60 and Over

I am in the group of no alcohol on the guy or myself
hbyist+truth=;( 571 reads

most definitely do not want to have any alcohol on board when working. I actually hate the smell of booze on anyone's breath. That will shut down DFK immediately.

Funny the topic of drinking just came up......I recently ran into this again.    My date (she is UTR so not a person reviewed here) offered me wine which I declined.  She was visibly annoyed.

I refrain from alcohol in any form before a date.  Two reasons - #1 Most of the women I see do not want you showing up smelling of alcohol.  #2 Its a depresant and I don't want my system depressed when I am meeting a lady for some intimate time.

My dates have told me they don't like to sees guys who have been drinking because they can become beligerant or be unable to perform and not be satisfied, or be unable to perform and insist on her trying to make it work.

For my part I don't drink like I did when I was 20-something anyway.  I cut back when I realized it was affecting my ability to fully enjoy sex.  I ditched a lot of other "bad" things at about the same time with positive results.  In any case I meet most of my lady friends in an area where there is a 0.0 tolerance for alcohol while driving.  Back in the old days I may have had a shot to steady my nerves when meeting someone new.  These days nerves are not a factor since with TER & other verification means I am confident that my date is going to be the person I am expecting and there will be no goons waiting in the closet.

I have on occasion shared a half glass of wine if it looked like my date was nervous about meeting a new guy and could use a bit of calming.

I'm curious - how do the other members of this group feel about alcohol and playtime?

No, I don't mix alcohol and hobby sex because it is a depressant as well as would blur the experience. I do accept cannabis if it is offered because it magnifies my pleasure.

I used to know a lady who would always have wine & hors d'oeuvres ready for her visitors and would get really irritated (though I don't believe she showed it) if the gentleman declined to have a glass.  To her thinking,  she had then opened and wasted a good bottle of wine for nothing.  She was angry about the waste of money, not that he didn't want to drink.  

Funny thing is, she really didn't like wine.... she just did that as part of her "classy" schtick.  LOL.

WICardinalfan497 reads

Sex first....wine later.......the replacement for the cigarette after.

I appreciate the extra effort if a provider were to go to all that trouble.  I usually bring the wine if we are meeting in the late afternoon and partake after.  

Before and during, I need all my focus and attention on the fun at hand.  

Just me

...and chilled waiting for them to show "classy" you are fine but if you pop it open before even knowing they want some is on you.  Also personal thing I don't want booze opened up before I arrive so I can see it was in fact brand-new.

I gave up alcohol about a dozen years ago - no particular reason other than it seemed the right thing to do. So that gives me the perfect excuse to politely decline (it is always accepted).

I have no problem with the other party having some, but certainly would walk out if she was drunk - though it has never happened

When young I was a premature ejaculater. I would often have more than a few drinks which improved my performance. These days, that is not a problem lol. That said, with all of my lady friends we have a small glass of wine to catch up before we start the fun part of the meeting.

that it is rude to turn down an offer for anything proffered in good spirits.  (No pun intended.)

Therefore, I always accept, but ask for just a small taste, then drink only a few sips.  (Unless it is unusually good wine. 8o)

In any case, I feel as you do that alcohol does not help very much with sex, so I certainly  do not overdo it before or after a session.

I will have a drink or maybe two if it is with dinner.

frankly I think she was a functioning alcoholic.  

I gave up alcohol many years ago because I can't tollerate the sugars.

I am a social drinker.. I have seen to many ladies in this Biz drink themselves down the river!!I open a bottle of whit wine for my Gents when they visit..and a sip or two is nice!
also i mix with Perier water..and ice!

hope all is well on the 60 plus board!
this board is Awsome!!

Not quite as suave as Bela Lugosi, but what the hell....

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I might offer, but certainly take no offense, if declined.  Also, alcohol does not mix well will all sorts of meds.   I think it would be a well prepare dhost to have an few alternatives available.  coffee or tea?  bottled water?  soft drinks or juices?    
It's not cool to open beverages except in the other's presence...  so if declined, it could remain sealed for another occasion.  
Interaction with LE on the road is certainly a valid reason not to drink.  I've hit Drunk Driving road blocks leaving a Christmas Party & was very glad that I did not drink as my companion had a couple of glasses of home made wine of varying strengths

I've shown up expecting nothing, all of a sudden she has an wants to do a shot of tequila. Another said she like wine another champagne so I brought it and we had it. Sometimes I'll offer it in our email exchanges, if she doesn't want it I'm ok with that.

....she shouldn't have assumed you would've wanted it. It's so much better to ask first if you can get them something to think and them give the options of what you've got. It sounds like this was a first date so if it was she didn't know if you were a recovering alcoholic or had a medical condition where you couldn't drive (I've met some older gents who couldn't even have a cocktail) etc etc etc.

I always offer something to drink for my incallers ... water, soda, tea, wine....whatever they would like. I personally am not a wine drinker, but will have a glass with them just to be polite and help them feel at ease if they would like one. Of course we don't sit around getting "drunk", and I have never had a gentleman show up smelling of alcohol.

most definitely do not want to have any alcohol on board when working. I actually hate the smell of booze on anyone's breath. That will shut down DFK immediately.

I  think we seldom drink more than 1 glass. It is often just one half a glass. If we go to dinner before play time it may a glass of wine or ice tea. One sweet lady I play with likes choclate wine but I prefer a red wine ao I get a bottle of her choice, which she will take home after playtime or leave it her if we plan to play soon at my place.

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