
Re: You do understand that many people do dislike it
TalonTed 91 Reviews 885 reads

Seems your right.   Why stop it, makes my day go by much faster.  My opinion is legit, on how I feel/think.  I don't think this is the same as calling someone the N word.  This I've never done, but I guess some people think its on the same level.  

Posted By: vorlon
Even if you don't understand why it bothers people, it is clear it does.  That alone should give you reason to stop doing it; it unnecessarily annoys other people and accomplishes nothing useful.

hoe a hoe??  If I was providing, I have no problem with people calling me man-whore/hoe. I would be extremely steaming mad if me an engineer, especially the software kind.

-- Modified on 9/10/2014 12:19:20 PM

Just to give you another example just as there are many terms for a person who provides sexual service provider, prostitute, hoe, etc. if there are also many terms that can describe someone in a wheelchair (like myself) there are terms like person with a disability, physically challenged individuals, person in a  wheelchair etc. there are also other shall we say less flattering terms often used to describe someone in a wheelchair examples of the terms are gimp retard, spazz etc. now for me personally I could give two hoots what someone call me because I don't like what they called me I just look at the person in question smile tell them in no uncertain terms to screw off and move on. However in general most people get offended by the less endearing terms used to describe their population group may be long and short of it is people in general prefer kinder adjectives used to describe them when you use an unkind word to describe someone such as (hoe rather than provider) it usually elicits an unkind response from that person by all means this is a free country and you are free to use any word to describe someone that you like but then you also need to be prepared to deal with the reaction to your comments

because after all we are all people aren't we…

where the first definition give for the term "hoe" is

 1. A skank
2. A woman that is too loose in the booty.
3. Woman or man that fuck anything with two legs.
4. A promiscuous person.syn: slut

Is it just possible the term carries pejorative meaning that takes it out of the realm of pure description of a professional service?

But really, why do you care if people call you an ignorant, ungracious prick. It's not a value judgment. Purely descriptive. Your grammar is laughable; your posts clearly intended to create discord; and after 18 reviews I must assume you've got one. Purely descriptive.  

Too bad it's so many syllables. Ig no rant un gray shus prik = 7 syllables. That's unwieldy. Maybe we could go with the acronym - IUP, pronounced Yup. That works! In future, if anyone responds to one of your elegant commentaries with a simple Yup!, consider that they may not necessarily intend to agree with you.

Posted By: minn4evr
where the first definition give for the term "hoe" is  
  1. A skank  
 2. A woman that is too loose in the booty.  
 3. Woman or man that fuck anything with two legs.  
 4. A promiscuous person.syn: slut  
 Is it just possible the term carries pejorative meaning that takes it out of the realm of pure description of a professional service?  
 But really, why do you care if people call you an ignorant, ungracious prick. It's not a value judgment. Purely descriptive. Your grammar is laughable; your posts clearly intended to create discord; and after 18 reviews I must assume you've got one. Purely descriptive.  
 Too bad it's so many syllables. Ig no rant un gray shus prik = 7 syllables. That's unwieldy. Maybe we could go with the acronym - IUP, pronounced Yup. That works! In future, if anyone responds to one of your elegant commentaries with a simple Yup!, consider that they may not necessarily intend to agree with you.

As you can tell, I DON'T give a fuck what you or other people here call me.  I call things as I see it, like it or not.  

Posted By: minn4evr
where the first definition give for the term "hoe" is  
  1. A skank  
 2. A woman that is too loose in the booty.  
 3. Woman or man that fuck anything with two legs.  
 4. A promiscuous person.syn: slut  
 Is it just possible the term carries pejorative meaning that takes it out of the realm of pure description of a professional service?  
 But really, why do you care if people call you an ignorant, ungracious prick. It's not a value judgment. Purely descriptive. Your grammar is laughable; your posts clearly intended to create discord; and after 18 reviews I must assume you've got one. Purely descriptive.  
 Too bad it's so many syllables. Ig no rant un gray shus prik = 7 syllables. That's unwieldy. Maybe we could go with the acronym - IUP, pronounced Yup. That works! In future, if anyone responds to one of your elegant commentaries with a simple Yup!, consider that they may not necessarily intend to agree with you.

If you didn't care that people think you are a jerk, you wouldn't ask why people think you are a jerk.  

It's pretty clear you want everyone to embrace you as a lovable young curmudgeon that tells it like it is, but you just can't hate him 'cuz he's so wise. Good luck with that.  

At least your grammar improved.

It's interesting to watch the implosion of young Talon, a curmudgeon with such a promising future.

Hansolo984 reads

Posted By: talon199094
I call things as I see it, like it or not.  
I do too...

- If you have to constantly TELL people you drive a 911... you are a self absorbed wanker.  Hell you probably can't even really DRIVE it, so you just putt around trying to look all self important.

- Myself, as a real engineer I can say that; "software engineers" are not engineers... you write code, you don't engineer anything.  At most you're a glorified keyboard banger i.e. the drug addled streetwalker in the dark alley of the "engineer" world

2+2=41134 reads

The fact that you have reviews does not change the fact that you only use this board to create turmoil and hurt insult people people.  There are many obnoxious johns like you; most quietly hit on women on the streets in the spas or cruise BP. Their keep their contempt for the women they see and their juvenile bragging to themselves. You choose to play here.  You have nothing to offer this board.  You are not here to learn. We have had others like you, dirtyjesus comes to mind.  Someday you will go away, for now we will just have to put up with you. But you will be happy to know, that I am done responding to you--you aren't here to learn--don't feed a troll.

Don't go spending all your social security check on one hoe now.

Posted By: 2+2=4
The fact that you have reviews does not change the fact that you only use this board to create turmoil and hurt insult people people.  There are many obnoxious johns like you; most quietly hit on women on the streets in the spas or cruise BP. Their keep their contempt for the women they see and their juvenile bragging to themselves. You choose to play here.  You have nothing to offer this board.  You are not here to learn. We have had others like you, dirtyjesus comes to mind.  Someday you will go away, for now we will just have to put up with you. But you will be happy to know, that I am done responding to you--you aren't here to learn--don't feed a troll.

Even if you don't understand why it bothers people, it is clear it does.  That alone should give you reason to stop doing it; it unnecessarily annoys other people and accomplishes nothing useful.

Seems your right.   Why stop it, makes my day go by much faster.  My opinion is legit, on how I feel/think.  I don't think this is the same as calling someone the N word.  This I've never done, but I guess some people think its on the same level.  

Posted By: vorlon
Even if you don't understand why it bothers people, it is clear it does.  That alone should give you reason to stop doing it; it unnecessarily annoys other people and accomplishes nothing useful.

Would you go onto a Minority chat room and start slinging racial slurs???
Maybe you would...

It's not the same dumb ass.

Posted By: krampovbj
Would you go onto a Minority chat room and start slinging racial slurs???  
 Maybe you would...  

Oh, but I forgot...

you are a white Porsche 911 owner...

who wears a white baseball cap, (to work), as a software engineer...
only sees PROVIDERS under 30 with natural breasts...

is a self proclaimed "BREAST" expert at 20 something...

sees providers that are NEVER above a 6 in appearance and performance...

begs massage providers for BJ's...

gets BJ's, (and MORE), from DIY providers, with no history of doing that...

is looking for Mrs. Talon to be an 11, (when you are ready to settle down and bless some lucky girl with your presence)...

is an addicted thrill seeker to NON-reviewed BP girls...and then bitches about them...

yet is the most paranoid LE wary hobbyist on this board...

believes EVERYONE is jealous of his youth...
disrespects providers and hobbyists alike...

claims you do not care what people think or say about you, but yet retaliates to EVERY response...(with brilliant and original prose)....example..."its not the same dumb ass"

murders the English language in every post...(even as a college educated software engineer...NOT...)

Did I miss anything???

This still does not change my opinion of you at all...YOU ARE STILL MY FAVORITE POSTER...
Young and dumb and full of cum...nice...
thanks again for being you...

Ps.  I am anxiously awaiting your response...

PM' sometime so we can hang out...I love babysitting...

Also...Karma is a bitch...I'm just saying..

TCButtman873 reads


You should disappear already or change your handle and I will tell you why..

You are very fat  
and very short ....5'3" maybe??
Your dick disappears in between your rolls of fat
your parents didn't circumcised you.  
You were born in June.  
Bloomington is around the corner

what country are you from anyway? You make things so easy man.

Hasta la vista ;

So are you offended when someone calls you a "trick" or a "John" rather than a "hobbyist"?

Hell no, stop talking and keep working on the sloppy deep deep bbbj and clean up my dick when your done.   If I like your bbbj, I might come back otherwise have a great life.

Posted By: KiaLove
So are you offended when someone calls you a "trick" or a "John" rather than a "hobbyist"?

Well then touche... I am not offended by the term hoe personally.... In fact I use it myself, but I do understand why some girls would be. Regardless I was just curious about the male terminology stuff.

That's awesome, don't know why people get all worked up about it. Oh, well whatever, I do not care.  Life is too short, to be not fucking.  I may just let you lick some of the mess of my throbbing cock someday.

Posted By: KiaLove
Well then touche... I am not offended by the term hoe personally.... In fact I use it myself, but I do understand why some girls would be. Regardless I was just curious about the male terminology stuff.
-- Modified on 9/12/2014 11:51:10 AM

You know what a guy hates more than being thought of as bad, stupid or ignorant?  Not being thought of at all.  Who cares what this guy thinks?  His thoughts are not worth our thougthts.

I'm not a hobbyist.. I'm a monger, plain and simple.

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