead him to the bed....when oh-whats that?  

A knock on our door would have one or two of my loveliest, sexy massage/escort gals looking as hot as ever -

(ones that I knew HE has always liked) & then I would say "ok babe.... You direct...let's make a movie," that way after all the hot fuck-lust  sex-fest debauchery ~he can re-watch anytime he likes

waiting for various women, usually friends, and never has one of these "sessions" turned into the type of idyllic session you described, sweetie.  now there's a dream to dwell on tonight!

followed by a little drive as we slip off to our secret hideaway.

I'd like to get taken out for a day of looking at antiques or traveling around to estate/garage sales. Dithering over prices, rarity, etc. Maybe lunch at some unique place and then the main event caps off a nice day spent together.

One is an evening in.... Order pizza and watch a Wild or Viking game, playing at every lull n the game and at halftime/ between periods, with a grand finale after the game.  
The other is a long weekend, starting with a seafood buffet at the casino and overnight. Followed by a drive to the North Shore, taking in the Lighthouse, the Falls, and Grand Marais, with two nights T Cove Point. We finish with a leisurely drive back on Monday.....

have had two very special moments shopping. first with Samantha Good and second with Wendy. helping pick their outfit choices in the dressing room as they tried them on, unbelievably hot, even the salespeople that brought us the different clothes enjoyed our moment.      mbs

Before I even read your post Bri, that was the first thing that came to mind!

to her place to enjoy dinner that she prepared for us. I was fortunate to spend time with a beautiful woman that made
 amazing meals for us. It was one of the most enjoyable/nice things that happened to me.
 I also had a woman make me cookies for Valentines day- so cool!

Diving the blue hole, snorkeling by the coral and wading in the blue with warm waters lapping on us and then to dive into each other and lap one another as a warm breeze brushes and licks upon us and blankets our continuous motion between coming up for air whether on land or in the water.    

This I plan on doing indeed.  What a memory, what a dream and what a dream come true this shall be!!!

Mmmmmm, then to slumber in the stilted hut dreaming of touching still.  

-- Modified on 9/21/2014 12:50:21 PM

That sounds much better than going out to eat and heading back to a room. My new dream trip.....Belize!

We well might just find ourselves there!!!!   True this!

Posted By: elanmontage
 We well might just find ourselves there!!!!   True this!

DamienScott1105 reads

If it's 'Take a man on a date month' why am I taking you? Please help?

Posted By: brilove
What would be the perfect date for your ATF to surprise you with?  

I agree.... I'd LOVE a lady to take me on a date to Belize. But I get this dunny feeling I'll be waiting a LOOOONG time for that one......

Looks like the question was where would a lady like to take a guy or where would guys like to be taken. Not really so confusing after all.                              

Posted By: DamienScott
If it's 'Take a man on a date month' why am I taking you? Please help?  
Posted By: brilove
What would be the perfect date for your ATF to surprise you with?  

PC_Repellant972 reads

Several of us are married and we aren't going out anywhere in public...WTF..no malls, no Mannys, maybe a strip club, but even that can be a challenge.  Now with smart phones that have cameras our SO's best friend or a neighbor can text her with a pix of us and the escort as we  enjoy our "romantic date"  at the restaurant or mall..yeah, right!  Not happening.  Kinda like that trip to Belize with that nutty EM, let us know how that turns out since she said it was true you two may be going....hahaha

Your nutty response has nothing to do with the question at hand. If you are worried that your SO might not like it if she caught you sneaking around, maybe you shouldn't partake of the fun that can be had on a trip or a night out on the town.  
That doesn't mean some of us can't do it, don't be so envious of those of us who can go out and have a good time, we'll have enough fun for you too.

PC_Repellant1116 reads

and I commented from the perspective that represents many of us here, obviously not you, so good for you.  You just go on out there and take care of your needs and others will see to their own.  And guess what, there are other views on this type of subject besides yours.   Nothing nutty about my post, then again, I'm sober, your Belize partner EM?  Hmmm, probably not!  LMAO

Posted By: DJ1985
Your nutty response has nothing to do with the question at hand. If you are worried that your SO might not like it if she caught you sneaking around, maybe you shouldn't partake of the fun that can be had on a trip or a night out on the town.  
 That doesn't mean some of us can't do it, don't be so envious of those of us who can go out and have a good time, we'll have enough fun for you too.

Robert_BadenPowell1094 reads

... the idea of a date in Belize with a woman like Élan is the nuttiness of suggesting it's nutty!

Personally, I'd take a date in Belize over a trip to the mall or Manny's or a strip club anytime.  ;)  It will probably never happen.  But as the song goes, "... but I can dream, can't I?"

Posted By: DamienScott
If it's 'Take a man on a date month' why am I taking you? Please help?  
Posted By: brilove
What would be the perfect date for your ATF to surprise you with?  

& in fact if a human is in a dreamless state for ten days, about, then the body shuts down and dies.  Dreaming and dreaming on is more essential than even food so don't knock dreaming and dreaming on for our very existence is perhaps just a dream come true as it is.   Nothing happens without dreaming and might as well have one helluva good dream, the impossible, the fantastical, the pushing of the envelope into the most elustrious imagination pointing to a most real abd even realistic dream that's already come true for someone(s) right in Belize and perhaps in fact will again with sojourners right from Minnesota even!  Surely.   I'd say it's quite possible and even probable it will happen and has happened!  

Dream on indeed!   Yes!!! Yes!!! Yes!!!   Our lives depend on it and may it be a wet dream coming alive with new motion and new notion.  The open mind like an opening in a vagina fertile with new worlds and dreams born into a most splendid date ever!   It better be true - it must be true or why live at all!!! Oh, that's right... if it isn't true, if it can't be true... It's no life at all.  

Belize!!! Here I come and dream the perfect man and a dreamy creamy sexy scenario to be born there with me on your shores and in your waters.   Of course this happens and damn it's very sexy because that's our true nature to express this way.  Ah!  Give me the romantics who seize the day!  Carpé Diem!  Oh captain my sexy captain!  


Posted By: brilove
What would be the perfect date for your ATF to surprise you with?  
-- Modified on 9/21/2014 9:41:42 PM

-- Modified on 9/21/2014 9:55:19 PM

It was meant in fun and honestly it's not that crazy to think that one of us could or would take someone on a date ... You might be surprised to find out how many of us have actually done that.  

Whether you are married or single does not stop you from having an imagination nor has it stopped many from spending time with a provider outside the bedroom ... Tons of married guys go "out". And if you can't possible imagine this scenario, then why not just ignore the thread or state "if I wasn't married ..." or pick a date that isn't in public's eye.  

Everyone has a right to their opinion and can post or respond anyway they like ... I'm just surprised that a simple little question that is suppose to be fun ... Remember that's why we are here ... Could upset anyone.  

My apologies to those I offended!

OK, how about if you take me under a waterfall so the world couldn't hear me moaning and screaming?

PC_Repellant1202 reads

Why would you think that?  Because I tossed a little reality into the mix?  


Oh and thanks for the lesson on posting!   LOL

that I was referring to. I'm not pointing fingers but it does seem as if one person or another has to always bring negativity into each and every thread.  

By the way I wasn't trying to teach a lesson on posting ... I just stated the obvious before somebody threw back at me that they have the right to blah blah blah ... Of course we all have that right and I wouldn't want it any other way ... I was just trying to bring some creative fun to the board.

-- Modified on 9/22/2014 10:59:11 AM

And it is fun thank you ! Now, who wants to go on a date before sept is over lol ;-)

This scenario is definitely not impossible to imagine and it does happen. It is amazing what can happen when you strive to always be a gentleman and treat a woman with the utmost respect. Negative energy will almost always get you nowhere.

Posted By: brilove
It was meant in fun and honestly it's not that crazy to think that one of us could or would take someone on a date ... You might be surprised to find out how many of us have actually done that.  
 Whether you are married or single does not stop you from having an imagination nor has it stopped many from spending time with a provider outside the bedroom ... Tons of married guys go "out". And if you can't possible imagine this scenario, then why not just ignore the thread or state "if I wasn't married ..." or pick a date that isn't in public's eye.  
 Everyone has a right to their opinion and can post or respond anyway they like ... I'm just surprised that a simple little question that is suppose to be fun ... Remember that's why we are here ... Could upset anyone.  
 My apologies to those I offended!

Kisses to all you sweet sensual rock hard solid respecting gorgeous men!!!  

Posted By: discrete73
This scenario is definitely not impossible to imagine and it does happen. It is amazing what can happen when you strive to always be a gentleman and treat a woman with the utmost respect. Negative energy will almost always get you nowhere.  
Posted By: brilove
It was meant in fun and honestly it's not that crazy to think that one of us could or would take someone on a date ... You might be surprised to find out how many of us have actually done that.    
  Whether you are married or single does not stop you from having an imagination nor has it stopped many from spending time with a provider outside the bedroom ... Tons of married guys go "out". And if you can't possible imagine this scenario, then why not just ignore the thread or state "if I wasn't married ..." or pick a date that isn't in public's eye.    
  Everyone has a right to their opinion and can post or respond anyway they like ... I'm just surprised that a simple little question that is suppose to be fun ... Remember that's why we are here ... Could upset anyone.    
  My apologies to those I offended!

Some people go out their way to get offended by something.  That's their problem.

I've only been around this place for a few months but it has gone down hill fast.  You couldn't post "Water is wet" without some asshat getting his/her panties in a bunch and starting an argument.  

How & why?  I thought this was a place based on fantasy, flirting, and fucking.  We all have different ideas about all three of those.  I know what I like.  You know what you like.  Your opinion doesn't have to be wrong for mine to be right and vice versa.  Yet some people feel the need to insult others over their ideas and the most trivial things.  

 Bri tried to start a light hearted, flirty, playful thread and Elan posted a fantasy about a tropical escape (Thank you ladies) and that started an argument and people got offended.  After what went on the boards the last couple of weeks, I would have thought this was a much nicer and welcomed topic of discussion.  Guess not.  So what if it is extremely improbable.  The whole hobby & P4P world is fantasy.  Live it how you want and leave it at that.  Resist the urge to insult others that live it a different way.

Now all you crabby, hateful, assholes feel free to call me a suck ass, White Knight, or whatever.  Just keep in mind I have not seen either of these ladies and only contacted one of them (and that was months ago).

Posted By: brilove
It was meant in fun and honestly it's not that crazy to think that one of us could or would take someone on a date ... You might be surprised to find out how many of us have actually done that.  
 Whether you are married or single does not stop you from having an imagination nor has it stopped many from spending time with a provider outside the bedroom ... Tons of married guys go "out". And if you can't possible imagine this scenario, then why not just ignore the thread or state "if I wasn't married ..." or pick a date that isn't in public's eye.  
 Everyone has a right to their opinion and can post or respond anyway they like ... I'm just surprised that a simple little question that is suppose to be fun ... Remember that's why we are here ... Could upset anyone.  
 My apologies to those I offended!

While Belize, the Bahamas or anywhere tropical would be great, I will start with...

if at the end of a meeting while we are getting cleaned-up or maybe between rounds, the gal asks me if she could take me to her favorite steak place afterwards.  An incredible meeting followed by an incredible meal would be quite a treat.

Bri, you may have stumbled onto a new marketing tool! Most guys would jump at the chance to say have dinner or drinks with a favorite friend. It wouldn't have to be exotic or extravagant. You girls have to eat anyway, it would be nice to get a PM from a provider asking one of us to have dinner with them off the clock! It could be kind of a frequent flyer program or perks program! Something as simple as Applebee's for example, with no expectations, it would be a nice touch, I think. I'm sure I'll be chastized by someone, but so be it.

... go out of her way to give a client an exceptionally nice surprise just because she feels like it, this morning showed that you are wrong, wrong, WRONG! And it's that 'nutty' Elan Montage who proved it to me, an hour before PC_Repellant posted his attack. So alias boy, please continue working to alienate the ladies who love what they do. Leaves more for the rest of us.

I am in the situation the troll talks about but have had public coffee, dinners and lunches with several of the women on this board. Apparently the troll has not noticed that this is not a taliban society. Men and women (who are not married to each other) socialize in many venues.  

Few women on this board dress anything like the TV drama portrayals and could easily be a co-workers or friends.  Indeed (shock), the women that I have met on this board includes at least one lawyer paying off law school debts, several paralegals, a couple corporate management, waiters, realtors, car salespeople, teachers, a psychologist, some beauticians, masseuses, correctional and  parole officials, students, nurses, nursing assistants, a couple in corporate graphics, etc.  All of them wander through their daily lives (and ours) without scarlet "P"s blazing from their foreheads.

"Snarl" is for the repellant one.

PC_Repellant1069 reads

Talk about attacks??  4evr, you are a master of them.  I didn't attack anybody, I commented on a "nutty" poster, and yes she is imho.  Attack?  Really? Hey what I wrote is nothing compared to some of your attacks on others on this board.  The alias bashing, it's getting old, you should really give it up since you know we are all using a form of alias here and of course an alias on TER is a moniker that requires VIP, something you are regularly NOT.  hahahh

You're right about the 'boy' part. Calling a grown man 'boy' is offensive, and I apologize to you for that. My bad.

Nothing else, though. You interrupted a lighthearted thread to rant because your own personal living arrangement constrains your actions. "If I can't have it, nobody can" is not an attractive sentiment. It's not made better because you were sober when you interrupted. And tossing in ad hominem disparagement of a respected provider based solely upon 'your humble opinion' was mean spirited. I'll admit I was motivated to speak in great part by the delightful surprise she gave me this morning. Might not have said anything, otherwise, but I would have thought it

You're just wrong about the alias thing, though. I imagine you are using your handle to write reviews, gather whitelists, and get verified when seeking to meet a provider. Probably tossing up nice vanilla posts from time to time, also. No reason to hide behind an alias when you're being nasty if you weren't trying to keep your handle sweet for the ladies. TER will do as it chooses, but there'd be a lot less nastiness if they would enforce the Discussion Board Guideline that specifies aliases are to be used for helpful, constructive and humorous purposes. Your post was none of those.

Feel free to send me a PM. I'll respond. Um, hahahha

Anyone who calls Elan "nutty" obviously doesn't know her - please get to know her before stereotyping her.

Had provider friend e-mail and she is buying me lunch tomorrow Very nice touch! Just burgers at a local bar, but still very thoughtful. Sometimes that is better than a fantasy date!

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